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The Arthurian Legend - A Bibliography...
Peter Ackroyd, The Death of King Arthur: Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur. Penguin Classics, 2011, 316pp.
Arthurian legend: Scott Lloyd and Steve Blake, The Keys to Avalon. Element, 2000. (Explosive new book unearths the truth on the Arthurian legend, etc.)
Arthurian legend: Howard Reid, Arthur the Dragon King. Headline, 2001, 244pp. (What have the steppes of Asia got to do with the legend of King Arthur?)
Leslie Alcock, Arthur's Britain. London, Allen Lane, 1971.
Geoffrey Ashe, The Quest for Arthur's Britain. London, Pall Mall Press, 1968.
Richard Barber, King Arthur in Legend and History. London, Sphere Books, 1973.
Richard Cavendish, King Arthur and the Grail: The Arthurian Legends and their Meaning. London, Book Club Associates, 1978.
N. K. Chadwick, Celtic Britain. London, Thames and Hudson, 1963.
M. Dillon and N. K. Chadwick, The Celtic Realm. London, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1967.
L. V. Grinsell, 'The Legendary History and Folklore of Stonehenge', Folklore, Vol. 87, 1976.
A. O. H. Jarman, The Legend of Merlin. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1976.
Elizabeth Jenkins, The Mystery of King Arthur. London, Michael O'Mara Books Ltd., 1973.
R. S. Loomis, (Ed.), Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1959.
Pauline M. Matarasso, The Quest of the Holy Grail. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1969.
J. Morris, The Age of Arthur. London. Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1973.
I. Olschki, The Grail Castle and Its Mysteries. Trans. by J. A. Scott. Manchester University Press, 1966.
A. and B. Rees, Celtic Heritage. London, Thames and Hudson, 1973.
Anne Ross, Celtic Britain. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967.
R. F. Treharne, The Glastonbury Legends. London, Cresset Press, 1967.
Jessie I. Weston, The Quest of the Holy Grail. London, Frank Cass, 1964.
Notes: See Richard Cavendish's book; Weston thought the Grail legend preserved rites and symbols of a secret cult descended from pre-Christian mystery religions, and/or gnostic sects of the Eastern Mediterranean. This view was not accepted in academia. In Cavendish, Appendix II, it is noted that Miss Weston and A. E Waite disputed. Weston's view became part of modern occult lore, and she was close to The Quest Society, which was founded in London in 1909 by G. R. S. Mead, who published translations of Gnostic and Hermetic, and Greaco-Egyptian works, Mead was earlier secretary of Madame Blavatksy, the founder of the Theosophists. The Quest Society believed in a "secret tradition", of wisdom granted by mystery religion, and high magic, in the early Christian world. There was a means of humanity becoming divine. Occultists believed such secret wisdom was known to the Knights Templar, and that the Templars were connected with the inner mystery of the Grail. A. E. Waite wrote on secret tradition, mysticism and the occult.
::End notes section on Arthur's Britain:::::::::
Books/websites on "alternate history" at:
http://www.alternate history.com/entry.html/ and at:
Gardner Dozois and Stanley Schmidt,
(Eds.), Roads Not Taken: Tales of Alternate History.
Del Rey,
Harry Turtledove and Martin H. Greenberg, The
Alternate History Stories of the 20th Century. Del Rey, 2001.
Niall Ferguson, Virtual History. Picador,
Mark Aarons, War Criminals Welcome: Australia, A Sanctuary for Fugitive War Criminals Since 1945. Black Inc., 2001, 649pp.
Said K. Aburish, Nasser: The Last Arab. Duckworth, 2005, 355pp.
Y. Acharya, (Ed.), The Indian National Bibliography. Annual volume, 1992. Calcutta, Central Reference Library, 1997.
Peter Ackerman and Jack DuVall, A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict. Palgrave, 2001. (How war has been and can be avoided).
Peter Ackroyd, Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination. Random House, 2002, 518pp.
Margaret I. Adam, 'The Highland Emigration of 1770', Scottish Historical Review, Vol. 16, pp. 280-293. c 1920?
Margaret I. Adam, 'The Causes of the Highland Emigrations of 1783-1803', Scottish Historical Review, Vol. 17, No. 66, January 1920., pp. 73-89.
E. D. Adams, British Interests and Activities in Texas, 1838-1846. Gloucester, Mass., 1963.
Gerry Adams, Hope and History. Hardie Grant, 2003.
Madeleine Albright, Madam Secretary: A Memoir. Macmillan, 2003, 562pp. (Autobiogrraphy)
Susan E. Alcock, Terence N. D'Stroy, Kathleen D. Morrison and Carla M. Sinopoli, Empires: Perspectives from Archaeology and History. Cambridge University Press, 2001, 523pp.
Alfred Owen Aldridge, Man of Reason: The Life of Thomas Paine. London, Cresset Press, 1959.
Thomas B. Allen et al, Codename Downfall: The Secret Plan to Invade Japan. nd? (US invasion of Japan was planned for 1 November 1945, involving 5 million men, half the US military, many British troops and a division of Australians.) See also, John Ray Skates, The Invasion of Japan: Alternative to the Bomb. nd? Richard Frank, Downfall: The End of the Imperial Japanese Empire. nd?
Peter Aleshire, The Fox and The Whirlwind: General George Crook and Geronimo: A Paired Biography. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Alison Alexander, A Wealth of Women: Australian Women's Lives from 1788 to the Present. Duffy and Snellgrove, 2001, 300pp.
M. S. Anderson, Britain's Discovery of Russia. 1958.
Robyn Annear, The Man Who Lost Himself: The Unbelievable Story of the Tichborne Claimant. Text Publishing, 2002, 430pp.
Anon, Journalists of Reuters, Saddam's Iraq: Face-Off in the Gulf. Pearson, 2003, 179pp.
Anon, The Nation of Islam, (Writers various, compilation), The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Volume One. Boston, Mass, Latimer Associates, 1991.
Anon - Almanack and Register for the Island of Jamaica in 1784. Published by Douglass and Aikman, 1784.
Anne Applebaum, Gulag. Penguin Books, 2004.
William C. Appleton, A Cycle of Cathay: The Chinese Vogue in England During the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. New York, Columbia University Press, 1951.
Karen Armstrong, The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. HarperCollins, 2000.
John H. Arnold, History: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, 2000. 130pp.
Gilbert Armitage, The History of the Bow Street Runners, 1729-1829. London, Wishart and Co., nd.
Herbert Asbury, The Gangs of New York. 1928.
Herbert Asbury, Gangs of New York. Arrow, 2003.
David Ascoli, The Queen's Peace: The Origins and Development of the Metropolitan Police, 1829-1979. London, Hamish Hamilton, 1979.
A. Aspinall, The Early English Trade Unions: Documents from the Home Office Papers in the Public Record Office. London, The Batchworth Press, 1949.
M. L. Augustine, Fort William: Calcutta's Crowning Glory. New Delhi, Ocean Books. 1999.
Author notnamed, Abuse of Power: The New Nixon Tapes. Simon and Schuster, 675pp., 1998.
Greg Austin and Alexey D. Muraviev, Red Star East: The Armed Forces of Russia in Asia. Allen and Unwin, 2000. 402pp.
Asa Briggs, A Social History of England. Hodder and Stoughton, 1983. (A reply to G. M. Trevelyan's book, English Social History)
Robert Bartlett, (Ed.), The Medieval World Complete. Thames and Hudson, 2010, 336pp.
David Bodanis, Passionate Minds. Abacus, 2008, 312pp. (Particular reference to Voltaire's brilliant lover, Emilie du Chatelet)
David Brown, Palmerston: A Biography. Yale University Press, 2011, 573pp.
Neil MacGregor, A History of the World in 100 Objects. Penguin, 2011.
Jane Burbank and Frederick Cooper, Empires in World History: Power and the Politics of Difference. Princeton University Press, 2010, 511pp.
Kasia Boddy, Boxing: A Cultural History. Reaktion Books, 2008, 480pp.
Josephine Bacon, The Illustrated Atlas of Jewish Civilization. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Geoffrey Badger, Explorers of Australia. Kangaroo Press, 2001, 312pp.
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Temple and Lodge. London, 1990. New York, Bantam Books, 1990.
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Inquisition. Penguin, 2001, 318pp.
Jacquelyne Bailey, Conversations in a Brothel. Men Tell Why They Do It. Hodder Headline, 2002, 188pp.
Norman Baker, Government and Contractors: The British Treasury and War Supplies, 1775-1783. London, The Athlone Press, 1971.
