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Caroline Alexander, The War That Killed Achilles: The True Story of the Iliad. Allen and Unwin, 2010, 296pp.
A. al-Hassan and D. R. Hill, Islamic Technology. Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Robert M. Adams, 'Agriculture and Urban Life in Early Southwestern Iran', Science, CXXXVI, 1962, pp. 112-113.
Lesley and Roy Adkins, The Keys of Egypt: The Race to Read Their Hieroglyphics. 2001. (Also authors of The Little Book of Egyptian Hieroglyphs, explaining history and development of that language).
N. Agnew, (Ed.), Conservation of Ancient Sites on the Silk Road. 1997.
Usha Agrawal, Directory of Museums in India. New Delhi, Sundeep, 2000.
Otto Ahlstrom, 'Swedish Vikings Used Optical Lenses',
The Optician, London, 19 May, 1950., pp. 459-462.
(Cited in Robert Temple, The Crystal Sun)
Frank P. Albright, Archaeological Discoveries in South Arabia. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1958.
W. F. Albright, The Archaeology of Palestine. (Revised) Penguin, 1956.
W. F. Albright, Archaeology and the Religion of Israel. Baltimore, 1946.
W. F. Albright, From the Stone Age to Christianity. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1940.
Cyril Aldred, Akhenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt: A New Study. London, Abacus, 1972 edn.
Cyril Aldred, Akhenaten and Nefertiti. The Brooklyn Museum, 1973.
Cyril Aldred, Akhenaten: King of Egypt. London, Thames and Hudson, 1988.
Miranda Aldhouse Green, Dying for the Gods. 2001.
Pat Alexander, The Lion Encyclopedia of the Bible. Lion Publishing, 1994.
William Alexander and Arthur Street, Metals in the Service of Man. Pelican, 1962.
Tony Allan et al, Myth and Mankind: Land of the Dragon. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (On the mythological/prehistorical roots of China)
Bridget and Raymond Allchin, The Birth of Indian Civilization: India and Pakistan before 500BC. Pelican Original, 1968.
Richard H. Allen, Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning. New York, Dover Publications, 1963.
John Marco Allegro, The Treasure of the Copper Scroll. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1960.
Heather Amery, Mammoth Hunt. 1987.
J. G. Anderson, 'Researches into the Prehistory of the Chinese', Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, Bulletin, XIV, 1943.
J. Gunnar Andersson, Children of the Yellow Earth. London, Kegan, Paul, Trench and Trubner, 1934.
Irina Antonova, Vladimir Tolstikov and Mikhail Treister, The Gold of Troy: Searching for Homer's Fabled City. London, Thames and Hudson, 1996.
Rick Archibold and Rosalie David, Conversations with Mummies. 2000.
Karen Armstrong, A History of God: From Abraham to the Present: The 4000-Year Quest for God.. London, Mandarin, 1994.
D. C. Ashlimann, (Trans.), Human Sacrifice in Legends and Myths. 1998.
R. J. C. Atkinson, Stonehenge. London, Hamish Hamilton, 1956.
David Attenborough, The Blue Planet. Hardcover book and video, 2001? (A natural history of the oceans)
Anthony Aveni, Skywatchers: A Revised and Updated Version of Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico. 2001.
C. Ashlimann, (Trans.), Human Sacrifice in Legends and Myths. 1998.
Elizabeth P. Benson and Anita Gwynn Cook, (Eds.), Ritual Sacrifice in Ancient Peru. 2001.
Mary Bowman-Kruhm, The Leakeys. Prometheus Books, 2010, 183pp.
Ludwig Bachhofer, A Short History of Chinese Art. London, Batsford, 1947.
Rao Bahadur, Aspects of Ancient Indian Economic Thought. Benares, 1934.
P. Bahn and J. Vertut, Images of the Ice Age. Facts on File, 1988.
Paul Bahn, (Ed.), The Cambridge Illustrated History of Archaeology. CUP, 1996.
Paul G. Bahn, (Editor) , Tombs, Graves and Mummies: 50 Discoveries in World Archaeology. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1997.
Donald Bahr et al, Short Swift Time of Gods on Earth. 1994.
Michael Balfour, Stonehenge and Its Mysteries. London, Hutchinson, 1979.
Balsiger and Sellier's, In Search of Noah's Ark. ??
Michael Balter, The Goddess and the Bull: Catalhoyuk: An Archaeological Journey to the Dawn of Civilization. Simon and Schuster, 2006, 400pp.
Narayanchandra Bandyopadhyaya, Economic Life and Progress in Ancient India: Hindu Period. (Edn. 2) University of Calcutta Press, 1945.
Richard Barber, A Companion to World Mythology. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Kestrel/Penguin, 1979. (Graves etc.)
Paul Bairoch, Cities and Economic Development: From the Dawn of History to the Present. nd?
W. B. Barker, 'The Nineveh Lens', British Journal of
Physiological Optics, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1930., pp.
(Cited in Robert Temple, The Crystal Sun)
Kishor K. Basa, et al, (Eds.), Archaeology of Orissa. Two vols. Delhi, Pratibha, 2000.
H. C. Beck,'Ancient Magnifying Glasses', The
Antiquaries Journal, Vol. 8, 1928., pp. 328-330.
(Cited in Robert Temple, The Crystal Sun)
John Beddoe, The Anthropological History of Europe. The Rhind Lectureship in Archaeology. Washingtson, DC, Scott-Townsend Publishers. Reprint of the 1912 edn. (On origin of the Indo-Europeans or Aryans.)
Antonio Beltrán, (Ed.), The Cave of Altamira. 1999.
Shoshana Ben-Dor, The Religious Background of Beta Israel, Saga of Aliyah. Jerusalem, 1993.
Nachman Ben-Yehuda, Sacrificing Truth: Archaeology and the Myth of Masada. 2002.
Elizabeth P. Benson and Anita Gwynn Cook, (Eds.), Ritual Sacrifice in Ancient Peru. 2001.
Folke Bergman, Archaeological Researches in Sinkiang. Stockholm, Bokforlags Aktienbolaget Thule, 1939.
S. H. Bergman, Faith and Reason. Hewbrew University, Israel, 1975.
Ronald M. Berndt and Catherine H. Berndt, Aboriginal Man in Australia. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1965.
R. M. and C. H. Berndt, The World of the First Australians. Sydney, Ure Smith, 1977 Edn 2.
Julius A. Bewer, The Literature of the Old Testament. (Revised) New York, Columbia University Press, 1938.
Geoffrey Bibby, Four Thousand Years Ago: A Panorama of Life in the Second Millennium. Penguin, 1961-1962.
T. Biolsi and L. Zimmerman, (Eds.), Indians and Anthropologists: Vine Deloria, Jr., and the Critique of Anthropology. 1997.
Sara Bisel, et al, The Secrets of Vesuvius. 1990.
C. W. Bishop, Origin of the Far Eastern Civilizations. Smithsonian Institution War Background Studies, No, 1, 1942.
Carl W. Blegan, et al, Troy. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press.
Howard Blum, The Gold of the Exodus. 1998.
Mary Taliaferro Boatwright, Hadrian and the City of Rome. 1987.
Helen K. Bond, Pontius Pilate in History and Interpretation. CUP, 249pp., 1999.
Gregory Borovka, Scythian Art. New York, Frederick A. Stokes, 1928.
A. Bouldurian and J. L. Cotter, Clovis Revisited: New Perspectives on Paleoindian Adaptations from Blackwater Draw, New Mexico. 1999.
B. Bradley and G. Frison, The Fenn Cache: Clovis Weapons and Tools. 1999.
R. Bradley, The Prehistorical Settlement of Britain. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978.
R. J. Braidwood, Prehistorical Men. Glenview, Scott, Foresman and Co., 1967. III
W. Bray, Everyday Life of the Aztecs. Batsford, 1968.
James Henry Breasted, The Dawn of Conscience. Prentice Hall, 1976.
J. H. Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt. Vol. II. Russell and Russell, 1906.
James Henry Breasted, A History of Egypt. London, 1905.
Bob Brier, Egyptian Mummies: Unravelling The Secrets Of An Ancient Art. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (With some material on use of modern technology, eg, DNA, x-rays and CAT scans)
Robert Briffault, The Mothers. London, Allen and Unwin, 1927. (On female deities and priestesses.)
Sir David Brewster, 'On a Rock-Crystal Lens and Decomposed
Glass found at Nineveh', American Journal of Science,
Vol. 2, No. 15, 1853., pp. 122-13.
