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The Tayloes of Virginia and William and Thomas Eden: Matthew Ridley as agent for JS&C: Sundry Campbell Letters: William Beckford as absentee Jamaica landowner: Transportation opens from Scotland: End of Capt. Colin Somerville: Tobacco and customs laws: List of Duncan Campbell's colonial correspondents:
The Blackheath
The Tayloes of Virginia and William and Thomas
Ship names can have unexpected significance. Schmidt mentions the Tayloes of Virginia as dealers in convict labour. The name Tayloe is first met in Campbell's correspondence regarding that ship, from 1771; Tayloe the family is not met until March 1772. As noted, in January 1769 Capt. Christopher Reed sailed for JS&C on Thornton. The Thornton family were looked at askance, at least commercially, by the Tayloes, but it has remained little realised this Tayloe ([1]) ironically in 1776 became one of the first two convict "hulks" on the Thames. The connection with a noted Virginian family has never been stated. The Tayloe family had owned Mount Airy near Warsaw, Richmond County, since the mid-Seventeenth Century, property on a ridge overlooking the Rappahanock River, Campbell's favoured destination for his convict ships. In 1758, Col. John Tayloe had erected a mansion, the "product of long land tenure", probably from plans by John Ariss, and "perhaps the finest Palladian mansion built in the British colonies". ([2])
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There is a matter which has not previously been clear, at least, not to Australians. Robert Eden governed Maryland in the 1770s, ([3]) and maintained links with his merchant-brother, Thomas. It has earlier been mentioned that the only people making positive remarks about the convict service have been British politicians and administrators. A politician to appear with novel views on managing prisoners was these men's brother, William Eden, the later Lord Aukland. In Eden's view, where convicts were concerned, the state wished to redefine its pound of flesh. Eden published his Principles of Penal Law in 1772. ([4])
Eden formed "definite views on the utility of transportation". He had seen conditions in the North American colonies at first hand, and while it is not known if he inspected the situation of the transported convict, he thought transportation benefited only the criminal, depriving the state of a subject and his future utility. He wished felons to labour on public works in Great Britain, sending only the more "enormous offenders" overseas. ([5]) But there is little reason to believe that Eden's ideas would have prevailed if the American Revolution had not broken out. Eden was also a mover of the British Secret Service, having more or less inherited it from the Duke of Newcastle. ([6])
Reports on the prison hulks established on the Thames from 1775 seem as though drawn straight from news of punishments inflicted on the damned in Dante's Inferno, reports sans Dante's poetry and satiric intents. In Dante's Inferno ([7]) the malbowges were a zone of Hell illustrating...
City in corruption; the progressive disintegration of every social
relationship, personal and public. Sexuality, ecclesiastical and civil
language, ownership, counsel, authority, psychic influence, and material
interdependence - all the media of the community's exchange are
perverted and
falsified, till nothing remained but the descent into the final abyss
faith and trust are wholly and forever
The hulks would be a zone for convicts the British could not transport, those found guilty of corrupting the worthiness of the community. Once the 1776 Hulks Act had been enacted there would be controversy in London about extensions of the power of the crown, a perversion of the criminal law, fear of the spread of lethal disease, allegations of sodomy amongst male convicts, corruption of younger prisoners, corruption amongst magistrates, and so on. Legally there would be a change in views on the "property in the service of the body of the convict", which today we would regard as a reduction in the civil liberties apportioned the convict by the community. With the Hulks Act, the state retained the ownership of this "property", so these malbowges, the hulks, even represented a change in property relations. But all this was six years away.
* * *
Matthew Ridley becomes an agent for John Stewart and
JS&C had unwittingly chosen as their senior agents some men who would be flowers of the revolution to be fought in North America. Matthew Ridley became an agent for JS&C in 1770. ([8]) Born in England in 1749, Matthew Ridley ([9]) was well educated, and first went to America in 1770 as the manager of JS&C's Maryland branch. ([10]) Before, during and after the American Revolution, Ridley took to American life with a passion. He ended in modestly assisting politicians such as Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Jay. In 1775, Ridley went to England to marry Ann Richardson, and while there he assisted American prisoners of war. (One of his compatriots in this work was Benjamin Vaughan, son of Samuel Vaughan the West India planter. There is no record in Campbell's papers that Ridley saw Campbell on that trip.)
After the death of his first wife, Ridley in April 1787 married Catherine Livingstone, daughter of Gov. William Livingstone of New Jersey. Thereby he became a brother-in-law to politician John Jay. Earlier, in 1781, Ridley had been appointed agent for Maryland to obtain loans for that state from France. At the time, Maryland was alarmed by the approach of Cornwallis and the British, and could scarcely afford to arm itself. He went to Europe in November, 1781 to later meet John Adams in Holland, and John Jay in France. (It remains another facet of mystery, why American historians have never associated Campbell the tobacco trader and merchant activist with Campbell the employer of Matthew Ridley, with Campbell the convict contractor, later the chairman of the British Creditors.)
* * *
On 6 April, 1770 John Stewart renewed both his contracts originally made with Treasury in the 1760s. Both contracts required him to transport after felons were sentenced. This security of supply was probably why Ridley had on 17 April, 1770 signed with JS&C to become their Baltimore agent, also agent for their interests in Jamaica. ([11]) More likely, agent for Campbell's sole interests to Jamaica, since Stewart had no such interests.
At this time, the Virginians Fitzhugh were some of Stewart's prized correspondents. William Fitzhugh in 1770 built a mansion at Chatam near Falmouth, Stafford County, Virginia, He was a member of the Houses of Burgesses, (1772-75) and the Revolutionary Conventions of 1775-76. He also attended the Continental Congress. ([12]) One Col. William Fitzhugh surrendered his commission in the British Army rather than fight against America. ([13])
* * *
In Britain between 1770-1772, a number of convicts were pardoned on condition they serve in the Navy; although, the Admiralty was very dubious about their quality. ([14]) From 1770, the number of British whalers sailing increased from 50 to 247 in 1788; and 31 of these whalers were Scots. In January 1770, Lord North was appointed Prime Minister, lasting in that role until March 1782, through the turbulence of the American Revolution. ([15])
Campbell's shipping remained busy. Departing England in February 1770 was Justitia Capt. Colin Somervell. ([16]) Departing in April 1770 was New Trial Capt. Dougal McDougal; the ship may not have been JS&C's, but McDougal later sailed for Campbell. The Scarsdale Capt. Chris Reed for Virginia in 1770 probably sailed for JS&C. ([17]) During May 1770, Campbell in minor business dealt with Gopiter and Boronberg in the matter of the bankrupt, Metcalfe, Gregg and Potts, Turner.
* * *
Sundry letters:
Transcript from the Private Letterbooks of Duncan
Campbell Vol. 1.