G. Balasz and K. Szelenyi, The Magyars: Birth of a European Nation. Corvina Press, Budapest, 1989.
Glen St J. Barclay, A Very Small Insurance Policy: The Politics of Australian Involvement in Vietnam, 1954-1967. St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1988.
Elazar Barkan, The Guilt of Nations: Restitution and Negotiating Historical Injustices . W. W. Norton, 2000. 414pp.
Anthony Barker, When was That? Chronology of Australia from 1788. Sydney, John Ferguson, 1988.
C. Barnard, The Nature of Leadership, In Leadership: Classical, Contemporary, and Critical Approaches, K. Grint, Oxford, Oxford University Press: 89-111., 1997.
Andrew Barr, Drink: An Informal Social History. London, Bantam, 1995.
I. Barta, et al, (Ed.), A History of Hungary. Collet's, London, 1975.
Robert Bartlett, First Gold: A History of Australia's First Goldfield, Ophir, NSW. Angus and Robertson, 2000.
Hugh Barty-King, The Worst Poverty: A History of Debt and Debtors. Gloucestershire, England, Alan Sutton, 1991.
Jacques Barzun, From Dawn to Decadence. HarperCollins, 2000. 877 pp. (A study of Western culture).
Nicholas A. Basbanes, A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books. New York, Henry Holt, 1995.
Jenny Baxter and Malcolm Downing, (Eds.), The Day That Shook The World. BBC with ABC Books, 2002, 224pp. (On 11 September 2001 in New York)
Philip Bean and Joy Melville, Lost Children of the Empire. London, Unwin Hyman, 1989.
Bill Beatty, Early Australia: With Shame Remembered. Sydney, Cassell, 1962.
Bill Beatty, Tales of Old Australia. Ure Smith, Sydney, 1966.
Bill Beatty, A Treasury of Australian Folk Tales and Traditions. North Sydney, Walkabout Pocketbooks, 1969.
J. H. Beattey, Suppression of the Monasteries in the West Country. Alan Sutton, 1989.
A. B. Beaven, The Aldermen of the City of London. Two Vols. London, 1913.
Re: Michaelangelo: The received wisdom that he was a homosexual is dismissed. From a book review, September 1999. See James Beck, Three Worlds of Michaelangelo. Norton, 1999.
Peter Becker, Hill Of Destiny: The Life and Times of Moshesh, Founder of the Basotho. Penguin. 1982. Orig. 1969. (On South Africa)
Peter Becker, Path Of Blood: The Rise And Conquests Of Mzilikazi, Founder of The Matabele. Penquin 1979, first pub in 1962. (On South Africa)
Sally Bedell Smith, Grace and Power: The Private World of the Kennedy White House. Aurum, 2004, 640pp.
Jack Beeching, The Chinese Opium Wars. New York, Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, c. 1975.
Antony Beevor, The Mystery of Olga Chekhova. (On daughter of playwright Anton Chekhov) Viking, 2004, 300pp. (Beevor also writes, Stalingrad and Berlin: The Downfall 1945)
Antony Beevor, Berlin: The Downfall 1945. Viking, 2002, 490pp.
A. Scott Berg, Lindbergh. Macmillan, 1999?
Olivier Bernier, The World in 1800. Wiley, 2000.
Peter Bernstein, Against All Odds. Wiley, 1998-199. (History of mathematics + gambling + finance).
Simon Berthon, Allies at War. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (On Churchill, Roosevelt and De Gaulle)
Sophie Bessie, Western Supremacy: The Triumph Of An Idea. Zed Books, 203, 290pp.
Hugh Bicheno, Rebels and Redcoats: The American Revolutionary War. (Foreword by Richard Holmes) HarperCollins, 2003. (Highly recommended - Ed)
Robert Bickers, Empire Made Me: An Englishman Adrift in Shanghai. Allen Lane, 2003. (On Maurice Tinkler, a Lancashire man serving with Shanghai Municipal Police after World War One. The author dislikes the subject's racism.)
Osama bin-Laden, The Clear War Against Americans who are in the Holy Lands. nd?
John Birmingham, Appeasing Jakarta: Australia's Complicity in the East Timor Tragedy. Australian Quarterly Essay, Black Inc., 2001, 130pp.
T. N. Bisson, The Medieval Crown of Aragon: A Short History. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986.
Clinton V. Black, The Story of Jamaica. London, 1965.
Conrad Black, Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2004, 1280pp.
Jeremy Black, The English Press in the Eighteenth Century. London, Croom Helm, 1986.
Geoffrey Blainey, Short History of the World. Viking, 2000.
Anne Blair, There To The Bitter End: Ted Serong in Vietnam. Allen and Unwin, 2001, 298pp. (Shadowy career of an Australian soldier-spy destined to be disregarded)
Clark Blaise, Time Lord: Sir Sandford Fleming and the Creation of Standard Time. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2000. 246pp.
Horace Bleakely, Life of John Wilkes. London, 1917.
Ivan Bloch, Sexual Life in England, Past and Present. Oracle Pub. Ltd., Royston, 1938-1993.
Harold Bloom, Shakespeare: The Invention Of The Human. Fourth Estate, 1999.
Jonathan Bloom, Islam: A Thousand Years of Faith and Power. TV Books, 2001 (Based on the SBS TV series).
William Blum, Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower. Common Courage, 2003.
Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars. Viking, 2003, 822pp.
Walter Hart Blumenthal, Brides from Bridewell: Female Felons sent to Colonial America. Rutland Vermont, Tuttle, 1962.
Benson Bobrick, Fearful Mystery: The Life and Reign of Ivan the Terrible. New York, Putnam, 1987. 384 pp.
Dwight Bogdanov and Vladimir Lowell, A World History. University of California in Moscow, 1992, 640pp.
John Booker, Traveller's Money. London, Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd., 1994. (On Robert Herries, the "inventor" of the traveller's cheque)
Daniel J. Boostin, The Discoverers: A History of Man's Search to Know His World and Himself. New York, Random House, 1983.
Tim Bonyhady, The Colonial Earth. Melbourne University Press, 2001. (Argues that Australians have been concerned about the environment since 1788 - book issued when it is widely reported in Australian newspapers that river systems are under almost intolerable stress.)
Joanna Bourke, The Second World War: A People's History. Oxford University Press, 2001?
H. R. Fox Bourne, English Merchants: Memoirs in Illustration of the Progress of British Commerce. London, Chatto and Windus, 1886. [Kraus Reprint Co., New York, 1969 in Two Vols].
James Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson. (various editions)
R. J. B. Bosworth, Mussolini. Arnold/Hodder Headline, 2002.
Peter Botsman and Mark Latham, The Enabling State: People before Bureaucracy. Pluto Press, 2001, 288pp. (Critique of situations in Australia)
Douglas Botting, Dr Eckner's Dream Machine: The Great Zeppelin and the Dawn of Air Travel. HarperCollins, 2002, 368pp.
James Bovard, Freedom in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise of the Citizen. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Carl Bover, A History of Mathematics. Publisher? nd?
Artyom Bovrik, The Hidden War. ? (Bovrik was a Russian correspondent from the Russian war in Afghanistan, which began in 1979 and ended in 1989. 500,000 Russians fought in Afghanistan, 15,000 not returning. Six million Afghanis fled their land, and one million of those who did not leave did not live to see the Soviet withdrawal)
1 December, 1949: Birth of later Colombian druglord, Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria. See Mark Bowden, Killing Pablo: The Hunt for the Richest, Most Powerful Criminal in History. Atlantic Books, 2001.
Mark Bowden, Pitt Rivers: The Life and Archaeological Work of Lieutenant-General Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers, DCL, FRS, FSA. 1991.
Peter Bowler, The Superior Person's Book of Words. Bloomsbury, 2002, 166pp.
Sarah Bradford, America's Queen: The Life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Viking, 2000.
Rose Brady, Kapitalizm: Russia's Struggle to Free its Economy. Yale University Press, 289pp, 2000.
John F. N. Bradley, Civil War in Russia, 1917-1920. London, B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1975.
William Brandon, The American Heritage Book of Indians. New York, Dell Pub. Co., 1961.
Rabbi R. Brasch, How did Sex Begin? The Sense and Nonsense of Sexual Custom and
Bob Breen, Mission Accomplished: East Timor. Allen and Unwin, 2001. 226pp.Tradition. Angus and Robertson, Harper/Collins, Sydney, 1973-1995.
Richard Breitmann, Official Secrets: What the Nazis Planned, What the British and Americans Knew. Viking, 1998-1999(?).