(Cited in Robert Temple, The Crystal Sun)
Hugh Brody, The Other Side of Eden: Hunter-Gatherers, Farmers and the Shaping of the World. nd, Remaindered, 2003.
Peter Lancaster Brown, Megaliths, Myth and Men. London, Blandford Press, 1976.
W. R. F. Browning, Oxford Dictionary of the Bible. Nd?
J. V. Bruce, The End of Atlantis: New Lights on an Old Legend. London, Thames and Hudson, 1969.
Heinrich Brugsch-Bey, Egypt Under The Pharaohs. London, Bracken Books, 1996. Orig. in 1902.
R. S. Brumbaugh, Ancient Greek Gadgets and Machines. Greenwood Press, 1966.
E. A. Wallis Budge, The Mummy. Outlet Book. Co., 1989.
E. A. Wallis Budge, Egyptian Religion. Gramercy Books, 1995.
Ernest A. Wallis Budge, The Book of the Dead. Gramercy Books, 1995.
Orville H. Bullitt, Search for Sybaris. New York, J. B. Lippincott, 1969.
V. L. Bullough, Sexual Variance in Society and History. University of Chicago Press, 1976.
C. Burgess, The Age of Stonehenge. London, Dent, 1980.
G. Cadogan, Palaces of Minoan Crete. London, Barrie and Jenkins, 1976.
Walter Burket, Rene Girard and Jonathan Z. Smith, Violent Origins: Ritual Killing and Cultural Formation. nd?
A. R. Burn, Minoans, Philistines and Greeks, 1400BC-900BC. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1930.
John Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy. (Fourth Edn) London, Black, 1930.
Theodore Burton-Brown, Early Mediterranean Migrations. Manchester University Press, 1959.
J. D. Bygott, 'Cannibalism among Wild Chimpanzees,' Nature, 18 August, 1972.
Walter Burket, Rene Girard and Jonathan Z. Smith, Violent Origins: Ritual Killing and Cultural Formation. nd?
Julius Caesar, The Gallic War.
George G. Cameron, History of Early Iran. University of Chicago Press, 1936.
R. Cameron, A Concise Economic History of the World: From Paleolithic Times to the Present. Third edition. Oxford University Press, 1997.
Joseph Campbell,The Way of the Animal Powers: A Historical Atlas Of World Mythology. Vol. 1. London, Times Books, 1984.
Pedro Canasco, The Tenochca Empire of Ancient Mexico: The Triple Alliance of Tenochtitlan, Tetzcoco and Tlacopan. University of Oklahoma Press, 1999.
Roberto Cassanelli, et al, Houses and Monuments of Pompeii and Ruins of Ancient Rome. 2002.
May Castleberry, (Ed.), New World's Old World: Photographic Views of Ancient America. 2003.
Michael Cave, (Illustrations by Robert Ingpen), Fabulous Places of Myth: A Journey to Camelot, Atlantis, Valhalla and Babylon. Lothian, 1998.
N. K. Chadwick, The Druids. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1966.
Dev Raj Chanana, Slavery in Ancient India, as depicted in Pali and Sanskrit Texts. New Delhi, 1960.
Jean-Marie Chauvet, Eliette Brunel Deschamps, and Christian Hillaire, Dawn of Art: The Chauvet Cave. 1996.
Li Chi, The Beginnings of Chinese Civilization. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1957.
K. C. Chang, (Ed.), Food in Chinese Culture. Yale University Press, 1977.
James C. Chatters, Ancient Encounters: Kennewick Man and the First Americans. 2001.
V. G. Childe, Skara Brae. Kegan Paul, 1931.
V. G. Childe, The Prehistory of European Society. Pelican, 1957. (With material on early metallurgy, trade routes for metal ingots, early technology)
V. Gordon Childe, What Happened in History. Penguin, 1943.
Gordon Childe, The Aryans: A Study of Indo-European Origins. New York, Alfred Knopf, 1926.
Jane Chisholm, Living in Prehistoric Times. 1982.
David Christian, Maps of Time: An Introduction to Big History. University of California Press. 2004, 642pp.
Chinese Academy of Sciences (Institute for the History of Natural Sciences), Ancient China's Technology and Science. Peking, Foreign Languages Press, 1983.
Carolo M. Cipolla, (Ed.), The Economic Decline of Empires. London, Methuen, 1970.
Christopher Clapham, 'The Falasha Fallacy', The Times Literary Supplement, 10, September 1993.
G. Clarke, World Prehistory in New Perspective. Cambridge, CUP, 1977.
G. Clark, World Prehistory: A New Outline. Cambridge University Press, 1969.
G. Clark and S. Piggot, Prehistorical Societies. London, Hutchinson, 1965.
J. Desmond Clark, The Prehistory of Africa. 1970.
J. G. D. Clark, 'New World Origins', Antiquity, XIV, 1940., pp. 128ff.
J. G. D. Clark, Prehistoric Europe: The Economic Basis. New York, Methuen, 1952.
John Grahame Douglas Clark, World Prehistory: An Outline. CUP, 1961.
John R. Clark, Roman Sex. 2003.
R. T. Rundle Clark, Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt. London, Thames and Hudson, 1988.
Peter A. Clayton, Chronicles of the Pharaohs. London, Thames and Hudson, 1998.
Peter Clayton and Martin Price, (Eds.), The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 1995.
Jean Clottes, World Rock Art. 2002.
Jean Clottes and Jean Courtin, The Cave Beneath the Sea: Paleolithic Images of Cosquer. 1996.
Preston Cloud, Oasis in Space: Earth History from the Beginning. New York, Norton, 1988.
Sonia Cole, Leakey's Luck. 1975. (Biography)
Sonia Cole, nd, The Neolithic Revolution. British Museum/Natural History, nd?
M. D. Coe, D. Snow and Benson, Atlas of Ancient America. Facts on File, 1986.
Michael Coe, Reading the Maya Glyphs. 2001.
J. S. Coles and A. F. Hardinge, The Bronze Age in Europe. London, Methuen, 1979.
Andrew Collins, Gods of Eden: Egypt's Lost Legacy and the Genesis of Civilisation. London, Headline Book Publishing, 1998.
M. Collins and M. Kay, Clovis Blade Technology: A Comparative Study of the Kevin Davis Cache, Texas. 1999.
Michael Cook, A Brief History of the Human Race. 2003.
A. Coomaraswamy, The Bugbear Of Literacy. London, 1947.
Graham Connah, The Archaeology of Australia's History. CUP, 1988.
G. J. Mulvaney Connah, and D. Hobbs, The Archaeology of Australia's History. 1994.
William R. Corliss, Strange Artifacts: A Sourcebook on Ancient Man. Privately published. Glen Arm, Maryland, USA, The Sourcebook Project. Volume M-2. 1976. (Cited in Robert Temple, The Crystal Sun)
F. M. Cornford, From Religion to Philosophy: A Study in the Origins of Western Speculation. London, Edward Arnold, 1912.
R. Corson, Fashions in Makeup. Peter Owen, 1972.
Cosmology Cosmology Cosmology
Sources The Aristotelian cosmos is described in his
Physics and On the Heavens. See also The Complete
Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation, Ed.
Jonathan Barnes, 2 vols. Princeton, Princeton University Press,
1984. On the relationship between Greek cosmology and astronomy,
see B. R. Goldstein and A. C. Bowen, A New View of Early Greek
Astronomy, Isis, 74 (1983): pp. 330-340. And Thomas S.
Kuhn, The Copernican Revolution, Cambridge, Harvard
University Press, 1957. The best translation of the Almagest
is Ptolemy's Almagest, trans. G. J. Toomer, London,
Duckworth, New York, Springer Verlag, 1984. For expositions of
technical detail on the Ptolemaic System, Olaf Pedersen, A
Survey of the Almagest, Odense, Odense University Press,
J. K. Cotter and A. Bouldurian, Clovis Revisited: New Perspectives on Paleoindian Adaptations from Blackwater Draw, New Mexico. 1999.
John L. Cotter, Daniel G. Roberts, and Michael Parrington, The Buried Past: Archaeological History of Philadelphia. 1992.
Leonard Cottrell, Lost Cities: How they were built, Who lived in them, How they were found again. London, Pan, 1957. Cottrell also writes: The Bull of Minos, The Lost Pharoahs, Wonders of Antiquity, Enemy of Rome.
Leonard Cottrell, The Lost Pharaohs. London, Pan, 1960.
Leonard Cottrell, The Great Invasion: How the Romans Conquered Britain. London, Pan Piper, 1963.