London 6th Septemr
Dear Brother
wrote you the 10th July and 19th of last month a very long letter by the
Bay Capt Somerville Via Philad. I kept my first letter till his sailing
in doubt where to direct to you & at that time being still in an
Uncertainty in that respect. I thought it the safest way to send my
letters by
Neil in Case he did not find you in North America. The delay of
Conveying them
to you at Jamaica would not be long. As I was very full in my last I
little new matter to communicate, Only to acknowledge the Rect of your
of 29 June agreeable to your order I have Insurance on 350 pounds on the
Westmoreland Capt McCardell in name of Frank Somerville, the Nt proceeds
which shall be paid to him accordingly, he is at present in Scotland and
I hope
will find great benefit from the Change of Climate. I communicated your
to Mrs Martle who desires to be kindly remembered to you. In my last I
wrote to
you that Mr Crooks had written to us he would ship us about 100 Terces
annually, and if he found our Market Equal to those of Bristol he would
send us
his whole crop which would be about 160 Terces he desires to know how
money we would choose to advance him if he should want. Before we
received that
letter we had desired him to apply to you in Case his Occasions called
for an
advance. Mr. Stewart upon my Applying to him before declined Entering
into any
Jamaican Engagements & I suppose he continues of the same mind I
need not
repeat my application.
While I was writing the above I received a letter
from Mr
Stewart from Saltuns telling me that my poor
Brother Archie
was in a very dangerous way & the Physicians have no hopes of him.
as I am
circumstanced at present I could not possibly be spared from Town so
have sent
my brother Neil to be with him .... I am greatly distressed at my being
deprived of assisting in doing perhaps that last Office of Friendship to
Brother & yet I cannot venture from Town .... ([18])
Campbell was still trying to talk Stewart into Jamaican engagements.
London Sept 16,
James Crooks Esq.
Mr Stewart being a Stranger to your Island does
not care
to enter into any Engagement there until we have established a proper
But as I have more knowledge of a great desire to keep up my old
connection and
acquaintances I have taken these advances upon myself. ([19])
London Nov
2, 1770
Richard Betham
received your sundry favours of the 24 Sept and 8 Oct and one without a
which I apprehend was the latest written my being from home for some
prevented my Receiving and of course answering the two first so soon as
otherways would have done. I am glad my Conduct towards my Poor Brother
met with your approbation, and more so to find your little boy has now
got ....
I am extreamly concerned to find you have been so Dissappointed in the
man you
took for your friend on which head I shall as you desire remain Dumb. I
see no
great prospect of any altercation which would be favourable to you;
there is no telling what may happen in the course of a winter. I observe
you mention about your friend and neighbour Mr. Moore's son; I shall be
happy in shewing him every Civility in my power whenever I have the
pleasure of
seeing him which I have not yet done; or was the purpose of your letter
introduce him to me?
I come now to answer your last letter wherein you
you are distrust about the raising the money so soon as called upon to
your payments for the Farm you purchased and desiring me to assist you
therein. ... As to what you say of Borrowing money at 4% (?) I like you
that the Value of money is so Enhanced here at to buy Government (?) at
..... (??) Indeed I do not believe any other money (??) ([20])
London 15 Nov 1770
Campbell to John Campbell Esquire Orange bay
(Campbell to
Dear Bror.
Frank I suppose has written to you repeatedly he has some thoughts of
going to
North America in partnership with Mr Noble to establish a little store
Philadelphia ..... [why not go
Jamaica?] ...... (Capt Ratcliffe will take seed from Gordon the seedsman
... )
This goes by Capt Daniel who has been lately with
frequently, I offered to take a share in his ship as you seemed to think
proper & desired him to acquaint Mr Currie of my Offers but neither
he nor
I know at this moment whether I am Concerned in her or not. C.C. never
talked with me on that subject ....
[Neil] ...
sale of his cargo at this Critical juncture of Publick affairs which
undoubtedly enhance the value of lumber greatly - - expences on all
manner of
naval stores - if matters cannot be accomodated between Spain and Us
will be appointed. ([21])
* * *
William Beckford as a Jamaica absentee
The Mayor of London in 1771 was Brass Crosby. Preceding him as Mayor had been William Beckford, who, secure in the integrity of his interests in the Caribbean sugar islands, had lately been advocating a British "swing to the east" via an increasing emphasis on the East India Company. ([22]) Beckford by 1762 had already been mayor of London, but being an old man had stepped down. Londoners of influence had implored him to take up the mayoralty once again, which he did while relations between London, the government and the King were frosty. Early in 1770, the Liverymen of the City Companies presented a petition calling on George III to redress the nation's grievances (more evidence of the repressiveness of the George's reign?). ([23]) George failed to reply to the petition. On 23 May, 1770 came Lord Mayor William Beckford's famous, controversial speech to George, for which the common councilmen of London were so grateful, they made a statue of Beckford and mounted it on a block of stone in which were carved in gold the words Beckford had used to admonish the king.
Beckford broke protocol to ask the King to dissolve Parliament and to remove his civil councillors. As Girtin says, Beckford "remonstrated with the King and courageously attacked the King's minister". ([24]) George was reported enraged at the request and more so at the breach of protocol. (Beckford died shortly after his remarks to the king.)
Campbell had presumably followed all this in the newspapers with a conservative sourness...
Nov 15
John Campbell Esquire Orange
Dear Sir
not let slip so favourable an opportunity as this by Capt Campbell.
acknowledging the honour due me by your favour of the Orange Bay in
which your
Strictures are rather severe But I have the greatest faith in the words
of the
Scripture which saith whom the Lord loveth he Chastitheth, and therefore
thankfully kiss the Rod.
...... [Neil should be on Green Island] ... The
preparations now going on here as well as in so many other states in
does not in my poor Opinion Portend the Event of Peace. however disposed
administration may be to it, the puntiles cannot now be given up on our
altercations of course take place, which between armed powers are very
dangerous and seldom has been known to end without blows. I was always a
of Peace, & I think the older I grow the more I am inclined to it.
Not that
I get anything by it, though perhaps you will say I do, and not be far
You know war is a woefull Consumer of some of the Commodities which I
deal in,
and the price being fixed here we have not the advantage of an increase
in proportion to the scarsity, as in most other manufactures. Patriot
tho I am
I cannot but own these Considerations will operate somewhat with me when
I am
called upon, as I expect shortly to be, to give my vote among others,
upon the alarming
situation of our affairs, at home and abroad, the
men greater than the Judges at Westminster Hall, have decided upon that
important question; and yesterday the Common Council of London took it
their most serious Consideration, when after many learned debates on the
subject they concluded with a resolution, to present a Remonstrance to
the King
for the speedy dissolution of Parliament, as being a useless part of the
Constitution and Legislation; they being in the Opinion of themselves
the only
competent judges in all state matters and they likewise directed the
King to
remove from about him all Civil Councillors. It is supposed that in a
short time a Common Council will be called to consider who of their
number may
be fit and proper persons to be removed from the Business of the City to
of St James. I see you grow tired of my stuff and so I conclude with
sincere wishes..... ([25])
DC to John Campbell Saltspring, Nov. 15,
London 15 Nov
(Campbell to Dear Bror.
Frank I suppose has written to you repeatedly he has some thoughts of
going to
North America in partnership with Mr Noble to establish a little store
Philadelphia ..... why not go to
Jamaica? ......