Robert Brenner, Merchants and Revolution: Commercial Change, Political Conflict, and London's Overseas Traders, 1550-1653. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
William B. Breuer, Undercover Tales of World War II. John Wiley and Sons, 2000.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives. 1997.
Denis Brian, Joseph Pulitzer, A Life. Wiley, 2001.
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Various editions.
Terry Brighton, Hell Riders: The Truth About The Charge Of The Light Brigade. Viking, 2005, 370pp.
John Brockman, (Ed.), The Greatest Inventions of the Past 2000 Years. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2000.
Fawn Brodie, The Devil Drives: A Life of Sir Richard Burton. New York, W. W. Norton and Co., nd.
Nick Bromell, Tomorrow Never Knows: Rock and Psychedelics in the 60s. University of Chicago Press, 2000/2001.
Christopher Brooke, The Saxon and Norman Kings. London, Batsford, 1968-1978.
David Brooks, Boobs in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There. Simon and Schuster, 2000.
Antony Brown, Hazard Unlimited: The Story of Lloyd's of London. London, Peter Davies, 1973.
Antony Brown, Three Hundred Years of Lloyd's. London, Lloyd's of London Press, Ltd., (Iain Lindsay-Smith, Lloyd's List), 1988.
Malcolm Brown, The Imperial War Museum Book of the First World War. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Wallace Brown, The Good Americans: The Loyalists in the American Revolution. New York, Morrow, 1965.
Wallace Brown, The King's Friends: The Composition and Motives of the American Loyalist Claimants. Providence, Rhode Island, Brown University Press, 1965.
Christopher R. Browning, Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland. Penguin, 2001, 271pp.
Bill Bryson, Down Under. Doubleday, 2000. (About Australia.)
T. Lindsay Buick, The Treaty of Waitangi: How New Zealand became a British Colony. New Plymouth, New Zealand, Thomas Avery and Sons Ltd., 1933.
James Buchan, Frozen Desire: An Inquiry into the Meaning of Money. Picador, 320pp., 1998.
Tin Bui, Following Ho Chi Minh: The Memoirs of a North Vietnamese Colonel. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Allan Bullock, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny. Published first in 1952. (Selling about three million copies)
Alan Bullock, Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives. Fontana, 1999. 1184pp
Alan Bullock and Stephen Trombley, (Eds), The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought. HarperCollins, 1999.
Bill Bunbury, It's Not The Money, It's The Land. Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 2002, 192pp. (More on the miseries of Aboriginal people in Outback Australia)
James Burgess, The Chronology of Indian History. Delhi, Cosmo Pubs., 1972. (From 1487 as Diaz opens sea route to India.)
Anthony Burke, In Fear of Security: Australia's Invasion Anxiety. Pluto Press, 371pp.
Joanna Burke, An Intimate History of Killing: Face-to-Face Killing in Twentieth Century Warfare. Publisher ?, 1999. 564pp.
Kathleen Burk, Morgan Grenfell, 1838-1988: The Biography of a Merchant Bank. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1990.
Brian Burrell, Damn the Torpedoes: Fighting Words, Rallying Cries and The Hidden History of Warfare. McGraw Hill, 219pp., 1999.
John Burke and John Bernard Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland and Scotland. Second edition. London, John Russell Smith. [Facsimile of the 1964 edition]. Hereafter, Burke's Extinct.
Burke's, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry. London, Edn. 18.
John Burke and John Bernard Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland and Scotland. Second edition. London, John Russell Smith. [Facsimile of the 1964 edition]. Or, Burke's Extinct.
Thomas Burke, The Streets of London through the Centuries. London, Batsford, 1943.
Michael Burleigh, The Third Reich. Pan Macmillan, 2001.
Bryan Burrough, Dragonfly: The Terrifying Story of Mir, Earth's First Outpost in Space. Fourth Estate, 2000.
Sarah Burton, Imposters. Viking, 2000.
Richard Butler, Saddam Defiant: The Threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction and The Crisis of Global Security. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2000. 271pp.
Dan Byrnes, '"Emptying The Hulks": Duncan Campbell and the First Three Fleets to Australia', The Push From The Bush: A Bulletin of Social History, No. 24, April, 1987., pp. 2-23.
Dan Byrnes, 'Outlooks for the English South Whale Fishery, 1782-1800, and the "great Botany Bay debate"', The Great Circle, Vol. 10, No. 2, October 1988., pp. 79-102.
Dan Byrnes, 'The Blackheath Connection: London Local History and the Settlement at New South Wales, 1786-1806', The Push, A Journal of Early Australian Social History, No. 28, 1990., pp. 50-98.
Dan Byrnes, `Commentary', to Wilfrid Oldham, Britain's Convicts to the Colonies. Sydney, Library of Australian History, 1990.
Yossef Bodansky, Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America. Century, 2001. (Detailed investigation of bin-Laden by a terrorism expert.)
Re The Marian Exiles of England, see Sarah Covington, 'Heretic Hunting beyond the Seas: John Brett and his Encounter with the Marian Exiles', pp. 407-429 of Albion, Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies, Vol. 36, No. 3, Fall 2004.
David Crane, Scott of the Antarctic. HarperCollins, 2007, 595pp.
Bruce Cumings, Korea's Place in the Sun. WW Norton, 2007, 542pp.
Stephen Coote, Samuel Pepys: A Life. Hodder, 2001, 386pp.
Matthew B. Crawford, Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Nature of Work. Penguin Books, 2009, 246pp.
John Carlin, Playing The Enemy: Nelson Mandela and The Game That Made a Nation. Atlantic Books, 2008/2009, 274pp.
William Christie, Samuel Taylor Coleridge: A Literary Life. Palgrave MacMillan, 2009, 272pp.
Bruce Cumings, Korea's Place in the Sun. WW Norton, 2007, 542pp.
Clifton Crais and Pamela Scully, Sara Baartman and The Hottentot Venus. Princeton University Press, 2009, 228pp. (Sara was a South African Hottentot woman taken to C19th Europe and paraded as "a specimen", presented as an indication of the baseness of female sexuality. The authors have worked on minimal information available on her life, meaning, the C19th polemic was far larger than interest in her actual life.)
Cairncross, The Death of Distance: How the
Communications Revolution Will Change Our Lives. Boston,
Business School Press, 1977.
Robert McCluer Calhoun, The Loyalists in Revolutionary America, 1760-1781. New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973.
Question: Do Climate Changes Mean Anything?
Reprinted From World Climate Report v. 3 (4) August 31, 1998 -
By Thomas
Gale Moore, Ph.D. Stanford University
Also: William H.
Calvin is
a theoretical neurophysiologist at the University of Washington at
Seattle. For more information on Calvin and his writings on climate
change topics, see his personal Web site. Copyright © 1998 by
The Atlantic Monthly Company. All rights reserved. The Atlantic
Monthly; January 1998; The Great Climate Flip-Flop; by William H.
Calvin, Volume 281, No. 1; pp. 47-64.
Jeremy Campbell, The Liar's Tale: A History of Falsehood. Norton, 2001.
Hugh A. Campbell, `Clan Massacre or Authorised Military Operation: The Earl of Argyll's Regiment at Glencoe, 1692', Cruachan (The Clan Campbell journal in Australia), No. 50, September-December., 1990., pp. 32-39.
David Cannadine, In Churchill's Shadow. Penguin, 2003, 386pp.
Phillip V. Cannistraro and John J. Reich, The Western Perspective: A History of Civilization in the West. Volume C: 1789 to the Present. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
John Carey, (Ed.), The Faber Book of Utopias. Faber, 1999.
John Carey, (Ed.), Eyewitness To History. Cambridge, Mass, Harvard, 1988.
Ken Carey, The Third Millennium: Living in the Post-Historic World . Harper/SanFrancisco, 1991-1995.
Roane Carey and Jonathan Shainin, (Eds.), The Other Israel. The New Press, 2004, 208pp. (Diverse opinion from Israelis, more so than mere ideology)
Ann M. Carlos, `Bonding and the Agency Problem: Evidence from the Royal African Company, 1672-1691', Explorations in Economic History, 31, 1994., pp. 313-335.
T. Carlyle, Heroes and Hero Worship. Boston, Adams, 1907.
Joel Carmichael, Trotsky: An Appreciation of His Life. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1975.
Robert Caro, The Years of Lyndon Johnson. Vol 3: Master of the Senate. Jonathan Cape, 2002, 1650pp.