Leonard Cottrell, The Anvil of Civilization: An Archaeological History of the Earliest Egyptians, Hittites, Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks and Jews. New York, New American Library. 1960 edn.
M. A. Crawford and A. J. Sinclair, 'Nutritional Influences on the Evolution of the Mammalian Brain', CIBA Foundation Symposium, October, 1971.
H. G. Creel, The Birth of China. pub?
H. G. Creel, Studies in Early Chinese Culture. Baltimore, Waverly Press, 1937.
Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City. Anchor, nd
Michael J. Crowe, Theories of the World from Antiquity to the Copernican Revolution. New York, Dover, 1990.
Barry Cunliffe, The Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe. 1994.
E. C. Curwen, 'The Furrows in Prehistoric Fields in Denmark', Antiquity, XX, 1946., pp. 38-39.
C. Curwen, Plough and Pasture: The Early History of Farming. New York, Henry Schuman, 1953.
Nigel Davies, Human Sacrifice: In History and Today. New York, William Morrow, 1981.
A. de Buck and A. H. Gardiner, (Eds.), The Egyptian Coffin Texts. Oriental Institute Publications, 34, 1935.
L. Sprague de Camp, The Ancient Engineers: Technology and Invention from the Earliest Times to the Renaissance. New York, Barnes and Noble, 1993.
Raymonde de Gans, Toutankhamon. Paris, Editions de L'Erable, 1968.
Christopher de Hamel, The Book: A History of the Bible. Phaidon, 2001.
Byron De Prorok, The Settlement of the Americas: A New Prehistory. 2000.
Roland de Vaux, Archaeology and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Oxford University Press, 1959.
F. Dahlberg, Woman the Gatherer. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1981.
Glyn Daniel, The First Civilizations: The Archaeology of their Origins. London, Thames and Hudson, 1968.
A. R. David and E. Tapp, (Eds.), Evidence Embalmed. Manchester University Press, 1984.
T. W. Rhys Davids, Buddhist India. New York, Putnam's Sons, 1903.
N. de G. Davies, The Rock Tombs of El Amarna. Part V. The Egypt Exploration Fund, 1908.
John Davies, The Celts. Cassell, 2001, 192pp. (Cultural, archaeological, historical, on origins, development)
James Davidson, Courtesans and Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens. Fontana, 1998.
Philip Davies, George Brooke, and Phillip Callaway, The Complete World of the Dead Sea Scrolls. 2002.
Nigel Davies, Human Sacrifice: In History and Today. New York, William Morrow, 1981.
M. Daumas, A History of Technology and Invention. John Murray, 1969.
J. Deetz, In Small Things Forgotten: An Archaeology of Early American Life. 1996.
Jean Delumeau, History of Paradise: The Garden of Eden in Myth and Tradition. (Translated by Matthew O'Connell) New York, Continuum, 1995.
Daniel C. Dennett. Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon.: Allen Lane, 2006, 480pp. (Reviewer highly approves, the thesis is about "evolution")
Leo Deuel, The Treasures of Time: First Hand Account by Famous Archaeologists of their Work in the Near East. London, Souvenir Press, 1962.
Elaine Dewar, Bones: Discovering the First Americans. 2002.
Maneckji N. Dhalla, History of Zoroastrianism. New York, Oxford of University Press, 1938.
Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everybody for the Last 13,000 Years. Village, 1998.
Tom Dillehay, Monte Verde: A Late Pleistocene Settlement in Chile. 1997.
M. Dillon and N. K. Chadwick, The Celtic Realm. London, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1967.
Siculus Diodorus, Library of History. nd?
David Diringer, The Alphabet: A Key to the History of Mankind. New York, Philosophical Library, 1948.
James E. Dixon, Bones, Boats, and Bison. 1999.
Pierson Dixon, The Iberians of Spain and Their Relations with the Aegean World. Oxford University Press, 1940.
Trude Dothan and Moshe Dothan, People of the Sea: The Search for the Philistines. 1992.
Roger Downey, Riddle of the Bones: Politics, Science, Race, and the Story of Kennewick Man. 2000.
A. G. Drachmann, The Mechanical Technology of Greek and Roman Antiquity. Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1963.
G. R. Driver, The Hebrew Scrolls from the Neighbourhood of Jericho and the Dead Sea. Oxford University Press, 1951.
David Ewing Duncan, The Calendar. Fourth Estate, 1999. 360pp. [Histories of calendars]
N. K. Dutt, Origin and Growth of Caste in India. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1931.
Wolfram Eberhard, Conquerors and Rulers: Social Forces in Medieval China. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1952.
Elwyn Hartley Edwards, Horses: Their Role in the History of Man. London, Grafton Books, 1987.
E. Eggerbrecht, N. Grube, and M. Seidel, (Eds.), Maya: Divine Kings of the Rain Forest. 2002.
Robert Eisenman and Michael Wise, The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered. Penguin Books, 1993. (See Eisenman's book of 2002, James, The Brother of Jesus. Highly recommended - Ed)
The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavation in the Holy Land. Simon and Schuster, 1993.
Robert M. Engberg, The Hyksos Reconsidered. University of Chicago Press, 1939.
Ivan Engnell, Studies in Divine Kingship in the Ancient Near East. Uppsala, Almqvist and Wiksell Boktyckeri, A. B., 1943.
A. Evans, The Palace of Minos. London, Macmillan, 1921-24.
Sir Arthur Evans, The Palace of Minos. London, Macmillan, 1921.
John Davies Evans, Malta. London, Thames and Hudson, 1959.
B. M. Fagan, People of the Earth: An Introduction to World Prehistory. Sixth edition. Glenview, Scott-Foresman, 1989.
B. M. Fagan and C.E. Orser, Jr., Historical Archaeology. 1995.
Christopher A. Faraone, Ancient Greek Love Magic. London, Harvard University Press, 1999.
Paul Farnsworth, Island Lives: Historical Archaeologies of the Caribbean. 2001.
Benjamin Farrington, Greek Science II: Its Meaning for Us. Pelican, 1949.
R. O. Faulkner, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Oxford, 1969.
Robert Feather, The Copper Scroll Decoded: One Man's Search
for the Fabulous Treasures of Ancient Egypt. London,
Thorsons/HarperCollins, 1999. (See: http://www.thorsons.com/)
Bruce Feiler, Walking the Bible: A Journey by Land Through the Five Books of Moses. HarperCollins, 2001-2002, 449pp.
L. Ferguson, Uncommon Ground: Archaeology and Early African America, 1650-1800. 1992.
Jack Finegan, Light from the Ancient Past: The Archaeological Background of Hebrew-Christian Religion. Princeton University Press, 1946.
Jack Finegan, The Archaeology of World Religions. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1952.
J. Filip, Celtic Civilization and Its Heritage. Prague, Academia, 1977.
Moses I. Finley, The World of Odysseus. Meridian paperback, New York, 1959. (Treating also the origins of slavery)
Finley - Views on Rome: "The city of Rome has never been an important center of trade... Perhaps no major city in Western history has had so little commercial and economic importance as has ancient, medieval and modern Rome... (William I. Davisson and James E. Harper.) Also, "From the time Rome became an Imperial city until today she has been a parasite city, living on gifts, rents, taxes, tribute. That does not make Rome any less a city, only a different kind of city from Genoa." (Sir Moses I. Finley)
Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Responses to 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Paulist Press, 1992.
J. D. Fleming, 'The State of the Apes', Psychology Today, January 1974.
Herbert J. Fleure, The Way of the Sea. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1929.
R. J. Forbes, Metallurgy in Antiquity. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1950.
R. G. Forbes, Studies in Ancient Technology. Edn 2. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 9 Vols., 1964-1972.
C. Darryl Forde, 'Early Cultures of Atlantic Europe', American Anthropologist, XXXII, 1930., pp. 19-100.
Henri Frankfort et al, Before Philosophy: The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man: An Essay on Speculative Thought in the Ancient Near East. Penguin, 1968. (First pub., University of Chicago Press, 1946).
Henri Frankfort, et al, Before Philosophy. Penguin, 1941.
Henri Frankfort, Kingship and the Gods. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1948.
Henri Frankfort, Cylinder Seals. London, Macmillan, 1939. (Mesopotamia)
Henri Frankfort, Ancient Egyptian Religion. New York, Columbia University Press, 1948.
H. Frankfort and J. D. S. Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten, Part II. Oxford University Press, 1933.
Charles Freeman, The Greek Achievement. Penguin, 2001, 494pp.