(Capt Ratcliffe will take seed from Gordon the
... )
This goes by Capt Daniel who has been lately with
frequently, I offered to take a share in his ship as you seemed to think
proper & desired him to acquaint Mr Currie of my Offers but neither
he nor
I know at this moment whether I am Concerned in her or not. C.C. never
talked with me on that subject .... [Neil]
... the sale of his cargo at this Critical juncture of Publick
which must undoubtedly enhance the value of lumber greatly -
* * *
Transportation opens from Scotland:
Departing England in December 1770 was Justitia Capt. Colin Somervell. By then, James Cheston for his Bristol firm was selling felons at Annapolis. ([26]) Transportation was broadened to Scotland, where the legal system was still based on Roman law, not English common or statutory law. To the Scots, banishment was anathema, and if it had to be indulged, there was no servitude attached to the period of exile. By 1770, James Baird of Glasgow was a small-time convict contractor. ([27]) One of his ships in 1770 was wrecked off the coast of Kent; the prisoners had to be kept by the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex - who in May 1770 were James Townsend and John Sawbridge - till other arrangements could be made. ([28]) A. G. L. Shaw notes that Act 6 Geo III. 32 was the Transportation Act for Scotland. From 1771 the Glasgow tobacco trader Patrick Colquhuon (backed by his tobacco business with Alexander Speirs) transported all the Scots convicts, probably until 1775. Most prisoners were embarked at Glasgow, some at Greenock. ([29]) ([30]) Linebaugh details street life and the discipline meted out to the restive working class in London, including a hundred soldiers with fixed bayonets deployed around a gibbet to allow the job to be done. As Wilkes warned, Tyranny at home might find its way across the Atlantic to the American colonies.
* * *
The end of Captain Colin Somerville:
In the early 1770s Campbell experienced trouble with both his nephews commanding his ships, Neil and Colin Somerville. ([31]) Campbell's Virginia agent Tom Hodges sent disquieting news on the scandalous behaviour of Colin, Justitia's captain. Campbell could only piece things together gradually. One detail entailed £600 taken in insurance by Colin for one of Justitia's voyages, presumably for a captain's private cargo. Then, Colin died. His affairs between Virginia and Glasgow were in disarray. Some dealings were shady.
The news became worse. Allegations were that Colin had several times brought a convict girl back to England with him, thereby endangering the Stewart and Campbell contracts with Government. Returning a convict from transportation was a grave offence. Campbell's difficulties included Colin's "long deception" in this regard; and possibly the collusion of the colonial agent, Tom Hodges. As Campbell put it to John Paterson of the port of Glasgow, the convict girl "had much ascendancy" over Colin. It is possible that the two Somerville nephews had colluded to cheat their uncle, but it is not possible from Campbell's letters to establish this with certainty. Campbell initially was circumspect in mentioning these matters to family members in Scotland, but felt finally driven to unleash considerable vituperation on his Somerville nephews. ([32]) As an aside... On 12 May, 1770, Landon Carter wanted to give Mr. Hodge a "stinging memorandum" on some matter of money for either Hodge or Stewart and Campbell. ([33]) Here, Carter may have fallen victim to some scheme hatched by the Somervilles?
On 6 June, 1771, Campbell wrote to John Paterson, "A day or two since I received from our own agent Mr Thomas Hodge the Copys of Sundry Writings of Capt Somerville's, which I recopied and send you annexed. By them you will see he had a Connexion which I was a stranger to till I received them; I now find this girl was a convict, which he carried out some years since, & who it would seem had much ascendancy over him. I am wholly ignorant about the situation of his affairs here or in Virginia:" ([34]) Campbell of course feared especially for the security of his contracts for felons. Any breach of security would have brought JS&C into disrepute with government. The affair boiled on for months, involving a great deal of correspondence as Colin's dealings were sorted out. Matters of commercial reputation and family honour were equally at stake.
The year had begun quietly enough. On 23 January, 1771
Campbell had written to Mr Hugh McLean, "I
received your favour of the 14 inst and am to return you my best wishes
your kindness in endeavouring to make my sister
* * *
Campbell Letter 14:
London 6 June 1771
John Paterson
being in
the Country prevented my receiving your very short Letter in due course
post. My motives for writing to Colin's Brother on the Melancholy
Respect of
his Death proceeded from a tenderness to his Father & you; as I was
unwilling it should come too abruptly to your ears I desired Jamie to
it to you as if coming from another Channel so as to prepare his father
for the
Event. I had no sort of Account about it till within these two days, I
therefore could not take up my pen to write to his Father on such a
uninformed as I was. A day or two since I Received from our agent Mr
Hodge the Copy's of Sundry writtings of Capt Somerviles which I recopied
and send
to you annexed. By them you will see he had a Connection which I was a
to till I received them; I now find this Girl was a Convict which he
out some years since, & who it would seem had much ascendancy over
him. I
am Wholy Ignorant about the situation of his affairs here or in
Virginia. There
is I find by a Letter I received from Jamie a Mr Blay here with whom
Colin had
a great Intimacy & who has some Papers of Colins in his possessions,
Jamie bid me receive, but I choose to Decline meddling with them as I do
think I have any Authority. Colin has some money in our hands, & as
we are
just now balancing our Books we shall be shortly able to ascertain the
sum. I
believe he carried out a considerable adventure with him, as he desired
Insure 600 pounds on his Accot by the Justitia. You will please take a
opportunity of Communicating the above to ...... to whom I realy cannot
present write of this Melancholy Subject
I am Sir
Your humble
Poor Neil has been so
unluckie as to lose his ship
Blackwall & Greenwich by a Careless
but will not Suffer being Insured. ([35])
28th June 1771
Mr John Paterson
at Port Glasgow
your letter covering a Power of Attorney from the Provost to settle his
affairs here. I should esteem it a very great favour if you would excuse
from taking the matter in hand, having by my Partners Ill State of
health the
whole business of our Counting house as well as some other very
matters of Assigneeships which fall upon my shoulders alone. If you will
upon any other person he shall be wellcome at all times to any advice
assistance I can give him. Mr Hodges you may certainly put confidence
in. he
seems to me the only proper man in Virginia. I shall write him and tell
him I
have recommended him to you for the purpose of settling Capt Somervilles
affairs in that Quarter. But when the Provost sends out a Power to him
he ought
(???) under an administration as their at (???) to his (???) without
which I
apprehend Mr Hodge will not, nor should I think it safe to act, under
his power
of attorney. I am wholly Ignorant of any matters between his Girl and
the Mate.
The Injury Colin might have done Mr Stewart and me by carrying her back
to this
Kingdom was such if it had been known as he never could have made a
(???) &
thereupon I cannot help acknowledging it has (???) my Esteem for his
Memory, I
find now he has long deceived me in that matter. I beg you will present
Compts to the Provost and Mrs Paterson, & if you can excuse me to
him as
above do it, if not I will undertake it hurried as I am rather than
him or his family with whom I have had so long an Intimacy of
Connection. But
in this case a new Power must be drawn under an Administration &
please to
put in Virginia instead of J.Lands belonging to Great Britain. I know of
transactions Colin had in any J.Lands, but both may be put in, the first
omitted in that (???) I am
PS - The Ships Name was the Justitia in Power it
called Eustatia. ([36])
(NB: In 1771, the Maryland merchant Aquila Hall purchased goods from the London merchant Christopher Court and Co. of London, worth L1319. ([37]) In the 1790s, Duncan Campbell was trying to resurrect his American tobacco trade with Court's help.)