Caleb Carr, The Lessons of Terror. Little, Brown, 2002, 271pp. (On terrorism down various ages, dismissed as historical rubbish by an Australian reviewer)
John Carroll, The Wreck of Western Culture: Humanism Revisited. Scribe, 2004, 360pp. (By an Australian academic, a post-9/11 revamp of Carroll's 1993 book, Humanism)
Tim Carroll, The Great Escapers: The Full Story of the Second World War's Most Remarkable Mass Escape. Hardie Grant Books, 2005, 272pp.
E. R. Chamberlain, The Bad Popes. New York, Barnes and Noble, 1969.
James Chambers, Christopher Wren. Sutton Pocket Biographies. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
David Chandler, Voices from S-21: Terror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison. Allen and Unwin, 2000.
Tara Chand, History of the Freedom Movement in India. Vol. 1. New Delhi, Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1970.
Alfred D. Chandler, The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business. London, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1978.
Matthew Chapman, Trials of the Monkey: An Accidental Memoir. Duckworth, 2001, 333pp.
John Charles Chasteen, Born in Blood and Fire: A Concise History of Latin America. Norton, 2001. 352pp.
N. C. Chaudhuri, Clive of India: A Political and Psychological Essay. London, Barrie and Jenkins, 1975.
W. E. Cheong, 'Trade and Finance in China, 1784-1834', Business History, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 1965., pp. 34-47.
W. E. Cheong, 'The beginning of credit finance on the China coast: the Canton financial crisis of 1812-1815', Business History, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1971., pp. 87-103.
W. E. Cheong, 'China Houses and the Bank of England crisis of 1825', Business History, Vol. 15, No. 1, January 1973., pp. 56-73.
W. E. Cheong, Mandarins and Merchants: Jardine Matheson and Co: A China Agency of the Early Nineteenth Century. London, Curzon Press, (Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, Monograph Series, No. 26), 1979.
Ian R. Christie, British `non-elite' MPs, 1715-1820. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1995.
L. G. Churchward, Australia and America, 1788-1972: An Alternative History. Sydney, Alternative Publishing Co-Op Ltd., 1979.
Laura Claridge and Tamara de Lempicka, A Life of Deco and Decadence. Bloomsbury, 2001, 436pp.
C. M. H. Clark, 'The Origins of the Convicts transported to Eastern Australia, 1787-1852', Historical Studies, Australiana and New Zealand, Vol. 7, Parts 1 and 2, November 1955-May 1957., Part 1, pp. 121-135, Part 2, pp. 314-327.
Patricia Clarke, Rosa! Rosa!: A Life of Rosa Praed, Novelist and Spiritualist. Melbourne University Press, 1999.
Wesley Clark, Winning Modern Wars. Pan Macmillan, 2003/2004, 218pp.
John Clay, Maconochie's Experiment. John Murray, 2001, 276pp. (On Norfolk Island and other Australian convict hells)
Bill Clinton, My Life. Hutchinson, 2004.
Hilary Clinton, Living History. Headline, 2003.
John Coates, An Atlas of Australia's Wars. Oxford University Press, 2001.
Mark Cocker, Rivers of Blood, Rivers of Gold: Europe's Conquest of Indigenous Peoples. New York, Grove Press, nd.
David Cohen, Diana: Death Of A Goddess. Century, 2004, 264pp.
Stephen Colegrave and Chris Sullivan, Punk. Cassell, 2001?. (A coffee-table anthology and explanation "by two fine rock journalists")
Dr John Coleman, Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. Carson City, NV, America West Publishers, 1992.
Lizzie Collingham, Curry: A Biography. Chatto and Windus, 2005, 336pp.
Mark Collings, (Ed.), Muhammad Ali: Through the Eyes of the World. Sanctuary Publishing, 2002, 481pp.
Patrick Colquhuon, LL.D., A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis. London, 1805.
Saxe Commins and Robert N. Linscott, Man and the
Universe: The
Philosophers of Science. New York, Washington Square Press,
See also; Olaf Pedersen and Mogens Pihl, Early
Physics and
Astronomy: A Historical Introduction. London, MacDonald and
Janes, New York: American Elsevier, 1974; 2nd ed. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press, 1993. On Medieval Cosmology and
Astronomy, Edward Grant, "Cosmology," in Science in the
Middle Ages, Ed. David C. Lindberg, Chicago, University of
Chicago Press, 1984, pp. 265-302; and Olaf Pedersen, "Astronomy,"
ibid, pp. 303-37. For an account of Aristotelian
cosmology and
Ptolemaic astronomy in the period leading up to Galileo's
discoveries, see James M. Lattis, Between Copernicus and
Christoph Clavius and the Collapse of Ptolemaic Cosmology
Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1994. Of interest is:
Archaeoastronomy & Ethnoastronomy Newsletter XIII. ESSAYS FROM,
THE CENTER FOR ARCHAEOASTRONOMY. Number 13 September Equinox 1994.
E.g., Essay: Archaeoastronomy and Philosophy by Greg Whitlock, Austin
Community College. On other topics, see: Trialogues at the
Edge of
the West by Abraham and Sheldrake: Ralph Abraham,
and leader in the new science of chaos, Terrance McKenna,
shamanologist and ethno-pharmacologist, and Rupert Sheldrake,
acclaimed biologist as they "trialogue" questions such as:
How can chaos contribute to our lives? Is armageddon a
self-fulfilling prophecy? How can scientists and mystics share the
same planet? Belonging to the Universe by Fritzof
Capra, and
D. Steindl-Rast: The trailblazer in new science (Capra) and a
contemporary Thomas Merton (Steindl-Rast) investigate the parallels
between new paradigm thinking in science and religion, which together
offer a remarkably compatible new view of the universe. Dossey,
Recovering the Soul. Dossey synthesizes the ideas of
scientists with the time-honoured knowledge of visionaries and
mystics to present convincing evidence for a non-logical, holistic
view of mind and reality that can explain transcendental experiences.
In short, he provides new proof of the existence of the soul. R.
Neville, Eternity and Time's Flow. Neville's
opening claim is
simply indesputable, that nothing in ancient mythical cosmology, no
matter how fantastic, rivals the sort of sweepingly imaginative
cosmological claims issuing from the pens of today's most prominent
theoretical physicists. R. Wilson, The New Inquisition.
this thought-provoking work, Wilson designates certain habits of
repression and intimidation that are becoming increasingly
commonplace in the scientific community today. Wilson also designates
rigid beliefs that form the ideological superstructure. Further
queries: Email: global@selfaware.com
S. J. Connolly, (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to Irish History. Oxford University Press, 1998. ISBN 0 19 211 695 9.
John Connor, The Australian Frontier Wars, 1788-1838. UNSW Press, 2002, 186pp.
Peter J. Conrad, Iris Murdoch: A Life. HarperCollins, 2001, 706pp.
Tim Pat Coogan, The I. R. A. Fontana/Collins, 1970.
Tim Pat Coogan, Wherever Green Is Worn: The Story of the Irish Diaspora. Hutchinson, 2001, 746pp.
Don Cook, The Long Fuse: How England Lost the American Colonies. Boston, Mass., Atlantic Monthly Press, nd.
Stephen Coote, Samuel Pepys: A Life. Hodder, 2001. 386pp
Alain Corbin, (Translated by Arthur Goldhammer), The Life Of An Unknown: The rediscovered world of a clog-maker in 19th-Century France. Columbia University Press, 2001, 269pp.
John Cornwell, Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII. Viking, 1999.
Cathryn Corns and John Hughes-Wilson, Blindfold and Alone: British Military Executions in the Great War. Cassell, 2001.
Count Corti, The Rise of the House of Rothschild. [Translated from the German by Brian and Beatrix Lunn] London, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1928.
Con Costello, Botany Bay: The Story of the Convicts Transported from Ireland to Australia, 1791-1853. Cork-Dublin, Mercier, 1987.
Stephane Courtois, (Ed.,) The Black Book of Communism. Harvard University Press, 2001, 912pp.
E. B. Castle, Ancient Education and Today. Pelican, 1961.
R. J. Carlson, The End of Medicine. John Wiley, 1975.
A. Carr-Saunders, The Problem of Population. London, 1922.
Anton Chekhov, The Undiscovered Chekhov: Thirty-Eight New Stories . Translated by Peter Constantine. Seven Stories Press, 2000.
Richard Z. Chesnoff, Pack of Thieves. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2000, 325pp. (Inside the greatest robbery of all time - misuse of European Jewish assets from 1939).
Noam Chomsky, September 11. Allen and Unwin, 2002.
Denise Chong, The Girl In The Picture: The Remarkable Story of Vietnam's Most Famous Casualty. Simon and Schuster, 372pp.