John M. Fritz and George Michell, (Eds.), New Light on Hampi. 2001.
Colin B. Fryer, 'Glass and Lenses in Ancient Times',
The Optician, Vol. 195, No. 5139, London, 11 March 1988.,
pp. 21-33.
(Cited in Robert Temple, The Crystal Sun)
Rene Girard, Violence and the Sacred. Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press, 1977.
Alberto Whitney Green, The Role of Human Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East. Missoula, Montana, Scholars Press, 1975.
Ada Gabucci, (Ed.), The Colosseum. 2001.
Roy Gallant, Ancient Indians: The First Americans. 1989.
Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings: The Pendragon Legacy of Adam and Eve. London, Bantam, 1999. ISBN 0593 044304
H. Garland and C. O. Bannister, Ancient Egyptian Metallurgy. Charles Griffen and Co., 1926.
Peter Garnsey, Keith Hopkins and C. R. Whittaker, Trade in the Ancient Economy. London, Chatto and Windus/Hogarth Press, 1983.
Walter Gasson, 'The Oldest Lens in the World: A Critical Study of the Layard Lens', The Opthalmic Optician, 9 December, 1972., pp. 1267-1272. (Cited in Robert Temple, The Crystal Sun)
Aniruddh Singh Gaur, Harappan Maritime Legacies of Gujarat. New Delhi, Asian Pub., 2000. (Deals with maritime aspects of Indus civilization 300BC to 1500BC in Gujarat Province.)
Ignace J. Gelb, Hurrians and Subarians. University of Chicago Press, 1944.
Ignace J. Gelb, A Study of Writing. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1952.
Bérénice Geoffroy-Schneiter, Gandhara: The Memory of Afghanistan. 2001.
Phillipe Germond, An Egyptian Bestiary: Animals in Life and Religion in the Land of the Pharaohs. 2001.
R. Ghirshman, Iran. Pelican, nd. (Persia from earliest times).
Jon Gibson, The Ancient Mounds of Poverty Point: Place of Rings. 2001. (American archaeology)
R. J. Gillings, Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs. Cambridge MA, Harvard University Press, 1972.
Stephen R. K. Glanville, The Legacy of Egypt. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1942.
Rupert Gleadow, The Origin of the Zodiac. London, Jonathan Cape, 1968.
Herrlee Glessner Creel, The Birth of China. London, Jonathan Cape, 1936.
P. Glob, The Mound People. London, Faber, 1974.
T. R. Glover, The Ancient World. Pelican, nd.
J. Godwin, Arktos: The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism and Nazi Survival. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1993.)
Thomas Goldstein, Dawn of Modern Science: From the Ancient Greeks to the Renaissance. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1980.
A. W. Gomme, History Of Greece. (Eyre, nd)
Jane Goodall and Hugo van Lawick, Innocent Killers. 1970s.
Barry Gordon, Economic Analysis Before Adam Smith: Hesiod to Lessius. London, Macmillan, 1975.
D. H. Gordon, The Prehistoric Background of Indian Culture. Bombay, N. M. Tripathi Ltd., 1958.
D. H. Gordon, 'The Early Use of Metals in India and Pakistan', Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, LXXX, 1950., pp. 55-78.
J. W. Graham, The Palaces of Crete. New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1962.
Michael Grant, A Short History of Classical Civilization. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1991.
Miranda Green, (Ed.), The Celtic World. 1995.
James R. Gregg, The Story of Optometry. New York, Ronald Press Company, 1965.
F. Griffith, Stories of the High Priests of Memphis. Oxford, 1900.
L. V. Grinsell, 'The Legendary History and Folklore of Stonehenge', Folklore, Vol. 87, 1976.
George B. Grundy, The Great Persian War. London, John Murray, 1901.
O. R. Gurney, The Hittites. Pelican, 1969 edn.
Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo and Eugenia Equini Schneider, Petra. 2002.
Christopher Hitchens, The Parthenon Marbles. Verso, 2008, 161pp.
Evan Haddingham, Secrets of the Ice Age. Heinemann, 1979.
D. G. E Hall, A History of Southeast Asia. New York, St. Martins Press, 1955.
William W. Hallo and William Kelly Simpson, The Ancient Near East: A History. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971.
Nagarajaiah Hampa, A History of the Early Ganga Monarchy and Jainism. Bangalore, Ankita Pustaka, 1999.
Graham Hancock, The Sign and the Seal. Mandarin, 1993.
Charles Hapgood, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings: Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age. Turnstone Books, 1979. (A maritime power is based on Antarctica before 4000BC) (Hapgood also writes, Earth's Shifting Crust, 1959; and The Path of the Pole on moving tectonic plates)
Donald Harden, The Phoenicians. New York, Pelican Books, 1980.
H. A. Harris, Sport in Greece and Rome. Thames and Hudson, 1972.
Charles Harris and Louis Sadler, The Archaeologist Was a Spy. 2003.
Zahi Hawass, Valley of the Golden Mummies. 2000.
C. F. C. Hawkes, The Prehistoric Foundations of Europe to the Mycenaean Age. London, Methuen, 1940.
Jacquetta Hawkes, (Ed.), Atlas of Ancient Archaeology. London, Heinemann, 1974.
J. Hawkes and L. Wooley, Prehistory and the Beginnings of Civilization. Allen and Unwin, 1963.
Gerald Hawkins, Stonehenge Decoded. London, Souvenir Press, 1966.
William C. Hayes, The Scepter of Egypt. Part I. From the Earliest Times to the End of the Middle Kingdom. New York, Harper Bros., 1953.
Fritz M. Heichelheim, An Ancient Economic History: From the Paleolithic Age to the Migrations of the Germanic, Slavic and Arab Nations. (In Vols.) Leiden, 1958 (Very useful on ancient views on usury)
Herodutus, The Histories. (Various editions)
Ernst Herzfeld, Archaeological History of Iran. Oxford University Press, 1935.
Ernst Herzfeld, Iran in the Ancient East. New York/London, OUP, 1941.
Ernst Herzfeld, Zoroaster and His World. Two Vols. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1947.
Thor Heyerdahl, Easter Island: The Mystery Solved. 1989.
Charles Higham, The Civilization of Angkor. 2001.
R. Hill, A History of Engineering in Classical and Medieval Times. Croom Helm, 1984.
Bruce Hilpert and R. Gwinn Vivian, The Chaco Handbook: An Encyclopedic Guide. 2002.
John R. Hinnells, (Ed.), Mithraic Studies: Proceedings of the First International Congress of Mithraic Studies. Manchester University Press, Rowman and Littlefield, 1975. Two Vols.
H. Hodges, Technology in the Ancient World. Penguin, 1970.
R. Ross Holloway, The Archaeology of Ancient Sicily. 1991.
S. Hood, The Minoans. London, Thames and Hudson, 1971.
Murray Hope, The Way Of Cartouche: An Oracle of Ancient Egyptian Magic. London, Angus and Robertson, 1985.
Professor Horner, On Spectacles: Their History and Uses. London, 1887.
Patrick Houlihan, Wit and Humor in Ancient Egypt. 2001.
William W. Howells, The Distribution of Man, in Scientific American, CCIII, September, 1960., pp. 113-127.
F. Clark Howell, 'The Place of Neanderthal Man in Human Evolution', American Journal of Physical Anthropology, IX, 1951., pp. 409-412.
K. J. Hsu, 'When the Mediterranean Dried Up', Scientific American, December, 1972. (Also, Nature, 23 March, 1973).
Emmanuelle Hubert, 'Gazetteer of mysterious sites around the world', pp. 297-318 in Reader's Digest, The World's Last Mysteries. Sydney, Reader's Digest Association Far East Ltd., 1976-1978.
Charles Hudson, Conversations With the High Priest of Coosa. 2003. (American archaeology)
Noël Hume, Historical Archaeology. I.. 1975.
R. W. Hutchinson, Prehistoric Crete. Pelican, 1962.
J. H. Hutton, Caste in India: Its Nature, Function and Origins. Cambridge University Press, 1946.
Salima Ikram, The Mummy in Ancient Egypt. 2000.
Martin Isler, Sticks, Stones, and Shadows: Building the Egyptian Pyramids. 2001.
Glynn Isaac, 'The Diet of Early Man', World Archaeology, February, 1971.
Robert B. Jackson, At Empire's Edge: Exploring Rome's Egyptian Frontier. 2002.