* * *
A loyal clerk, James Boyick:
The impression of Campbell is that he was always busy. His compensation for the Colin Somerville fiasco perhaps was his employment of an excellent managing clerk, B. James Boyick, who joined Campbell's counting house around October 1771 as a senior clerk. ([38]) Boyick stayed with the family until 1805-1808, after Campbell's death. Boyick, who seems to have been a bachelor and probably lived with the Campbell family, wrote many letters for Campbell on convict matters and is also noted in minor Blighiana. His strong copperplate hand was in striking contrast to Campbell's own spidery handwriting. Familiar with all varieties of his employer's affairs, Boyick acted at a senior executive level for many years. It seems Boyick's training was in office management and financial accounting, and that he had no legal training. There is, incidentally, no information in the Campbell Letterbooks allowing an estimate of how many employees Campbell had in his counting house, but one would imagine Boyick supervised about six other staff, office menials, not including a coach driver, a dray driver or two. There seems little doubt that Boyick's loyalty was a great help to Campbell over the years. ([39])
Boyick may have found, as it has been said, sales of sugar circa 1772 were held when there were 500 or more casks of sugar in a warehouse. ([40]) Boyick would also have learned a great deal about how the tobacco trade operated. Specialist treatments of the industry can provide an overview of some of what he might have known...
Tobacco had been introduced to England in 1585 by Sir Walter Raleigh. The Spanish introduced the new addiction to Europe. In England, tobacco was first sold by apothecaries as a prophylactic and medicinal. When tobacco use became a pleasure in its own right, when society adjusted to its use, other retailers began to distribute it. ([41]) By Boyick's day, hogsheads of tobacco weighed about 1000 pounds off the ship. At the other end of the handling chain were the quaint names for the products. Only the lower classes chewed tobacco, labourers and sailors. Gentler men smoked pipes or took snuff. Rolls of chewing tobacco might be called Plug, Bogie, Nailrod and Target (closer to 1800). Some rolls of tobacco were called Thick Coil, Irish Brown, Thin Coil Pigtail, Very Thin Coil or Black Twist. Carrotte was heavily sweetened and the cheapest of all. Snuff, meant was for those with more "fashionable airs and notions", ([42]) was so difficult to manufacture, a man in the trade found it difficult to find apprentices. Chewing tobacco was taken from leaf which had been cured, redried, de-stemmed and then aged. Twist tobacco could be chewed or smoked.
Types of snuff included: Rappee, black, scented and moist; Scotch or London Brown Rappee; or Brown Scotch, light brown, unscented, moist; High Dried was drier and more pungent. Spanish and Tobacco Snuff Four were inferior sorts tending to be made from trash. Bulk handlers found that snuff was difficult to transport without breakages. Initially, men rasped their own snuff, then manufacturers did it for them; today, elegant snuff boxes are collectables. Only labourers and sailors chewed tobacco. ([43]) (Cigars and cigarettes had to wait long beyond Boyick's time; a cigarette-making machine was not invented till the 1880s).
The early colonial tobacco was grown about the York and James rivers, and Carolina. The oronoco type was strong in flavour; sweet-scented or mild. Maryland especially had a strong, bright leaf popular in Holland and Northern Europe, while the Upper James River produced the leaf most popular in France. ([44]) York County grew sweet scented tobacco. ([45]) In the earlier colonial periods, Virginia tobacco was dark, air-cured, used for snuff and pipe-smoking. ([46]) Notably, Britain took almost all the Virginia leaf, which finally left colonials suspecting they had been placed in the pockets of British merchants. Most tobaccos were "all darker, rawer and stronger" than modern tobaccos. ([47]) In the early colonial period, Virginia tobacco was dark, air-cured, for snuff and pipe-smoking.
Transportation in hogsheads retained the original moisture levels the tobacco possessed at the shipment point. The fumes produced by the first moisture treatments of tobacco (a fermentation process) were quite pungent, could be overpowering for workers, and required well-aired workplaces. ([48]) Tobacco remained unstable in its initial cured form, as it was vulnerable to moisture fluctuations; if too dry it became brittle and shattered, if too moist it developed moulds. ([49]) (Tobacco diseases include black shank, Granville wilt, black root rot and blue mould). ([50]) The best Maryland soils were more fertile than flue, cured soils and held moisture better. Tobacco was an intensive crop, with the ploughing done in autumn. The plant beds were prepared before freezing weather set in, planting was in December-March, or perhaps May in the piedmont. ([51])
In the early colonial period, the boats of London merchants loaded directly from the plantation wharf, and there was little distinction made between tobacco qualities, except for a division into satisfactory or worthless leaf. As tobacco production spread into the back country, more agents were needed to collect it, a situation exploited by the Scots. Direct consignment became too cumbersome, so credit was exchanged for tobacco once bigger ships found they could not conveniently get to the tidewater wharves areas. The main tobacco centres developed at Richmond, Petersburg, Lynchburg, and for a time, Norfolk. Fraud might be perpetrated at loading, or unloading. It was not unknown for planters to load good leaf on the outside of hogsheads and put stone, dirt, or sticks at the centre. ([52]) When tobacco production moved from the tidewater areas of Maryland and Virginia to piedmont Virginia and what was to become North Carolina, the plantation system was becoming less evident. That is, there was less dependence on slavery. ([53])
In London, Boyick may well have found the truism of the day, Customs was regarded as "the greatest Mystery of the Water-side Business". ([54]) A knowledge of Customs duties of the times was "very complicated". ([55]) In 1783, the Customs Board had to handle an avalanche of correspondence, up to 10,000 letters per year from London, and 9000 from the outports, not including mail from Treasury and other public offices. ([56]) By 1787 there were "1425 articles liable to duty", "very many of them taxed at several times their market value", bringing in revenue of £6 million per year ... "in 1797 the customs laws filled six large folio volumes". The total number of Customs Acts before 1760 was 800, by 1813 there were 1300 more added, till Sir Robert Peel tried to re-order the chaos... ([57])
In 1762-1764, London merchants had begged officialdom for an extension to be made of the lawful quays of the Port of London, with new wharves being set out by a commission. ([58]) It is likely Campbell, an energetic young merchant not yet involved with older vested interests, was one of the petitioners. In 1761, there had been bother with rice from South Carolina ships, 10 or 12 of them. Hemphill like many historians has referred to persistent fraud in the tobacco outports, often due to corrupt Customs officials, less so in London. ([59]) But in 1729 in London it was discovered that a merchant John Midford, who died in 1729, had been successfully evading paying duties for years. At the time of his death he owed £17,000 in old bonds for his tobacco imports. Pumped-up outrage over this fraud provided ammunition for government propaganda as Walpole proposed the unpopular Excise Tax of 1733. Midford had used a clever dual set of book-keeping to aid his fraud. The Customs scene was complicated, busy, noisy and often confusing. As Hoon writes, most streets leading to the Customs House were narrow, crooked, steep, continually overcrowded, [there were] delays, confusion and petty theft; even in 1766, [it was] all hurry and confusion. ([60])
After the London merchant was aware his ship had come in, arriving from plantations, he went to the Customs House, and/or sent an agent to make an entry of his cargo. This entailed a check of the ship's entry book, which lay publicly in the Long Room. There were listings of the names of a ship and its captain; the land-waiters had to attend the unloading and assess the quality of the goods being unloading in respect of earlier cargo listings. The merchant might immediately enter his cargo, or, he needed to declare every tobacco shipment within 30 days ([61]) from the time he received an invoice. Meanwhile the Long Room officer made out a warrant specifying ship, master's name, importer's name, place of origin, kind and quantity of goods, and marks, numbers and weights of the hogsheads. The merchant signed the warrant and this authorized the landing of the cargo after payment of duties. Bills of Entry were then made and the duties were calculated. Originally, counting house men had done this, but by 1756 the merchants paid the customs men to do it. Then the merchant went to the Collector Inwards with his warrant and Bills of Entry; he may possibly have seen the receiver of Plantation Duties. Some duties had to be paid in cash, some could be paid 18 months hence. (Not until 1855 did clerks cease to carry cash and carry cheques instead, so there was resentment at thieves and pickpockets in the city who knew what men might be carrying into buildings in the customs precinct - cash.