H. P. Clodd, Malaya's First British Pioneer: The Life of Francis Light. London, Luzac and Co., 1948.
Frank Clune, Rascals, Ruffians and Rebels of Early Australia. Sydney. Angus And Robertson, 1987.
Brigadier Richard C. Clutterbuck, The Long Long War: Counterinsurgency in Malaya and Vietnam. New York. Praeger. 1966. With foreword by General Harold K. Johnson, chief of staff, US army.
Peter Cochrane, Australians at War. ABC Books, 2001. 272pp,
Dr John Coleman, The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300. Second edition. Carson City, Nevada, Joseph Publishing Co., 1992.
Compilation, The Hutchinson Encyclopedia of Modern Political Biography. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (On 90 major figures)
Compilation: Officers of Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, East Timor in Transition, 1998-2000. Published by the Dept., 2001, 312pp.
Compilation, (Translated by Eisei Ishikawa and David L. Swain), Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Physical, Medical and Social Effects of the Atomic Bombings. By the committee for the compilation by materials on damage caused by the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. US, Basic Books, 1982.
Compilation, (Edited by Japan Broadcasting Corporation), Unforgettable Fire: Pictures Drawn by Atomic Bomb Survivors. Pantheon, 1982.
Don Cook, The Long Fuse: How England Lost the American Colonies. Boston, Mass., Atlantic Monthly Press, nd-recent.
James Cowan, Francis, A Saint's Way. Hodder Headline, 2001, 180pp. (On St. Francis of Assisi)
Yvonne Cramer, (Ed.), This Beauteous, Wicked Place: Letters and Journals of John Grant, Gentleman Convict. National Library of Australia, 2000. (Life in New South Wales, or Sydney as an early convict colony)
Edward Crankshaw, The Shadow of the Winter Palace: The Drift to Revolution, 1825-1917. Penguin, 1976.
Edward Crankshaw, (Intro.), Krushchev Remembers. (Translated by Strobe Talbott). Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 1970.
Ian Crawford, We Won the Victory: Aborigines and Outsiders on the North-West Coast of the Kimberley. Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 2001.
Barbara Creed and Jeanette Hoorn, (Eds.), Body Trade: Captivity, Cannibalism and Colonialism in the Pacific. Pluto Press, 2001.
Irena Cristalis, Bitter Dawn: East Timor, A People's Story. Zed Books, 2002, 306pp.
Michael Cronin and Daryl Adair, The Wearing of the Green: A History of St Patrick's Day. Routledge, 2002, 328pp.
Paul Crook, 'War's Genetic Disaster? The First World War Debate over the Eugenics of Warfare', War and Society, Vol. 8, No. 1, May, 1990., pp. 47ff.
Roger Cross, Fallout: Hedley Marston and the British Bomb Tests in Australia. Wakefield Press, 2001, 226pp.
D. Crossley, Post-Medieval Archaeology in Britain. 1994.
Martin Crotty, Making the Australian Male: Middle-Class Masculinity, 1870-1920. Melbourne University Press, 2001, 301pp.
Frank Crowley, Big John Forrest, 1847-1918: A Founding Father of the Commonwealth of Australia. University of Western Australia Press, 2001, 540pp.
David Crystal, Language and the Internet. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Chris Cunningham, The Blue Mountains Rediscovered. Sydney, Kangaroo Press, c. 1997.
John Currey, David Collins: A Colonial Life. The Miengunyah Press, 2001, 390pp.
Michael Curtis, Verdict on Vichy. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2002)
James McBride Dabbs, Heroes, Rogues and Lovers. Testosterone and Behaviour. McGraw-Hill, 2002, 285pp.
Paddy Docherty, The Khyber Pass: A History of Empire and Invasion. Faber and Faber, 2007, 261pp.
C1000AD: Liza Dalby, Tale of Murasaki. Random House Australia, 2000. (A woman's life in provincial Japan and at the Imperial Court 1000 years ago)
Joy Damousi, Living with the Aftermath: Trauma, Nostalgia and Grief in Postwar Australia. Cambridge University Press, 2001, 240pp.
Jack Dann, The Memory Cathedral. 1996-1997 (?). (On the ideas and genius of Leonardo da Vinci).
Edwin Danson, Drawing the Line: How Mason and Dixon Surveyed the Most Famous Border in America. John Wiley and Sons, 2001, 232pp.
Saul David, The Indian Mutiny 1857. London, Viking, 2002.
James Davidson, Courtesans and Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens. Fontana, 1998.
Norman Davies, Rising '44: The Battle for Warsaw. Macmillan, 2004, 752pp.
Russell Davies, Foreign Body: The Secret Life of Robert Maxwell. Bloomsbury, 1997, 230pp. (Maxwell the media magnate died off a boat off the Canary Islands.)
Michael Davie, Anglo-Australian Attitudes. Secker and Warburg, 2000. (A reviewer of this book quoted novelist Howard Jacobson, "Everything brutal about Australia is British". But this is not entirely true at all; much brutality in Australia has its own unique, unwholesome flavour - Ed).
Keay Davidson, Carl Sagan: A Life. Wiley, 1999.
R. H. C. Davis, A History of Medieval Europe: From Constantine to Saint Louis. London, Longman, 1980 printing.
Circa 1600-1627: some 74 passengers to Barbados are listed in N. Darnell Davis, Cavaliers and Roundheads of Barbados, 1650-1652. Georgetown, British Guiana, 1887.
Graeme Davison, John Hirst and Stuart Macintrye, (Eds.), The Oxford Companion to Australian History. Oxford University Press, 1998.
Graeme Davison, The Use and Abuse of Australian History. Allen and Unwin, 2000.
David Day, Chifley. HarperCollins, 2001, 562pp. (On Australian prime minister Ben Chifley)
David Day, Conquest: A New History of the Modern World. HarperCollins, 2005, 370pp.
David Day, Claiming a Continent: A New History of Australia. HarperCollins, 2001. 352pp.
David Day, John Curtin: A Life. HarperCollins, 1999-2000 (Life of a prime minister of Australia)
Alain de Botton, Status Anxiety. Hamish Hamilton, 2004, 314pp.
Anne de Courcy, The Viceroy's Daughters: The Lives of the Curzon Sisters. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2001, 421pp.
Christopher de Hamel, The Book: A History of the Bible. Phaidon, 2001.
Anne Marie du Preez Bezdrob, Winnie Mandela: A Life. Zebra Press/New Holland, 2004, 287pp.
Byron De Prorok, Dead Men Do Tell Tales. 2001. (Archaeology?)
Louise De Salvo, Virginia Woolf: The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse on her Life and Work. New York, Ballantine Books. 1989.
Ludo De Witte, The Assassination of Lumumba. Verso, ? (On "Belgium's abject colonial history in Africa". Patrice Lumumba was murdered in 1961)
Richard Deacon, John Dee: Scientist, Geographer, Astrologer and Secret Agent to Elizabeth 1. London, Frederick Muller, 1968.
W. R. Denslow, [Foreword by Harry S. Truman], 10,000 Famous Freemasons. [US] 1957.
Noel Deerr, The History of Sugar. Two Vols. London, Chapman and Hall, 1949-1950.
Michael De-La-Noy, George IV. Sutton Pocket Biographies. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Joanna Denny, Anne Boleyn: A New Life of England's Tragic Queen. Hodder, 2004, 374pp.
Thomas M. Devine, The Tobacco Lords: A Study of the Tobacco Merchants of Glasgow and their Trading Activities, 1740-1790. Edinburgh, Donald, 1975.
Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everybody for the Last 13,000 Years. Village, 1998.
Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. Jonathan Cape, 1997.
Dictionary of American Biography. American Council of Learned Societies. 1928ff.
Australian Dictionary of Biography. Vols. 1-12. London, Melbourne University Press, 1966ff. Also, CD-ROM version.
Canadian Dictionary of Biography. Vol. 4, 1771-1800. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1979.
Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. Vol. 1, 1769-1869. Wellington, New Zealand, Allen and Unwin and the New Zealand Dept. of Internal Affairs, 1990.
John Dickie, Cosa Nostra: A History of the Sicilian Mafia. Hodder. 2004, 483pp.
Patrick Dillon, The Much-Lamented Death of Madam Geneva: The Eighteenth Century Gin Craze. Review, 2002, 364pp. (Poverty, English corruption, disease and gin-drinking)
Norman F. Dixon, On The Psychology of Military Incompetence. nd?
Michael Dobbs, Winston's War. HarperCollins, 2002, 499pp. (On Winston Churchill)
William Dodson, The Sharp End: Inside the High-Risk World of Australia's Tactical Law Enforcers. Macmillan, 2001, 266pp.