R. Jackson, Doctors and Diseases in the Roman Empire. British Museum, 1988.
Thorkild Jacobsen, 'The Assumed Conflict between Sumerians and Semites in Early Mesopotamian History', Journal of the American Oriental Society, LIX, 1939., pp. 485-492.
Thorkild Jacobsen, The Sumerian King List. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1939.
Thorkild Jacobsen, 'The Relative Roles of Technology and Literacy in the Development of Old World Civilization', in Human Origins, a set of readings for Anthropology, University of Chicago Press, 1946.
Thorkild Jacobsen, 'Primitive Democracy in Ancient Mesopotamia', Journal of Near Eastern Studies, II, 1943, pp. 159-172.
Thorkild Jacobsen and Robert M. Adams, 'Salt and Silt in Ancient Mesopotamian Agriculture,' Science, CXXVIII, 1958, pp. 1251-1258.
T. G. James, Tutankhamun. 2000.
P. James, I. J. Thorpe, N. Kokkinnos, R. Morkot and J. Frankish, Centuries of Darkness. Jonathan Cape, Rutgers University Press, 1993.
M. R. James, (Ed.), The Apocryphal New Testament. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1972.
Peter James and Nick Thorpe, Ancient Inventions. London, Michael O'Mara Books Ltd., Ballantine, 1996.
M. Jansen, 'Water Supply and Sewage Disposal at Mohenjo-Daro', World Archaeology, 21, 1989., pp. 177-192.
Julian Jaynes, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Penguin, 1982 edn.
N. Jha and N. S. Rajaram, The Deciphered Indus Script: Methodology, readings and interpretations. ISBN 81-7742-015-1. Published 1999-2000? (On the Indus Valley civilization, also known as The Harappan)
A. H. M. Jones, Augustus. London, Chatto and Windus, 1970.
Martin Jones, The Molecule Hunt: Archaeology and the Search for Ancient DNA. 2001.
Steve Jones, In the Blood: God, Genes and Destiny. HarperCollins, 1996.
Flavius Josephus, Life and Times of Flavius Josephus: The Learned and Authentic Jewish Historian and Celebrated Warrior. (Trans. William Whiston), Philadelphia, John C. Winston Co., 1957.
Gerrit P. Judd, A History of Civilization. London, Macmillan, 1966.
Jon Kalb, Adventures in the Bone Trade: The Race to Discover Human Ancestors in Ethiopia's Afar Depression. 2001.
G. Kamalakar et al, (Ed.), South Indian Archaeology. Delhi, Bharatiya Kala Prak., 2000.
Helene J. Kantor, The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium BC. Archaeological Institute of America, Monograph No. 1, Bloomington, Indiana, Principia Press, 1947.
Helene J. Kantor, 'The Early Relations of Egypt with Asia', Journal of Near Eastern Studies, I, 1945, pp. 174-213. ibid same journal in 1952, XI, 'Further Evidence for Early Mesopotamian Relations with Egypt', pp. 239-250.
Helene J. Kantor, 'The Early Relations of Egypt with Asia', Journal of Near Eastern Studies, I, 1945., pp. 174-213.
Vassos Karageorghis, Ancient Art from Cyprus: The Cesnola Collection. 2000.
Noboru Karashima, (Ed.), Kingship in Indian History. New Delhi, Manohar Pub and Dist., 1999.
P. C. Kashyap, Living Pre-Rigvedic and Early Rigvedic Traditions of Himalayas. Delhi, Pratibha, 2000.
Lawrence H. Keeley, War Before Civilization. 1996.
Joyce Kelly, An Archaeological Guide to Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. 1993.
Werner Keller, The Bible as History: Archaeology confirms the Book of Books. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1969 edn.
Kathleen M. Kenyon, 'Jericho and Its Setting in Near Eastern History', Antiquity, XXX, 1955., pp. 184-194.
Kathleen M. Kenyon, Digging Up Jericho. London, E. Benn, 1957.
Kathleen M. Kenyon, (Revised by P. R. S. Mooney), The Bible and Recent Archaeology. British Museum Publications, 1987.
David Kessler, The Falashas: A Short History of the Ethiopian Jews. Frank Cass, 1996.
Henry C. King, 'Lenses in Antiquity', The
Optician, London, 12 September, 1958., pp. 221-224.
(Cited in Robert Temple, The Crystal Sun)
G. S. Kirk and J. E. Raven. The Pre-Socratic Philosophers. Cambridge, 1957.
Jonathan Kirsch, King David: The Real Life of the Man who Ruled Israel. Ballantine Books, 2001, 369pp. (Kirsch has also published Moses: A Life.)
R. G. Klein, 'Ice-Age Hunters of the Ukraine', Scientific American, June 1974.
Tom Koppel, Lost World: Rewriting Prehistory. 2003.
Manolis Korres, From Pentelicon to the Parthenon. 1995.
Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, Uriel's Machine: The Prehistoric Technology That Survived The Flood. London, Century, 1999. [On technology allegedly surviving from the Flood, Noah, Dead Sea Scrolls, Book of Enoch, comets etc.]
S. N. Kramer, The Sumerians. Chicago University Press, 1963.
Samuel Noah Kramer, Sumerian Mythology: A Study of Spiritual and Literary Achievement in the Third Millennium BC. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1944.
Samuel Noah Kramer, The Sumerians. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1963.
Samual Noah Kramer, (Ed.), Mythologies of the Ancient World. Doubleday, 1961.
Samuel Noah Kramer and John Maier, Myths of Enki, the Crafty God. New York, Oxford University Press, 1989.
Hans Kruuk, The Spotted Hyena. 1970s?
E. C. Krupp, (Ed.), In Search of Ancient Astronomies. London, Chatto and Windus, 1979.
O. Kryzskowska and L. Nixon, (Eds.), Minoan Society. Bristol, Bristol Classical Press, 1983.
G. J. Kukla, R. K. Matthews, 'When Will the Present Interglacial End?', (The report on the Brown University meeting), Science, 13 October, 1972.
Books on the evolution of Evolution Religion vs Science? Another Lost Worlds Special
Presentation Compiler's note: Being often-based on African evidence, few of the titles cited here can begin to explain the settlement of Australian's Aboriginal people, which began 40,000-60,000 years ago, if not earlier. Here, Australian history in the present context remains a conundrum for world science. 1715: Frenchman and government official Benoit de Maillet, writes a book (his name spelled backwards, Telliamed) suggesting that the beginning of life on earth was with germs of life arriving from space, developing into marine organisms in the ocean. But his book did not appear till 1749, eleven years after he died. Voltaire derided such ideas, and also disbelieved in fossils as evidence of much earlier life forms. Colin Wilson feels Maillet should be regarded as the father of evolution. Peter McCallister, Pygomania. University of Queensland Press, 2010, 272pp. (On the role of pygmies in explanations of human life and evolution) R. D. Kaynes, Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary. Cambridge University Press, 2001, 464pp. H. N. Huntingdon, Prehistoric Man and Beast. England?, Smith, Elder and Co., 1896. Eliot Howard, Territory in Bird Life. 1920. Carveth Read, Origins of Man. 1925. Griffith Taylor, Environment and Race: A Study of the Evolution, Migration, Settlement and Status of The Races of Man. London, Oxford University Press, 1927.