Finally the merchant had to pay lighterage, charge for tobacco to be moved from ship to quay; to pay primage, pay the captain to use cables and ropes to land the goods; pay sailors for unloading; pay for cooperage to open and close the hogsheads and then repair them; pay for porterage, or cartage of tobacco; pay wharfage to the wharf owner for use of his facilities; pay warehouse rent; pay ships officers for supervising unloading of a ship. But as Hoon points out, in reality the colonial planter paid for all this. A merchant such as Campbell paid all such requirements and duties, then extracted a commission on the handling, and for acting as a middleman to the foreign or home market. The planter received the balance, which was often a debit. The nineteenth-century bond and warehousing systems, simplified after the enormous redevelopment of London's port with the advent of the West India Docks, were designed to overcome the opportunities for fraud notable in Boyick's earlier days.
Boyick might also have seen strange things happen in the tobacco market. As Devine has reported on the Glasgow tobacco merchants, the French especially enjoyed tobacco from the Upper James River. Glasgow closely watched French buying patterns, as the French paid in cash or in quickly discountable bills. In November 1772 the major buyers for the French, Messrs Robert Herries and Co. of London, found the Glasgow men eager to see them - they reportedly went to Sir Robert Herries "with open arms" - but later it was different and not so simple, as Herries found. ([62]) Between then and, say, 1776 Herries attempted to drive prices down by buying less - which reduced his inventories, as the Scots found. Glasgow firms in the early years of the American Revolution found they enjoyed windfall prices, as when war broke out they had no stocks left and had to buy what Glasgow had left. By March 1776, Herries was trying a too-low price for Glasgow tobacco, Britain was still confident it would win this war, most London houses had sold all their stocks, so London got no windfall gains. Glasgow forced Herries to pay better prices. ([63])
And lastly, in Boyick's probable experience from 1776, downriver from Deptford was a surprising institution which much have caused the hulks convicts considerable heartburn at the waste... the site of the Tobacco Burning Ground, or "King's tobacco pipe". Here, officials destroyed damaged or bad tobacco; and sometimes, seized-but-useless ships were burned. At one time, a woman had the job of taking tobacco to the ground, where, ([64]) It was said the smoke was so unpleasant, it damaged the ground, that tobacco had to be burnt at night. (The ash was used in soap making).
And through all their long association, Boyick would have found Campbell a man of considerable energy, with a great capacity for work. By 26 August, 1771, Campbell was writing to Peter Campbell, Jamaica, "My next will convey to you a State of your Account for the Old & New Orange Bay". By 24 October, 1771, Campbell wrote to Peter Campbell per Union, (Capt. Campbell)...
I take this liberty of sending you a Copy of my
last for
fear of a Miscarriage ... My Brother in Law's unexpected arrival here gave us a great
surprise and
pleasure. He has got the better of every Complaint. ... my request of
Continuance of protection to the Orange Bay Captain who I directed to
apply to
your Cousin John in case of that event...
* * *
Warnings about an ironworks:
During late 1771, about the time Boyick took up his duties, John Tayloe in Virginia took an initiative. He sent some mistrustful "hints" on 8 November, 1771, warning JS&C about the Thorntons; possibly as an older Thornton was dying. It was a warning for which Campbell was grateful. JS&C were then preparing to receive some Virginia iron on the Scarsdale, their correspondent in that matter being William Fitzhugh, Marmion (another distinguished colonial house). ([65]) Iron and tobacco were also expected to arrive by Thornton. (Later, between 1772 and 1774, Colonel Tayloe assisted Campbell by buying part of the Thornton family moiety in the Ceceqhona ironworks). ([66]) (Jacob Price notes how the trade in iron complemented the tobacco trade, particularly in regard of ship ballasting). But Campbell was soon to be disarrayed. Early in 1772 his partner John Stewart died. There was coming a financial bust in the City of London. One reason perhaps that Campbell in the 1780s was so determined to retrieve his American money was that he had inherited so many debtors from Stewart. He may have bought out Stewart's estate to do so, or, been forced to do so. He had ended, perhaps, in simply inheriting or purchasing an intolerable number of American debts. ([67])
* *
Endnote1: A partial list of Duncan Campbell's correspondents from the index to his business letterbook 1772-1776, including Allison and Campbell, William Adam, Samuel Athawes, Coll Wm Brockenbrough and Austin Brockenbrough, Dr John Brockenbrough, Adam Barnes and Johnson, James Bain, Rev Mr Beauvoir, James and Robert Buchanan, George Buchanan, Robert Cockerell, Messrs Campbell and Dickson, Colin Currie, Stewart Carmichael, William Dickson, Charles Eyles, Fitzhugh, Fauntleroy, Richard Glascock/Glascook, Benj and Charles Grimes, Henderson and Glassford, Rhodam Kenner, Abraham Lopez and Son ([68]), James Millar Jamaica, Daniel Muse, Hudson Muse, Hugh McLean, Joshua Newall, George Noble, Francis Randall, Major Henry Ridgely, Adam Shipley, William Snydebottom, Richard Stringer, Alexr Spiers and Co., Spiers, Finch and Co., Dr Sherwin, William and Edward Telfair*, Tayloe and Thornton, William Vanderstegan**, Charles Worthington. * Cooper and Telfair. ([69])
Note: Cooper and Telfair in London were established in 1772, when William Telfair, came back from Savanna, Georgia, where he had been a merchant in 1764. Basil Cooper arrived and became a partner. Telfair once testified that their firm failed in London in 1776. One of the bankruptcy assignees had been David Milligan. Some assigneeships went to the ironmongers Tappenden, Stanfield and Co. In 1790, Cooper and Telfair claimed £31,631 as pre-war debt.