Edward Dodwell and James Samuel, Bengal Civil Servants, 1780-1838. London, Miles, 1839.
Henry Dodwell, Dupleix and Clive: The Beginnings of Empire. London, Frank Cass and Co., 1967. (On Indian history)
Brian Dolan, Ladies of the Grand Tour. HarperCollins, 2001, 330pp. (Well-born women taking tours of The Continent in 18th Century and later)
Edward Dolnick, Down The Great Unknown: The Conquest of the Grand Canyon. HarperCollins, 2003, 452pp.
Elizabeth Donnan, `Eighteenth-Century English Merchants: Micajah Perry', Journal of Economic and Business History, Four vols., Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1928-1932., iv, 1932., pp. 70-98.Thomas Dormandy, Moments of Truth: Four Creators of Modern Medicine. Wiley, 2004, 563pp.
J. V. Downton, Rebel Leadership: Commitment and Charisma in a Revolutionary Process. New York, Free Press, 1973.
J. A. Doyle, The English in America: The Puritan Colonies. Part 1. New York, Ames Press, 1969. Orig. published in 1887.
Philip Drew, Utzon and the Sydney Opera House: As it happened, 1918-2000. Inspire Press, 2000.
R. W. F. Droogleever, From the Front, A. B. (Banjo) Patterson's Dispatches from the Boer War. Macmillan, 2000. 488pp.
Saul Dubow, Illicit Union: Scientific Racism in Modern South Africa. Cambridge, WUP African Studies Series, Witwatersrand University Press, 1995. (For sale in South Africa only - not for export)
Piers Dudgeon, Breaking Out of the Box: The Biography of Edward de Bono. Hodder, 2001, 312pp.
Judith Dupre, Bridges: A History of the World's Most Famous and Important Spans. Konnemann, 1999.
Maureen Duffy, England: The Making of the Myth. Fourth Estate, 2001. 274pp.
William J. Duiker, Ho
Chi Minh.
Allen and Unwin, 2001, 692pp.
Website on Ho Chi Minh at
Peter Earle, Monmouth's Rebels: The Road to Sedgemoor, 1685. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1977.
Martin Ebon, Svetlana: The Incredible Story of Stalin's Daughter. Signet/New American Library, 1967.
Peter W. Edbury, The Kingdom of Cyprus and the Crusades, 1191-1374. Sydney, Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Bernard Edelman, (Ed.,) Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam. W. W. Norton, 2002, 326pp. (Republished from 1985)
Robert Edgerton, The Troubled Heart of Africa: A History of the Congo. St Martin's Press, nd? (A historical account by a psychiatrist)
Editors, Time Magazine, Mikhail S. Gorbachev. Time/New American Library, 1988.
Anne Edwards, Diana and the Rise of the House of
Hodder, 2000, 372pp.
See also Charles Spencer, The
Family. Viking, 2000.
Michael Edwardes, The Sahibs and the Lotus: The British in India. London, Constable, 1988.
M. Edwardes, The Battle of Plassey and the Conquest of Bengal. London, Batsford, 1963.
T. Charles Edwards and B. Richardson, (Eds.), "They Saw It Happen": Eyewitness Accounts. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1958.
Marc Egnal, A Mighty Empire: The Origins of the American Revolution. London, Cornell University Press, 1988.
Barbara Ehrenreich, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting Rich in America. Metropolitan, 2002, 221pp.
Paul Einzig, The History of Foreign Exchange. Second edition. London, Macmillan, 1970.
R. E. Eleson, Suharto: A Political Biography. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Joseph J. Ellis, Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation. Knopff, 2001, 248pp. (On Founding Fathers of the US)
Anthony Elliott, (Ed.), Freud 2000. Melbourne University Press. 308pp., 1998.
Giles Emerson, Sin City: London in Pursuit of Pleasure. Granada, 2002, 288pp.
Clive Emsley, 'The history of crime and crime control institutions, c.1770-c.1945', pp. 149-182 in Mike Maguire, Rod Morgan and Robert Reiner, (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Oxford/Clarendon Press, 1994.
A. Endrey, Hungarian History; Part One. The Hungarian Institute, Melbourne 1978 (Said to be a rather partisan view of the Magyars, but worth reading for extra information)
Richard English, Armed Struggle: The History of the IRA. Macmillan, 2003, 486pp.
A. Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand; An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History. Tuscon, Arizona, Publius Press, 1985. Thirteenth printing of 1992.
John Erickson, The Soviet Armed Forces, 1918-1992. 1997. (A definitive bibliography from the British analyst of Soviet Russia, at Centre for Defence Studies, Edinburgh University, who died in 2002)
Michael Evans and Alan Ryan, (Eds.), The Human Face of Warfare: Killing, Fear and Chaos in Battle. Allen and Unwin, 2000. 265pp.
Richard J. Evans, The Coming Of The Third Reich. Allen Lane, 2003-2004.
Richard J. Evans, Lying About Hitler: History, Holocaust and the David Irving Trial. Basic Books, 2002.
Theodore Evergates, Louis VII and the Counts of Champagne, pp. 109-118 in Michael Gervers, The Second Crusade and the Cistercians. New York, St Martin's Press, 1992.
Niall Ferguson, Civilization: The West and The Rest. Allen Lane, 2011.
Ranulph Fiennes, Mad Dogs and Englishmen. Hodder and Stoughton, 2010, 386pp. (Drolly English/British yarns from the Fiennes family history)
Brian Fagan, Archaeologists: Explorers of the Human Past. 2003.
Warren Fahey, (Ed.), Ratbags and Rabblerousers: A century of political protest, song and satire. Currency Press, 2001, 389pp.
John K. Fairbank and Denis Twitchett, The Cambridge History of China. Vol. 12. Republican China 1912-1949. CUP, 1978.
Susan Faludi, Stiffed: The Betrayal of Modern Man. Chatto and Windus, 1999.
Patricia Fara, An Entertainment for Angels: Electricity in the Enlightenment. Icon Books, 2002, 177pp. (History of use of electrical power).
Patricia Fara, Newton: The Making of Genius. Picador, 203, 347pp.
George Farwell, Ghost Towns of Australia. Sydney, Rigby, 1976.
Suzanne Faulkner and Alan Oldfield, Lizard Island: The Journey of Mary Watson. Allen and Unwin, 2001.
Sir Albert Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling: A History of English Money. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1963. Second edition.
Alexander Feklisov and Sergei Kostin, The Man Behind The Rosenbergs. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Niall Ferguson, (Ed.), Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals. London, Papermac, 1999. (Eg., England without Cromwell).
Niall Ferguson, The Pity of War. Penquin, 1999. (On reasons for outbreak of World War I)
Niall Ferguson, The House of Rothschild: World's Banker 1849-1999. New York, Viking, nd?.
Niall Ferguson, The Cash Nexus: Money and Power in the Modern World, 1700-2000. Viking,. 2000.
Felipe Fernandez-Armasto, Millennium: A History of our Last Thousand Years. Black Swan/Transworld, 1998.
Niall Ferguson, The House of Rothschild: World's Banker 1849-1999. New York, Viking, nd.
W. A. Feurtado, Official and Other Personages of Jamaica from 1655 to 1790. Kingston, Jamaica, 1896.
V. Fiorato, et al, (Eds.), Blood Red Roses: The Archaeology of a Mass Grave from the Battle of Towton, 1461AD. 1999.
Paul Finkleman, '"Thomas Jefferson and antislavery": the myth goes on', Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 102, No. 2, April, 1994., pp. 193-228.
Richard A. Firmage, The Alphabet Abecedarium. Bloomsbury, 2001, 307pp. (On the letters of the alphabet)
C. H. Firth, (Ed.), The Narrative of General Venables, with an Appendix of Papers Relating to the Expedition to the West Indies and the Conquest of Jamaica. 1654-1655. London, 1900.
Raymond Firth, We, The Tikopia: A Sociological Study of Kinship in Primitive Polynesia. London, Allen and Unwin, 1957 edn.
John Fisher, The Australians from 1788 to Modern Times. London, Robert Hale, 1968.
Paul Fisher, Behind the Lodge Door: Church, State and Freemasonry in America. Washington, DC, Shield Publishing Inc., 1988.
R. S. Fitton, The Arkwrights: Spinners of Fortune. Manchester, England, Manchester University Press, 1989.
Frances Fitzgerald, Fire in the Lake: The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam. New York, Atlantic Monthly Press, 1972.
John C. Fitzpatrick, The Writings of George Washington, from the original manuscript sources, 1745-1799. Vol. 1, 1745-1756. Washington, US Government Printing Office, 1931.