Advertisement 1930s, many monographs, which disappeared from print, by C. R Carpenter on behaviour of primates in the wild. Republished by Penn State University in 1964 in Naturalistic Behaviour of Nonhuman Primates. Regarded as "a historical landmark in the progress of modern evolutionary studies". Sir Julian Huxley, Evolution: A Modern Synthesis. 1942. (On ethology) Kenneth P. Oakely, Man The Tool-Maker. British Museum/Natural History, 1947. Gertrude Rachel Levy, The Gate of Horn: A Study of the Religious Conceptions of the Stone Age and Their Influence upon European Thought. London, Faber and Faber, 1948. (Useful on the religion of the cave) W. E. Le Gros Clark, History of the Primates. British Museum/Natural History, 1949. F. Clark Howell, 'The Place of Neanderthal Man in Human Evolution', American Journal of Physical Anthropology, IX, 1951, pp. 409-412. Niko Tinbergen, Study of Instinct. 1951. (Now rare) Konrad Lorenze, King Solomon's Ring. 1952. Thor Heyerdahl, American Indians in the Pacific. Stockholm, Bokforlaget Forma, 1952. Raymond A. Dart, The Predatory Transition from Ape to Man. 1953. (A paper, not a book). Sonia Cole, The Prehistory of East Africa. Penguin, 1954. George Bartholomew and J. M. Birdsell, 'Ecology and the Protohominids', American Anthropologist, October, 1953. Carleton S. Coon, The Story of Man. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1954. Andrew Sharp, Ancient Voyagers in the Pacific. Wellington, NZ, Polynesian Society, 1956. H. R. Hays, From Ape to Angel: An Informal History of Social Anthropology. London, Methuen, 1958. A. Roe and G. G. Simpson, (Eds.), Behaviour and Evolution. 1958. Edward S. Deevey, Jr., 'The Human Population', Scientific American, CCIII, September, 1960., pp. 195-204. (Human population multiplies about sixteen times between 8000BC and 4000BC, due to the agricultural revolution.) Edward S. Deevery, Jr., 'The Human Population', Scientific American, CCIII, September, 1960., pp. 195-204. (Deevey suggests human population multiplies by 16 times during agricultural revolution. Sol Tax, (Ed.), Evolution After Darwin. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1960. (Contains paper by L. S. B. Leakey, 'The Origin of the Genus Homo'. Gordon R. Willey, Historical Patterns and Evolution in Native
New World Cultures, in Sol Tax, etc, Evolution after
Darwin, II, 120. S. B. Leakey, 'The Origin of the Genus Homo, pp. 17-31 in Sol Tax (Ed.). S. L. Washburn and F. Clark Howell, 'Human Evolution and Culture' in Sol Tax, (Ed.), Evolution After Darwin. University of Chicago Press, 1960. John Grahame Douglas Clark, World Prehistory: An Outline. Cambridge University Press, 1961. Sonia Cole, The Neolithic Revolution. British Museum, 1962. Theodosius Dobzhansky, Mankind Evolving. 1962. S. L. Washburn, (Ed. symposium), The Social Life of Early Man. 1962. (With Alberto Blanc on Pleistocene rituals. Oakley on history of fire-making. Vallois on Pleistocene life-expectancy.) W. H. McNeill, The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community. New York, Mentor, 1963. F. Clark Howell and F. Bourliere, African Ecology and Human Evolution. 1963. Howell and F. Bourliere, African Ecology and Human Evolution. 1963. Sonia Cole, The Neolithic Revolution. London, British Museum Natural History, 1963. 1964 - 1930s: Many monographs, which disappeared from print, by C. R Carpenter on behaviour of primates in the wild. Republished by Penn State University in 1964 in Naturalistic Behaviour of Nonhuman Primates. Regarded as "a historical landmark in the progress of modern evolutionary studies". Kenneth P. Oakley, Frameworks for Dating Fossil Man. 1964. Irven DeVore, (Ed. symposium), Primate Behaviour. 1965. F. Clark Howell, Early Man. 1965. (Discoveries in Kenya-Ethiopia Omo Valley). Kenneth P. Oakley, Frameworks for Dating Fossil Man. 1964. Irven DeVore, (Ed. symposium), Primate Behaviour. 1965. Robert Ardrey, The Territorial Imperative. Circa
1966. Konrad Lorenz, On Aggression. Circa 1966. Robert Ardrey, The Territorial Imperative. Circa 1966. Bernard Campbell, Human Evolution. 1967. Robert Ardrey, The Territorial Imperative: A Personal Inquiry into the Animal Origins of Property and Nations. Collins/Fontana Library, 1967. (Also, African Genesis, The Social Contract). William Howells, Mankind in the Making: The Story of Human Evolution. Penguin, 1967. Paul Martin, 'Pleistocene Overkill', Natural History, December, 1967.
Advertisement W. W. Bishop and J. D. Clark, Background to Evolution in Africa. 1967. K. Mellaart, Catal Huyuk: A Neolithic Town in Anatolia. Thames and Hudson, 1967. J. R. Bray, 'Glaciation and Solar Activity since the Fifth Century BC and the Solar Cycle', Nature, 16 November, 1968. R. Lee and Irven DeVore, (Eds.), Man the Hunter. 1968. Symposium, University of Chicago. Smithsonian (United States), Man and Beast. 1969. John Pfeiffer, Emergence of Man. 1969. E. L. Simons, 'Late Miocene Hominid from Fort Ternan, Kenya,' Nature, 1 February, 1969. C. D. Darlington, The Evolution of Man and Society. (From a point of view on genetics) nd? Late 1960s See George B. Schaller and G. R. Lowether, a study of dangerous animals in Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, late 1969. Sonia Cole, The Prehistory of East Africa. Pelican, nd. John Napier, The Roots of Mankind. 1970. Jane Goodall, In the Shadow of Man. (1970?) (A ten-year study of wild chimpanzees) Dian Fossey, nd on Gorillas. ? David Mech, The Wolf. 1970s?. Jane Goodall and Hugo van Lawick, Innocent Killers. 1970s. Schaller, The Serengeti Lion. 1970s? Hans Kruuk, The Spotted Hyena. 1970s? Ashley Montagu, Man and Aggression. nd. 1970s? J. Desmond Clark, The Prehistory of Africa. 1970. S. Johnson, et al, 'Climatic Oscillations 1200-2000AD', Nature, 1 August, 1970. various dates, S. L. Washburn and Phyllis Dolhinow, (Eds.), Perspectives on Evolution. Lous Leakey, Olduvai Gorge. Vol. 1, 1965. (Part of a series.) His wife, Mary Leakey, in 1971 published Vol. 3. Richard Leakey, 'Further Evidence of Lower Pleistocene Hominides from Lake Rudolf', Nature, 28 May, 1971. Glynn Isaac, 'The Diet of Early Man', World Archaeology, February, 1971. M. A. Crawford and A. J. Sinclair, 'Nutritional Influences on the Evolution of the Mammalian Brain', CIBA Foundation Symposium, October, 1971. A. C. Leopold and Robert Ardrey, 'Toxic Substances in Plants and the Food Habits of Early Man', Science, 5 May, 1972. J. D. Bygott, 'Cannibalism among Wild Chimpanzees,' Nature, 18 August, 1972. K. J. Hsu, 'When the Mediterranean Dried Up, Scientific American, December, 1972. (Also, Nature, 23 March, 1973). Jacques Monod, Chance and Necessity. 1972. Herman Wendt, From Ape to Adam. 1972. L. S. B. Leakey and Robert Ardrey, 'Man the Killer', Psychology Today, September, 1972. Colin Turnbull, The Mountain People. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1972. G. J. Kukla, R. K. Matthews, 'When Will the Present Interglacial End?', (The report on the Brown University meeting), Science, 13 October, 1972. Richard Leakey, 'Advanced Plio-Pleistocene Hominid from East Rudolf', Nature, 13 April, 1973. R. G. Klein, 'Ice-Age Hunters of the Ukraine', Scientific American, June 1974. R. A. Bryson, 'A Perspective on Climatic Change', Science, 17 May, 1974. J. D. Fleming, 'The State of the Apes', Psychology Today, January 1974. The-Lung Ku, et al, 'Eustatic Sea Level 120,000 Years Ago on Oahu, Hawaii', Science, 8 March, 1974. E. O. Wilson, Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Cambridge Mass., Harvard University Press, 1975. L. M. Thompson, 'Weather Variability, Climatic Change, and Grain Production', Science, 9 May 1975. B. Bender, "Gatherer-hunter to farmer: a social perspective", World Archaeology, 10, pp. 204-222. nd? B. Bender, Farming in Prehistory. London, John Baker, 1975. Edward O. Wilson, Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. 1975. Sonia Cole, Leakey's Luck. 1975. (Biography) Robert Ardrey, The Hunting Hypothesis: A Personal Conclusion Concerning the Evolutionary Nature of Man. New York, Athenaeum, 1976. Carl Sagan, Broca's Brain; The Romance of Science. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1979. (With one chapter, anti-Velikovski) Evan Haddingham, Secrets of the Ice Age. Heinemann, 1979. Charles Hapgood, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings: Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age. Turnstone Books, 1979. (A maritime power is based on Antarctica before 4000BC) (Hapgood also writes, Earth's Shifting Crust, 1959; and The Path of the Pole on moving tectonic plates) R. C. Wilson, The Peking Man Mystery. Journal citation: Mankind 1980 6 (8): 29- 32, 34. Myra Shackley, Wild Men: Yeti, Sasquatch and the Neanderthal Enigma. London, Thames and Hudson, Circa 1981. Steven M. Stanley, The New Evolutionary Timetable. Basic Books. Circa 1981. Ken Wilber, Up from Eden. Garden City, New York, Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1981. A. Beltran, Rock Art of the Spanish Levant. Cambridge, CUP. 1982. Ken Wilber, Up From Eden: A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution. Boulder, Col., Shambhala, 1983. Robert Bakker, The Dinosaur Heresies: New Theories Unlocking the Mystery of the Dinosaurs and their Extinction. New York, Zebra Books, 1986. David Attenborough, The First Eden: The Mediterranean World and Man. London, Collins-BBC, 1987. Josephine Flood, Archaeology of the Dreamtime. Sydney, Collins, 1987. H. J. Jerison and I. Jerison, Intelligence and Evolutionary Biology. NATO ISI Series, Vol. G17, 1988. ISBN 16085-X A. Whiten, and R.W. Bryne, (Eds.), Machiavellian Intelligence: Social Expertise and the Evolution of Intellect in Monkeys, Apes, and Humans. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988. H. J. Jerison and I. Jerison, Intelligence and Evolutionary Biology, NATO ASI Series, Vol. G17, ISBN 16085-X. 481pp. 1988. R. G. Klein, The Human Career: Human Biological and Cultural Origins. University of Chicago Press, 1989. Misia Landau, Narratives of Human Evolution. 1991. Margaret Ehrenberg, Women In Prehistory. London, British Museum Publications, 1992. 1993 nd, author Michael Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, write Forbidden Archaeology. (History of palaeoanthropology) Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors: A Search for Who We Are. Arrow books, 1993. (Sagan also has: Intelligent Life in the Universe with I. S. Shklovski; The Cosmic Connection, The Dragons of Eden, Broca's Brain, and Cosmos Contact. Virginia Morell, Ancestral Passions: The Leakey Family Quest for Humankind's Beginnings. 1995. E. Vrba, 'On the connection between paleoclimate and evolution', in E. S. Vrba, G. H. Denton, T. C. Partridge, L. H. Burckle, (Eds.), Paleoclimate and Evolution With Emphasis On Human Origins. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1995., pp. 24-45. D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair, When The Earth Nearly Died: Compelling Evidence of a Catastrophic World Change, 9,500BC. Bath, UK, Gateway Books, 1995. Richard Dawkins, Climbing Mount Improbable. Viking books at $35. 1995? (On evolution) Howard Bloom, The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History. St Leonards, Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1995. Carl Wieland, Stones and Bones: Powerful Evidence Against Evolution. Acacia Ridge, Queensland, Creation Science Foundation Ltd., 1995 printing. T. Zentall, 'An analysis of imitative learning in animals', in: C.M. Heyes and B.G. Galef, Jr., (Eds.), Social Learning in Animals: The Roots of Culture. San Diego: Academic Press, 1996., pp. 221-243. James Shreeve, The Neandertal Enigma: Solving the Mysteries of Modern Human Origins. New York, William Morrow and Co., 1996 softback edn. Penny Van Oosterzee, Where Worlds Collide: The Wallace Line. Reed Books, 1997. 234pp. Stephen Oppenheimer, Eden in the East: The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1998. Michael Stafford, From Forager to Farmer in Flint: A Lithic Analysis of the Prehistoric Transition to Agriculture in Southern Scandinavia. Aarhus University Press, 1999. John Mulvaney and Johan Kamminga, Prehistory of Australia. Allen and Unwin, 480pp., 1999. Mary E. White, Reading the Rocks: Animals and Plants in Prehistoric Australia and New Zealand. Kangaroo Press, 1999. Author also of The Greening of Gondwana and Listen, Our Land is Crying. Howard Bloom, Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century. New York, John Wiley and Sons, 2000. Garniss H. Curtis, Roger Lewin, and Carl C. Swisher III Java Man: How Two Geologists' Dramatic Discoveries Changed Our Understanding of the Evolutionary Path to Modern Humans. 2000. P. Ramachandra Murthy, Megalithic Culture of the Godavari Basin. Delhi, Sharada Publishing House, 2000. James Woodford, The Wollemi Pine. Text Publishing, 2000. (Evolution - the dramatic story of the discovery of the botanical find of the century!) Larry West, Our Common African Genesis: Evidence from Genetics, Linguistics, Archaeology, Genesis, and Pre-Egyptian History and how Christian Mythology Tried to Erase It. Vantage Press, 2000. Garniss H. Curtis, Roger Lewin, and Carl C. Swisher III, Java Man: How Two Geologists' Dramatic Discoveries Changed Our Understanding of the Evolutionary Path to Modern Humans. 2000. Carole Jahme, Beauty and the Beasts; Woman, Ape and Evolution. Virago, 2000, 406pp. (Written for the popular market) 100,000 years ago to 70,000 years ago. See book,William Noble and Iain Davidson (of University of New England) Human Evolution, Language and Mind, a book which argues that the main characteristic of human language is manipulation of symbols, which is not a feature of communication between other animals. Contrast with Geoffrey Miller, The Mating Mind. Heinemann, 2000, which argues that sexual desire is behind the evolution of the human mind and the development of art, music, poetry, humour, wit. Randal Keynes, Annie's Box: Charles Darwin, His Daughter and Human Evolution. Fourth Estate, 2001, 294pp. Matthew Chapman, Trials of the Monkey: An Accidental Memoir. Duckworth, 2001, 333pp. Steve Jones, Almost Like a Whale: The Origin of Species Updated. Anchor, 2001. (Author is professor of Genetics at University College, London) Paul Davies, The Fifth Miracle: The Search for the Origin of Life. Penguin, 2001. Robert Aunger, (Ed.), Darwinizing Culture. Oxford University Press, 2001, 242pp. Kim Sterelny, Dawkins vs Gould: Survival of the Fittest. Icon Books, 2001, 156pp. Michael Shermer, The Borderlands of Science: Where Sense Meets Nonsense. Oxford University Press, 2001, 360pp. Carl Zimmer, Evolution. 2001. (From Darwin to 21st Century science) Compilation, Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life. 2001. Stephen Hawking, The Universe in the Nutshell. Bantam, 2001. Deborah Cadbury, The Dinosaur Hunters: A True Story of Scientific Rivalry and the Discovery of the Prehistoric World. 2001. Robin Marantz Henig, A Monk and Two Peas: The Story of Gregor Mendel and the Discovery of Genetics. Phoenix, 2001, 278pp. Compilation, Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life. 2001. Steve Jones, Almost Like a Whale: The Origin of Species Updated. Anchor, 2001. (Author is professor of Genetics at University College, London) Carl Zimmer, Evolution. 2001. (From Darwin to 21st Century science) Pat Shipman, The Man Who Found the Missing Link: Eugène Dubois and His Lifelong Quest to Prove Darwin Right. 2001. John A. Moore, From Genesis to Genetics: The Case of Evolution and Creationism. University of California Press, 2002, 223pp. Cherry Lewis, The Dating Game: One Man's Search for the Age of the Earth. Cambridge University Press, 2002, 258pp. (On British geologist Arthur Holmes, who buried the Biblical story of a world "4004 years old") J. Long, M. Archer, T. Flannery and S. Hand, Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea. 2002 (?) Stephen Jay Gould, The Hedgehog, the Fox, and the Magister's Pox. Harmony/Jonathan Cape, 2003, 274pp. (The last book Gould wrote, and part of it is merely drafted, not "written") Andrew Parker, In The Blink of an Eye: The Cause of the Most Dramatic Event in the History of Life. The Free Press, 2003, 316pp. (By an Australian zoologist, on "let there be sight" somewhat during the Cambrian explosion) 2003-1785: Stephen Baxter, Revolutions in the Earth. Orion, 2003, 245pp. (The story of Scotsman James Hutton, who overturned the Bible-based work of C17th archbishop James Ussher, who had decided the Earth was created on a Sunday, 23 October, 4004BC. Hutton's thesis work was delivered in 1785 by his friend the chemist, Joseph Black, due to Hutton's shyness.) Paul Jordan, Early Man. (Sutton Pocket Histories) (Human evolution across five million years) nd? Remaindered 2003. |
John Long and Peter Schouten, Feathered Dinosaurs: The Origin of Birds. CSIRO Publishing, 2008, 193pp.
Robin Lane Fox, Travelling Heroes: Greeks and Their Myths in the Epic Age of Homer. Allen Lane, 2009, 514pp.
Robin Lane Fox, Alexander The Great. Penguin, 2005, 568pp.
Kevin N. Laland, John Odling-Smee & Sean Myles, How culture shaped the human genome: bringing genetics and the human sciences together. (details lost - p137 | doi:10.1038/nrg2734, Theoretical, anthropological and genetic studies suggest that human evolution has been shaped by gene-culture interactions. This Review collates data from these diverse fields, and highlights the potential for cross-disciplinary exchange to provide novel insights into how culture has shaped the human genome.)