* *
[Finis Chapter 13]
Chapter 13 words 7205
and footnotes 10309 pages 18 footnotes 70
[1] A. E. Smith, Colonists in Bondage, p. 328. On
Tayloe family, 1769: Richard S. Dunn, `A
Tale of Two Plantations -
Slave Life
at Mesopotamia in Jamaica, and Mount Airy In Virginia, 1799 to
1828', William and Mary Quarterly, Jan.
Series 3, Vol. 34, No. 1, January 1977.,
pp. 32-65, conveying a great deal on Honble John
[2] T. T. Waterman, The
Mansions of Virginia 1707-1776. Chapel Hill, University of North
Press, 1946., throughout for Tayloe; and pp. 230,
[3] T. Thompson, `Personal Indebtedness', p.
[4] Eden's views are outlined in Alan Atkinson,
`State and Empire and Convict
1718-1812', pp. 31ff in Carl
(Ed), New Perspectives in
History. London, Sir Robert Menzies Centre for Australian Studies,
Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London. 1990. G. C.
Bolton, `William Eden and the Convicts,
1771-1787', Australian Journal of Politics
and History, Vol. 26, 1980., pp.
[5] R. A. Swan, To
Botany Bay - If Policy Warrants The Measure - A Re-appraisal.
Roebuck Society, 1973. 1772: R. A. Swan,
p. 66 on William Eden (later Lord Aukland), publishing his Principles of Penal Law in
[6] R. R. Nelson,
The Home Office, 1782-1801. Durham, NC, Duke University Press, 1969.
On Evan Nepean and the later
service: Richard Deacon, A
History of
the British Secret Service. New York, Taplinger Publishing Company,
as cited in Frost, Phillip: His
Voyaging, p. 290. Nepean kept a ledger of secret service payments,
now in
the Clements Library, Ann Arbor. Michigan, US, (e.g.: Nepean, entry of 2
1785, Secret Service Ledger, Clements Nepean).
and see HO 42 Series. Nepean began to expand secret operations
March 1782 under Shelburne. Frost comments, "Nepean's role in the
of the modern [secret] service is an unwritten chapter". Secret service
accounts of the Duke of Newcastle; one-fifth of a total of about £40,000
year was spent on "electoral work": Watson, Geo III, p. 59.
[7] Dante, The
Divine Comedy, Penguin Classics, 1968, translated and commentated by
Dorothy L. Sayers.
[8] Herbert E. Klingelhofer, `Matthew Ridley's Diary during the Peace Negotiations of
1782', William and Mary Quarterly,
Series 3,
Vol. 20, January, 1963., pp. 95-133.
Ridley was an agent for John Stewart and Duncan Campbell prior to
(Jacob Price writing in 1977 was unaware of Campbell as convict
contractor, yet
was aware that Ridley was an agent for one Duncan
[9] Ridley kept diaries as a domestic habit. His
are now with the Massachusetts Historical Society.
[10] Ridley
and JS&C from Baltimore 5 Jan.,
Ridley to Campbell from Baltimore, 5 October, 1772. Unfortunately, I
mislaid the citations for this correspondence..
[11] Oldham, Britain's
Convicts, p. 27. (Notes of
A3232) Ridley sided with the Americans by 1775 and by March 1781 had
appointed Maryland agent in France. See Klingelhofer, op cit.
footnoted, p. 95 - An item of correspondence Ridley to Stewart and
Baltimore, 5 Jan., 1771; To Duncan Campbell, Baltimore, 5 Oct., 1772 -
perplexing if not to Baltimore agents of JS&C. Campbell had
with a London attorney, Samuel Goodman, on some of Ridley's dealings and
"Banks' affair" on 29 Sept., 1773.
[12] One Colonel William Fitzhugh probably known to
Campbell lived 1721-1798. One planter William Fitzhugh of Chatam King
County lived 1741-1809. Kellock, `London
Merchants', p. 127, after January 1759, Capel Hanbury found himself
handling the tobacco for Custis, the family into which George Washington
[13] Members of the Fitzhugh family decided to
remain in
Virginia during 1600-1650, as
merchants developed faith in tobacco production, as with the
career of Maurice Thompson. Marmion, near Comorn, King George County, in
early eighteenth century was probably built by John Fitzhugh (d. 1735).
T. T.
Waterman, Mansions of
Virginia. On
the name Fitzhugh: M. D. Conway, cited earlier. On John Tayloe and the
Tayloe-Thornton of Virginia, see T. T. Waterman, cited above, p. 145,
throughout. Arthur M. Schlesinger, in `The
Aristocracy in Colonial America', pp. 528-535 in Paul Goodman,
(Ed.), Essays in American Colonial
New York, Holt, Rhinehart and Winston, 1967, briefly mentions some of
Fitzhugh family who were JS&C correspondents in 1772. T. T.
Waterman, The Mansions of Virginia,
Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1946, throughout
Tayloes and Fitzhughs. Virginian genealogist Stella Pickett Hardy, p.
notes that the Fitzhugh name goes back to Baron Bardolph, Lord of
Richmond County, during the reign of William the Conqueror. Bardolph was
founder of the Washington and Fitzhugh families of England. The
fifteenth Baron
Fitzhugh, George Fitzhugh, died in 1572 with no issue, but his aunt,
Fitzhugh, wife of Sir John Fiennes (d. 1483) father of Thomas, eighth
Dacre, was the eldest daughter of Henry Fitzhugh, 13th Baron Fitzhugh,
and so
Sir Thomas Parr, knight, son of Elizabeth Fitzhugh, another daughter of
the 13th
Baron, were the next heirs, although the Barony fell into abeyance. The
connected record of the Virginia Fitzhughs begins with Hon William
Fitzhugh of
Bedford County, England (born 15 June, 1570), descended from Baron
this Hon. William married one Margaret Smyth. Stella Pickett Hardy, Colonial Families of the Southern
of America: A History and Genealogy of Colonial Families Who Settled in
Colonies Prior to the Revolution. Second edition, revised,
Genealogical Publishing Co., 1968., pp. 165, pp. 219-226, p. 321, p.
513. GEC, Peerage, Dacre, pp. 9ff;
Fitzhugh, pp.
420-426ff, p. 432; Greystoke, pp. 198-199; Parr of Horton, p. 309;
Scrope of
Bolton, p. 545; Scrope of Masham, p. 569; Ughtred, p. 163.; Vaux of
p. 218. Burke's Landed Gentry
Fitzhugh of Plas Power. A. L. Rowse, Raleigh
and the Throckmortons, p. 9. John
Shakespear, John
Shakespear of
Shadwell and His Descendants, 1619-1931. Newcastle, UK,
1931., tabulations, pp. 80ff.