Peter FitzSimons, Nancy Wake. HarperCollins, 2001. (Life of an Australian war heroine fighting with the resistance in France during World War Two)
Jean-Louis Flandrin, Massimo Montanari and Albert Sonnenfeld, (Eds), Food: A Culinary History. Columbia University Press, 1999.
Tim Flannery, (Ed), The Birth of Sydney. Text, 2000.
Tim Flannery, The Future Eaters: An Ecological History of the Australian Lands and People. Chatswood, Sydney, Reed, 1994.
Lydia Flem, Casanova, or, The Art of Happiness. Penguin, 2000.
Fergus Fleming, The Sword and the Cross. Granta, 2003, 349pp. (History of French "conquest" of the Sahara)
Thomas Fleming, 1776: Year of Illusions. New York, W. W. Norton and Co., 1975.
Brian H. Fletcher, Landed Enterprise and Penal Society: A History of Farming and Grazing in New South Wales before 1821. Sydney, Sydney University Press, 1976.
Bernard Flornoy, Inca Adventure. London, Allen and Unwin, published by 1959.
Raymond Flower and Michael Wynn Jones, Lloyd's of London: An Illustrated History. Newton Abbot, David and Charles, 1974.
Robert Fogel, The Fourth Great Awakening and the Future of Egalitarianism. University of Chicago Press, 2000. (The poverty myth: what if many people today are actually better off?)
Dennis Foley, Dispossession: The Story of My People, the Eora of Tuhbowgule. Published November 2000 by Aboriginal History Inc. (Story of the dispossession of the Eora tribe of Sydney, from 1788)
Amanda Foreman, Georgiana's World: The Illustrated Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Colin Forster, 'French penal policy and origins of the French presence in New Caledonia', Journal of Pacific History, Vol. 26, December 1991., pp. 135-150.
M. C. Foster, 'Tyranny, oppression and fraud - Port Jackson New South Wales, 1792-94', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, Vol. 60, Part 2, June 1974., pp. 73-88.
William Foster, 'Francis Grose and the Officers', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, No. 61, 1975-1976., pp. 179-182.
Karen C. Fox and Aries Keck, Einstein A to Z. John Wiley, 2004, 310pp.
Dan Franck, Bohemians: The Birth of Modern Art - Paris 1900-1930. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 430pp.
Katherine Frank, Indira: The Life of Indira Nehru Gandhi. HarperCollins, 2001. 567pp.
Thomas M. Franck and Edward Weisband, Secrecy and Foreign Policy. Oxford University Press, 1974.
General Tommy Franks with Malcolm McConnell, American Soldier. Regan Books/HarperCollins, 2004. (Biography)
Antonia Fraser, The Six Wives of Henry VIII. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1992.
Antonia Fraser, The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1601. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 1997.
Antonia Fraser, Faith and Treason: Story of the Gunpowder Plot. New York, Anchor Press/Doubleday, nd.
Antonia Fraser, Cromwell: Our Chief of Men. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973.
Antonia Fraser, Marie Antoinette: The Journey. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2001, 488p. (Revisionist in outlook)
George M. Fredrickson, Racism: A Short History. Princeton University Press, 2002, 216pp.
Lawrence Freedman, Kennedy's Wars: Berlin, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. Oxford University Press, 2001, 528pp.
Leonie Frieda, Catherine de Medici: A Biography. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2004. (Rehabilitates the women who rules France for 30 years as a regent and organised the 1572 massacre of Protestants)
Jorg Friedrich, The Fire: Germany Under Bombardment, 1940-1945. publisher nd?, 2003. (German historian)
Meyer Friedman and Gerald W. Friedland, Medicine's 10 Greatest Discoveries. Yale University Press, 1998-1999(?).
Otto Friedrich, The End of the World: A History. New York, Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, 1982.
Alan Frost, 'New South Wales as terra nullius: The British denial of Aboriginal land rights', Australian Historical Studies, Vol. 19, No. 77, October 1981., pp. 513-523.
Lucy Frost and Hamish Maxwell-Stewart, (Eds.), Chain Letters: Narrating Convict Lives. Melbourne University Press, 2001-2002, 272pp.
Eric Fry, (Ed.), Rebels and Radicals. Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1983.
H. T. Fry, Alexander Dalrymple (1737-1808) and the Expansion of British Trade. London, Cass for The Royal Commonwealth Society, 1970.
David Frum, How We Got Here: The 70s, The Decade That Brought You Modern Life - For Better or Worse. Basic Books, 2000.
Jack Frutchman, Thomas Paine: Apostle of Freedom. Four Walls, Eight Windows. 1995. ISBN 0 941 423 94 8.
Roger Fulford, Glyn's, 1753-1953: Six Generations in Lombard Street. London, Macmillan, 1953. (Banking history)
Roger Fulford, Samuel Whitbread (1764-1815): A Study in Opposition. London, Macmillan, 1967.
Anna Funder, Stasiland. Text Publishing, 2002, 286pp. (Post-1945 East German history)
Francois Furet, The Passing Of An Illusion. Chicago University Press, 2001, 600pp. (On Communism)
Jerome Groopman, MD, How Doctors Think. Scribe, 2007, 307pp.
Rosemary Goring, (Ed.), Scotland: The Autobiography. Viking, 2007, 483pp.
Gaddafi - Muammar Al Qathafi, (Gaddafi of Libya), The Green Book, Part One: The Solution of the Problem of Democracy - The Authority of the People. Diterbitkan oleh, Biro Rakyat Jamahiriya, Rakyat Sosialis Arab, Libya. Syk, Perusahaan Jaya: 482020, 419415.
Jack Gallaway, The Odd Couple: Blamey and Macarthur at War. University of Queensland Press, 2001, 271pp.
Raimond Gaita, A Common Humanity: Thinking about Love and Truth and Justice. Text, 1999.
J. K. Galbraith, The New Industrial Estate. Hamish Hamilton, 1967.
John Kenneth Galbraith, The New Industrial Estate. Second edn. Pelican, 1975.
Arun Gandhi et al, The Untold Story of Kasturba: Wife of Mahatma Ghandi. Mumbai, Jaico, 2000.
Sumit Ganguly, Conflict Unending: India-Pakistan Tensions since 1947. Columbia University Press, nd? (A chronological guide)
J. C. Garran and Leslie White, Merinos, Myths and Macarthurs: Australian Graziers and their sheep, 1788-1900. Canberra, Australian National University Press, 1985.
Stephen Garton, Medicine and Madness: A Social History of Insanity in New South Wales, 1880-1940. Kensington, Sydney, University of New South Wales Press, 1988.
Bamber Gascoigne, The Great Moghuls. London, Jonathan Cape, 1971.
John Gascoigne, The Enlightenment and the Origins of European Australia. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Malcolm Gaskill, Hellish Nell: Last of Britain's Witches. Fourth Estate, 2002, 402pp.
Iain Gateley, La Diva Nicotina: The Story of How Tobacco Seduced The World. Simon and Schuster, 2001, 403pp.
V. A. C. Gatrell, Bruce Lenman and Geoffrey Parker, (Eds.), Crime and the Law: The Social History of Crime in Western Europe since 1500. London, Europa, 1980.
Peter Gay, Schnitzler's Century: The Making of Middle Class Culture, 1815-1914. WW Norton, 2003, 334pp.
Susan Geason, Australian Heroines: Stories of Courage and Survival. ABC Books, 2001. 301pp.
Curt Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and The Secrets. Norton, 2001, 846pp.
Charles R. Geisst, Wall Street: A History. Oxford University Press, 1999. 404pp.
Susan George, A Fate Worse Than Debt. Grove Press, 1990.
John Germov and Lauren Williams, (Eds.), A Sociology of Food and Nutrition: The Social Appetite. Oxford University Press, 1999.
D. E. W. Gibb, Lloyd's of London: A Study in Individualism. London, Macmillan, 1957.
Vicary Gibbs, (Ed.) [GEC], The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom. [Extinct, extant or dormant]. London, St. Catherine's Press, 1910.
Mollie Gillen, The Founders of Australia: A Biographical Dictionary of the First Fleet. With appendices by Yvonne Browning, Michael Flynn, Mollie Gillen. Sydney, Library of Australian History, 1989.
John Gillingham, Cromwell: Portrait of a Soldier. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1976.
Paul Ginsborg, Italy and its Discontents: 1820-2001: Family, Civil Society, State. Allen Lane, 2002, 521pp.
A. Giordano, A Dream of the Southern Seas - The Life Story of James Mario Matra, The Spiritual Father of Australia. Mile End, South Australia, A. Giordano, 1984.