Steven A. LeBlanc, Constant Battles. USA, St Martin's Press, 2003. (An attempt to discuss the prevalence of warfare in pre-historic societies)
Steven LeBlanc, Prehistoric Warfare in the American Southwest. 1999.
J. G. Landels, Engineering in the Ancient World. Chatto and Windus, 1978.
S. H. Langdon, Babylonian Wisdom. London, Luzac and Co., 1923.
K. Langer and M. Hirmer, Egypt. Phaidon, nd. (Egyptian art and architecture)
Jia Lanpo, and Huang Weiwen, The Story of Peking Man. 1990.
Anna Lanyon, Malinche's Conquest. [On the downfall of Aztec Emperor Montezuma]. Allen and Unwin, 235pp., 1999.
Phyllis Lambert, Fortifications and the Synagogue: The Fortress of Babylon and the Ben Ezra Synagogue, Cairo. 1995.
Kenneth Lapatin, Mysteries of the Snake Goddess: Art, Desire, and the Forging of History. 2002.
Austen Henry Layard, Nineveh and its Remains. Third
edition. London, John Murray, 1849. Two vols.
(Cited in Robert Temple, The Crystal Sun)
Austen Henry Layard, Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon: With Travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the Desert: Being the Result of a Second Expedition undertaken for the Trustees of the British Museum. London, John Murray,1853. (Cited in Robert Temple, The Crystal Sun)
R. Leakey, The Making of Mankind. London, Michael Joseph, 1981.
Louis Leakey, Olduvai Gorge. Vol. 1, 1965. (Part of a series. His wife, Mary Leakey, in 1971 published Vol. 3.)
Richard Leakey, 'Further Evidence of Lower Pleistocene Hominides from Lake Rudolf', Nature, 28 May, 1971.
L. S. B. Leakey and Robert Ardrey, 'Man the Killer', Psychology Today, September, 1972.
Richard Leakey, 'Advanced Plio-Pleistocene Hominid from East Rudolf', Nature, 13 April, 1973.
M. P. Leone and N.A. Silberman, (Eds.), Invisible America: Unearthing Our Hidden History. 1996.
Stephen H. Lekson, Chaco Meridian: Centers of Political Power in the Ancient Southwest. 1999.
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K. D. White, Greek and Roman Technology. Thames and Hudson, 1984.
Iman Wilkens, Where Troy Once Stood. London, Rider, 1990.
Richard H. Wilkinson, The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. 2003.
J. G. Wilkinson, The Ancient Egyptians. John Murray, Two Vols., 1854.
David Wilcox and Jonathan Haas, Stress and Warfare Among the Kayenta Anasazi of the Thirteenth Century AD. . 1993.
Stephen Williams, Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North American Prehistory. 1991.
R. Willetts, The Civilization of Ancient Crete. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1977.
Ian Wilson, The Exodus Enigma. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1985.
John A. Wilson, The Burden of Egypt. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1951.
Michael Wood, In Search of the Trojan War. London, BBC, 1985.
Michael Wood, In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great: A Journey from Greece to Asia. 1997.
Leonard C. Wooley, Abraham: Recent Discoveries and Hebrew Origins. (also in religion), New York, Scribners Sons, 1936.
L. Wooley, Ur Excavations. In Vols. Eg, Vol. VII, The Old Babylonian Period. British Museum, 1976.
Sir Leonard Wooley, Ur of the Chaldees. Pelican, nd.
Ann Wroe, Pilate: The Biography Of An Invented Man. Cape, 381pp., 1999.
Women and Mythology: A Special Collection:
Hekate in Early Greek Religion. The Horned Owl Library. (???)
Wolkstein, Diane and Samuel Noah Kramer. (1983) Inanna: Queen of Heaven and Earth. New York: Harper and Row, nd?
Additional Suggested Reading
Corelli, Marie. (1892) The Soul of Lilith. New York: American News Company.
Sir James George Frazer, Folklore in the Old Testament: Studies in Comparative Religion, Legend, and Law. London, Macmillan, 1919.
Tivka Simone Frymer-Kensky, In the Wake of the Goddesses: Women, Culture, and the Biblical Transformation of Pagan Myth. New York, Maxwell Macmillan International, 1992.
Elinor W. Gadon, The Once and Future Goddess: A Symbol of Our Time. New York, Harper and Row, 1989.
Carolyne Larrington, (Ed.), (1992) The Feminist Companion to Mythology. London, Pandora Press, 1992.
Patricia Monaghan, The Book of Goddesses and Heroines. New York, Dutton, 1981.
Barbara G. Walker, The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. San Francisco, Harper Collins Publishers, 1983.
Derek A. Welsby, The Kingdom of Kush: The Napatan and Meroitic Empires. London, British Museum Press, 1996.
John. A. Wilson, The Burden of Egypt. University of Chicago Press, 1951.
M. Winternitz, A History of Indian Literature. Two Vols. University of Calcutta Press, 1927-1933.
Susan E. Wood, Imperial Women: A Study in Public Images, 40BC-68AD. Brill, Leiden, 1999. (On notable women of Rome)
James Woodford, The Wollemi Pine. Text Publishing, 2000. (Evolution - the dramatic story of the discovery of the botanical find of the century – Australia).
Marion Woodman and Elinor Dickson, (Eds.), Dancing in the Flames: The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness. Boston: Shambhala, 1996.
Christopher Woodward, In Ruins. 2002.
Richard Wrangham, Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human. Profile, 2010, 320pp.
L. Wright, Clean and Decent. Routledge, 1980.
Yigael Yadin, The Message of the Scrolls. Widenfeld and
Nicolson, 1957.
N. Yoffee W. Cowgill, W., The Collapse of Ancient Mesopotamian
States and Civilizations. Tucson, University of Arizona Press,
R. C. Zaehner, The Dawn and Twilight of Zoroastrianism. New York, G. P. Putnam Sons, 1961.
Themistocles Zammit, Prehistoric Malta: The Tarxjea Temple. London, Oxford University Press, 1931.
Eberhard Zangger, The Flood from Heaven. 1994.
Now return to the Lost Worlds Index
Stop Press for late entries below
Jo Marchant, Decoding the Heavens. William Heinemann, 2010, 328pp. (On the amazing bronze object known as the Antikythera mechanism, which appeared in about the first century BC, and had cogs, engraved letters and 30 gear wheels, but what was it used for?)
Patrick E. McGovern, Uncorking The Past. University of California Press, 2010, 330pp. (On the human love of alcohol, and why)
R. Jackson, Doctors and Diseases in the Roman Empire. British Museum, 1988.
Peter Conrad, Creation: Artists, Gods and Origins. Thames and Hudson, 2007, 592pp. (How Creation has been imagined by humanity over the centuries)
Luis Chiappe, Glorified Dinosaurs: The Origin and Early Evolution of Birds. No details, 2006.
Christopher Stringer, Homo Britannicus. No details, 2006 (On the most ancient human occupations of Britain)
Stephen Oppenheimer, The Origins of the British: A Genetic Detective Story. No details, 2006. (On the multi-origins of people now regarded as English/British)
Brian Sykes, Blood of the Isles: Understanding Our Tribal History. No details, 2006. (What happened to the Celts of England?)
Nigel Strudwick, Masterpieces of Ancient Egypt. No details, 2006. (Lavishly illustrated)
Frank Goddio, Egypt's Sunken Treasures. No details, 2006. (Results of twenty years of French research especially near Alexandria)
Paul Cartledge, Thermopylae. No details, 2006. (On the famous battle of 480BC)
Robin Waterfield, Xenophon's Retreat: Greece, Persia and the End of the Golden Age. no details, 2006. (Set 401BC on a student of Socrates)
Graham Shipley, The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization. 2006. (Lavishly illustrated)
Michael Balter, The Goddess and the Bull: Catalhoyuk: An Archaeological Journey to the Dawn of Civilisation. Simon and Schuster, 2006, 400pp.
John Julius Norwich, The Middle Sea. no details, 2006. (From 2686BC, from a master, 5000 years of history of The Mediterranean)
Richard A. Billows, Marathon: How One Battle Changed Western Civilization. Scribe, 2011, 304pp.
Patrick E. McGovern, Uncorking The Past. University of California Press, 2010, 330pp. (On the human love of alcohol, and why)
Estelle Lazer, Resurrecting Pompeii. Routledge, 2011, 386pp.
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