Fitzhugh genealogy is given in Virginia
Magazine of History and Biography, October 1899 to October 1901. Dictionary of American
Biography, for
F, p. 437. Olson, `London
Lobby', p. 37. Greene, Diary
Landon Carter, Vol. 1, pp. 355-359, p. 533. Once all relevant
are collected and tabulated, the Fitzhugh line seems remarkable. Some
figures appearing include many people noted in this book, including: Sir
Raleigh by his marriage to Throckmorton; Sir William Courteen the
Second, by
his marriage to Catherine Egerton; Capel Hanbury (died 1769) the tobacco
merchant; the Eden family which includes first Baron Aukland; Edward
Coke (died
1753) Earl of Leicester; the sixth Duke of Argyll; Francis Egerton third
Bridgewater, England's canal
William Petty, second Earl Shelburne; second Viscount Townshend; by his
marriage, Charles Magniac, of Smith and Magniac, of the firm which was a
forerunner to Jardine-Matheson. The fourth Earl Selkirk; the banker
Ridley, who probably produced the American -revolutionary agent of
Campbell, Matthew Ridley; Lord George Macartney, failed envoy to China
in the
1790s. Some of the nineteenth century members of the family Shakespear
descended from the eighteenth century London alderman John. And Diana
Princess of Wales (died 1997). A very important linkage is: Sir William
(died 1483-1484), KG, Lord Parr of Horton, with a second wife, Elizabeth Fitzhugh, daughter of
Henry, fifth
Baron Fitzhugh. (Stella Hardy, Colonial Families, p.
220. (GEC, Peerage, Fitzhugh,
432.) This Elizabeth Fitzhugh was grandmother of Queen Katherine Parr.
(GEC, Peerage, Vaux of Harrowden, pp.
Parr of Horton, p. 309; see
also, A. L.
Rowse, Raleigh and the
Throckmortons, p.
9.) One progenitor of the Virginian Fitzhughs was William Fitzhugh of
County, England (born 5 June, 1570), son of John Fitzhugh of
and Amy Negus. (Burke's Landed Gentry for Fitzhugh of Plas Power. GEC, Peerage, Parr of Horton, p. 309.
Pickett Hardy, Colonial
pp. 219ff.) It also appears that one Hon. Henry Fitzhugh of
Bedfordshire, England,
was "sent to the colonies" in the seventeenth century and had issue. In
England, a Fitzhugh politician was earlier a factor for the East India
William Fitzhugh, MP for Tiverton, 1806-1820. He was of Bannisters,
and Orchard Street, London. (Burke's
Landed Gentry for Fitzhugh of Plas Power.) One planter, William
(possibly 1725-1791), was son of John Fitzhugh of Marmion, King George
(see T. T. Waterman). One William Fitzhugh a correspondent of Duncan
in 1770 built a mansion at Chatam near Falmouth, Stafford County,
Virginia. He
was a member of the House of Burgesses 1772-1775, and of Revolutionary
Conventions of 1775-1776. He also attended the Continental Congress. One
William Fitzhugh was husband of Thomas Jefferson's cousin Mary Randolph,
Chatsworth. Later linkages in the American family lines produced the
wife of
Civil War's General Robert E. Lee (1807-1870). One Colonel William
probably known to Campbell, lived 1721-1798. One planter William
Fitzhugh of
Chatam, King George County, lived 1741-1809.
[14] Shaw, Convicts
and the Colonies, p. 34. Charles James Fox: a junior Lord of the
[15] On Lord North: Alan Valentine, Lord North. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman,
[16] T1/478. Coldham's
[17] Schmidt, `Sold
and Driven', p. 13.
[18] Campbell
Letter 8: Duncan Campbell Private Letterbooks, Vol.
[19] Campbell Letter 9: From Duncan Campbell
Letterbooks, Vol. 1: John Stewart had a relative, James Stewart,
resident at
Oporto, Portugal, noted for wines, which he shipped to London. James
Crooks was
another cousin of Duncan Campbell, a resident of Jamaica. H. E. S.
Fisher, The Portugal Trade: A Study of
Anglo-Portuguese Commerce, 1700-1770.
London, Methuen, 1971.
[20] Campbell Letter No. 10: Duncan Campbell
Letterbooks, Vol. 1.
[21] Note to Campbell Letter 11: All Campbell's
were well. The ps contained a reference to Richard Betham. "Frank" was
Somerville, later partner with Noble at Jamaica. Frank died of gout in
1785. Capt.
Daniel or Daniel Campbell was of Jamaica. Notes of WDC: Peter Campbell
of Fish River was cousin of Dugald Campbell of Saltspring, and had an old relation, Mrs.
[22] According to Merrill Jensen, The Founding of a Nation: A History of the American Revolution,
1763-1776. London, Oxford University Press, 1968., pp. 219ff.
emphasis an a "swing to the east" here is surprising, but by the early
it was possible for an advocate of eastern trade to recommend two
pathways, that of Clive of India (where the East India Company became
embroiled in semi-governmental administration, and with less
emphasis on private trade), or, that of Laurence Sulivan, who wanted
emphasis on administration and more on free private trade. The present
has the view that ship managers later involved in convict transportation
Australia had mixed views on either model, but that the Sulivan model
still had
its adherents by then. On Crosby: Namier-Brooke, History of Parliament, Vol. 2, p.
[23] On the repression of the working class in late
Linebaugh, The London Hanged,
[24] T. Girtin, The
Lord Mayor of London. London, Oxford University Press,
[25] Campbell Letters 12 and 13: Campbell wrote two
letters the same day. Duncan Campbell Private Letterbook, Vol. 1. Letter
One of the most curiously pensive letters in the entire correspondence,
letter was to Orange Bay, not
by the
ship of that name. The chastising accorded, any necessity for it, and
the spirit
of its acceptance, are nowhere else referred to. However, the letter
reveal Campbell's political stance - conservative. Campbell was always
staunchly for the government line, but his satire here is very
[26] Ekirch, Bound
for America, p. 122. See T1/483. Coldham.
[27] A. E. Smith,
Colonists in Bondage, p. 116.
[28] Oldham, Britain's
Convicts, p. 216, Note 134; A. E. Smith, Colonists in Bondage, p. 127.
[29] Ekirch, Bound
for America, p. 86. Shaw, Convicts
and the Colonies, p. 37. Thomas M. Devine, The Tobacco Lords: A study of the tobacco merchants of Glasgow
their trading activities, 1740-1790. Edinburgh, Donald,
[30] Like Campbell, Colquhuon had a strong interest
healthy commerce and reduction in criminal activity. Aspects of his
career are
treated in the Everyman No. 835 edition of John Howard's State of the
(Orig. 1777). Linebaugh, The
Hanged, pp. 282ff. Howard's career is outlined usefully in Janet
Semple, Bentham's Prison: A Study of the
Penitentiary. Oxford at the Clarendon Press,
[31] Campbell Letters, various: Duncan Campbell
Letterbooks, Vols. 1 and 2: Campbell to John Paterson, 6 June, 1771.
Letters of
anger at Somervilles: Campbell to Dear Bro., 6 Sept., 1770; Campbell to
Paterson, Glasgow, 6 June, 1771.
[32] Notes
of WDC.
These issues maintained family anger, and certainly Duncan's own, even
years later, as in Campbell to John Campbell Saltspring, 6 Feb., 1782: "Neil...must be one of the most
ungrateful monsters on earth....I already despise him", in Duncan
Private Letterbooks, Vol. 2. Similarly, 5 Dec., 1782; Campbell to
Somerville, who had come to detest his brother
[33] Greene,
of Landon Carter, p. 407.
[34] Colin Somerville was by this time deceased.
father was James. One William Somerville was Provost of Beufrew in
[Notes of WDC.].
[35] Campbell Letter 14: Where Campbell was in the
is unknown. John Paterson lived in Port Glasgow and was probably agent
for the Somerville Brothers. The date of Colin Somerville's death is
unknown. Orange Bay was replaced with
ship of the same name, costing £1,700 to Gravesend. Duncan took
of her.
[36] In June 1771, Campbell moved from using Vol.
1. of
his Private Letter Book, to Vol. 2. Of Campbell Letter 15: Transcript
from Vol.
1 of the Private Letterbooks of Duncan Campbell.
to Campbell Letter 15: Justitia was
the JS&C ship used to transport convicts from England. From
1775-1776 she
was used as a "hulk" on the Thames. 28 June, 1771, Campbell to John
Glasgow. Campbell owned most of the replacement, also named Orange Bay. 28 June, 1771. Mr. John Paterson at Port
Scotland. Transcript from Duncan Campbell Private Letterbooks, Vol.
[37] T.
`Personal Indebtedness', p.
22; Jacob
M. Price's essay, `Joshua Johnson
London, 1771-1775', in Anne Whiteman
et al, (Eds.), Statesmen,
and Merchants, Essays ... presented to Dame Lucy Sutherland. Oxford,
1771, T. Thompson, `Personal
James Russell was a leader of the London tobacco
[38] One James Boyick was christened on 4 November,
at Laurencekirk, Kincardine, Scotland, father James Boyick, mother
Harvie, who were married 24 May, 1740 in that area. Mormon IGI (computer
version). It is not impossible it was the same
[39] Boyick's name surfaces in minor Blighiana, as
George Mackaness, (Ed), `Fresh
cited earlier, Part 1, p. 34, Note 28.
[40] Elizabeth Hoon,
The Organisation of the English Customs System, 1696-1786., p.
[41] Notes from Paul R. Johnson, (Ed.), The Economics of the Tobacco
New York, Praeger, 1984., p. 4. On tobacco-handling and the complicated
of Customs and Excise, see also varied material in Linebaugh, The London
[42] B. W. E. Alford,
WD and HO Wills and the Development of the UK Tobacco Industry,
London, Methuen, 1973., pp. 7-10.
[43] Notes have been taken here from Paul R.
(Ed), The Economics of the
Industry. New York, Praeger, 1984., pp.2-6, on modern tobaccos.
lists types of tobacco in production in the US in 1978. Tobaccos in the
old and
middle belts of Virginia and North Carolina were Type 11, flue-cured.
tobacco an air-dried type has only one type, mostly in Kentucky and
Cigarette-type tobacco was Maryland Type 32, from Southern Maryland,
slow-burning. Three types of fire-cured tobaccos were Virginia type 21
Kentucky-Tennessee types 22 and 23, a principal ingredient of snuff.
There was
a Virginia sun-cured type 37, for chewing tobacco and small dark cigars.
common tobacco is Nicotiniana
[44] Thomas Devine,
The Tobacco Lords, p. 64.
[45] John M. Hemphill, Virginia and the English
System, 1689-1733. London, Garland, 1985. [Facsimile of a 1964 Ph. D
Princeton University., p. 96,
[46] Tidewater Virginia tobacco was a heavy,
leaf, lighter in body and colour on the less fertile soils of the
Paul Johnson, (Ed.), Economics of
Tobacco Industry, p. 6 informs, as tobacco moved to the thinner
soils of
the piedmont, the cured leaf took a lighter, yellowish colour. Richard
Tennant, The American Cigarette
Yale University Press, 1950., p. 176.
[47] Notes from Paul R. Johnson, (Ed.), Economics of the Tobacco
Industry, p.
[48] Alford,
WD and
HO Wills, p. 7.
[49] Notes have been taken here from Paul R.
(Ed), The Economics of the
Industry, p. 11; Richard B. Tennant,
American Cigarette Industry, pp. 174-175.
[50] Tennant,
American Cigarette Industry, p. 183.
[51] Tennant, American
Cigarette Industry, p. 178.
[52] Tennant,
American Cigarette Industry, p. 210.
[53] Notes here are from Paul R. Johnson, (Ed), The Economics of the Tobacco
p. 6.
[54] Elizabeth Hoon,
The Organisation of the English Customs System, 1696-1786. New York.
p. 32.
[55] Hoon, English
Customs System, pp. 29ff.
[56] Hoon, English
Customs System, p. 65.
[57] Teignmouth and Harper, The Smugglers. Vol. 1. (Orig. 1923) 1973., p.
[58] Hoon, English
Customs System, p. 126.
[59] John M. Hemphill, Virginia and the English
System, 1689-1733. London, Garland,
1985. [Facsimile of a 1964 Ph. D thesis, Princeton University.,
p. 200.
[60] Hoon,
English Customs System, pp.
[61] Hoon, English
Customs System, pp. 247-252,
On Sir Robert Herries: John Booker, Traveller's Money. London, Alan
Publishing Ltd., 1994. See also, the helpful career sketch in
Namier-Brooke, History of Parliament, Vol. 2,
615-616. R. S. Sayers, Lloyds Bank in the History of
Banking. Oxford, Clarendon
1957., pp. 191ff.
[63] Thomas M. Devine,
The Tobacco Lords, pp. 82-83, p. 90, p. 109.
[64] Hoon, English
Customs System, p. 126.
[65] On Fitzhugh: Arthur M. Schlesinger in The Aristocracy in Colonial
pp. 528-535.
[66] See Jacob Price's information on numbers of
ironworks in `One Family's
p. 170.
[67] Kellock mistakenly says Stewart died in 1771,
that Campbell tried to secure the contract for felons, but could not do
so as
other merchants would take them to America without payment. She notes,
Campbell had been of anti-Wilkesite views, but that this seems not to
have hurt
his business. See Duncan Campbell in Kellock, London debt claimants of
appendix, p. 119.
[68] One wonders of this Abraham Lopez was a relative of Aaron Lopez (1731-1782) of Newport, Rhode Island, a Jewish merchant with large interests in slaving (and smuggling general goods from the Dutch), employing regular slave ships from Africa to Barbados and Jamaica. Considerable information on Aaron Lopez is contained in: The Nation of Islam, (Compilation), The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Vol. One. Boston, Mass, The Historical Research Department, The Nation of Islam, 1991 (Latimer Associates).
[69] Kellock, `London
Merchants,', London debt claimants of 1790, appendix, p. 122, p.
these domain stats begun 18 December 2005