Janine di Giovanni, Madness Visible: A Memoir of War. Bloomsbury, 2004, 273pp. (Sarajevo, etc. Reviewer finds this a deeply disturbing book)
T. Girtin, The Lord Mayor of London. London, Oxford University Press, 1948.
Misha Glenny, The Balkans: 1804-1999. Granta Books, 2000.
Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church and its Unfilled Duty of Repair. Little, Brown, 2002, 362pp.
Howard Goodall, Big Bangs: The Story of Five Discoveries that Changed Musical History. Vintage, 2001. 238pp.
Re Gorbachev - Editors, Time Magazine, Mikhail S. Gorbachev. Time/New American Library, 1988.
Mary Gordon, Joan of Arc. Weidenfeld and Nicolson/Dent, 2000. 168pp.
Gabriel Gorodetsky, Grand Delusion: Stalin and the German invasion of Russia. Yale University Press, 2000.
Stephen Jay Gould, Dinosaur in a Haystack. Publisher? nd?
Tony Gould, Imperial Warriors: Britain and the Gurkhas. Granta Books, 2001. 480pp.
Norman E. Graebner, (Ed), The Cold War, A Conflict of Ideology and Power. Ed 2. Lexington, Mass., D. C. Heath and Co., 1976.
Michelle Grattan, (Ed.), Essays in Australian Reconciliation. Bookman, 2000, 318pp.
Stephen Graubard, The Presidents: The Transformation of the American Presidency from Theodore Roosevelt to George W. Bush. Allen Lane, 2005, 672pp.
J. M. Gray, A History of the Gambia. Cambridge University Press, 1940.
Jonathan Green, Famous Last Words. Sydney, Pan, 1979.
Milton Greenblatt, 'Thomas Jefferson's Women', The Psychohistory Review: Studies in Motivation in History and Culture, Vol. 19, No. 2, Winter 1991., pp. 233-254.
Don Greenlees and Robert Garran, Deliverance: The Inside Story of East Timor's Fight for Freedom. Allen and Unwin, 2002, 375pp.
John Greenway, Down Among the Wild Men: A Narrative Journal of Fifteen Years pursuing The Old Stone Age Aborigines of Australia. Hutchinson of Australia, 1973.
Gary Gregg II and Matthew Spalding, (Eds.), Patriot Sage: George Washington and the American Political Tradition. Wilmington, Delaware, ISI Books, 1999.
William Greider, Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country. Touchstone Books, 1989.
Sir Percival Griffiths, The History of the Indian Tea Industry. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1967.
Jonathan Grigson, Blood Against The Snows. Fourth Estate, 2003, 226pp. (Royal life in Tibet from 1769 to 2001 and the shooting of his family by the crown prince.)
K. Grint, (Ed.), Leadership: Classical, Contemporary, and Critical Approaches, Oxford University Press, 1997.
Uta Grosenick, Women Artists. 2001? (Review of the Twentieth Century)
Bernard Grun, (Based on Werner Stein's Kulturfahrplan), The Timetables of History: A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events. The New Third Revised Edition. New York, Touchstone Books/Simon and Schuster, 1991.
Daniel Guerin, Fascism and Big Business. New York, Monad Press Brook, 1965. (Trans. from the French).
Ramachandra Guha, Environmentalistm: A Global History. New Delhi, OUP, 2000.
Ramachandra Guha, (Ed.), Picador Book of Cricket. Picador, 2001.
Allen Guttman, From Ritual to Record: The Nature of Modern Sports. nd?
Robin D. Gwynn, Huguenot Heritage: The History and Contribution of the Huguenots in Britain. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985.
Sharon Heller, Freud A to Z. Wiley, 2005, 237pp.
Max Hastings, Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 1944-1945. Harper Press, 2007, 674pp.
Claire Harman, Jane's Fame: How Jane Austen Conquered the World. Text, 2009, 342pp.
Kenneth Hudson, Pawnbroking: An Aspect of British Social History. Bodley Head, 1983, 169pp.
Tristram Hunt, The Frock-Coated Communist: The Revolutionary Life of Friedrich Engels. Allen Lane, 2009, 448pp.
John Hirst, The Shortest History of Europe. Black Inc., 2009, 160pp.
John Hirst, Looking for Australia. Black Inc, 2010, 288pp. (Cooly sceptical about much of historical mythology in Australia)
Bill Hayes, The Anatomist: A True Story of Gray's Anatomy. Scribe, 2008, 250pp.
Max Hastings, Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 1944-1945. Harper Press, 2007, 674pp.
Irfan Habib, 'The Technology and Economy of Mughal India', Indian Economic and Social History Review, Vol. 17, No. 1., pp. 1-34.
Anna Haebich, Broken Circles: Fragmenting Indigenous Families, 1800-2000. Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 2001, 726pp.
Sebastian Haffner, Defying Hitler: A Memoir. (translated by Oliver Pretzel) Wiedenfeld and Nicolson/Dent, 2002, 210pp.
Howard W. Haggard, The Doctor in History. New York, Barnes and Noble, 1934/1962.
D. R. Hainsworth, The Sydney Traders: Simeon Lord and his Contemporaries, 1788-1821. Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1972.
D. R. Hainsworth, Builders and Adventurers: The Traders and the Emergence of the Colony, 1788-1821. Melbourne, Cassell, 1968.
David Halberstam, War in a Time of Peace: Bush, Clinton and the Generals. Bloomsbury, 2002, 540pp. (On the US at war)
John Hale, The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance. New York, Atheneum, 1994.
Alex Haley, (Novel), Roots. Richmond South, Victoria, Hutchinson of Australia. 1977.
Richard Hall, Black Armband Days: True Stories from the Dark Side of Australia's Past. Vintage, 1998.
Richard Hall, (Ed.), Harbouring Memories: Sydney: An Oxford Anthology. Oxford University Press, 2000.
Robert A. Hall, Combat Battalion: The Eighth Battalion in Vietnam. Allen and Unwin, 2001, 308pp. (The Australian experience).
Jill Hamilton, Marengo: The Myth of Napoleon's Horse. Fourth Estate, 2001, 246pp.
Nigel Hamilton, JFK: Life and Death of an American President. Volume 1: Reckless Youth. Random House, 1993.
James Hamilton-Paterson, America's Boy. Henry Holt, 2003. (A biography of deposed president Ferdinand Marcos. Apparently, someone once said that the history of the Philippines is 300 years in a Spanish convent followed by 50 years in Hollywood!)
Paul Hammer, The Polarisation of Elizabethan Politics: The Political Career of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, 1585-1597. Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
John Hamill, The Craft: A History of English Freemasonry. London, Crucible, 1986.
David Hancock, Citizens of the World: London Merchants and the British Atlantic Community, 1735-1785. New York, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Charles J. Hanley et al, The Bridge at No Gun Ri: A Hidden Nightmare from the Korean War. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (On 1950 slaughter of Korean refugees)
James Hannay, History of the War of 1812 between Great Britain and the United States of America. Toronto, Morang and Co., 1905.
Victor Davis Hanson, Why the West Has Won: Carnage and Culture from Salamis to Vietnam. Faber, 2002, 492pp.
Neil Hanson, The Dreadful Judgement: The True Story of the Great Fire of London, 1666. Doubleday, 2001. (Recommended - Ed)
Victor Davis Hanson, Why the West was Won: Carnage and Culture from Salamis to Vietnam. Faber, 2002, 492pp. (Argues that the more superior/victorious/lethal qualities of Western styles of warfare began with the Greeks and their rational outlook)
Peter Haran and Robert Kearney, Crossfire: An Australian Reconnaissance Unit in Vietnam. New Holland, 2001, 236pp.
Peter Harclerode, Fighting Dirty. Cassell, 2002, 625pp. (On covert military operations)
Jeremy Harding, Small Wars, Small Mercies: Journeys in Africa's Disputed Nations. Penguin, 1993.
Rex Harcourt, Southern Invasion, Northern Conquest: Story of the Founding of Melbourne. Golden Point Press, Melbourne, 2001, 247pp.
P. Hardy, The Muslims of British India. Cambridge University Press, 1972.
Stella Pickett Hardy, Colonial Families of the Southern States of America: A History and Genealogy of Colonial Families Who Settled in the Colonies Prior to the Revolution. Second edition, revised. Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1968. (Scattered Virginian genealogy of the era of Micajah Perry is available in: Lyon. G. Tyler, `Pedigree of a Representative Virginia Planter', William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 2, October 1892., pp. 80-88, and in various other issues of that period.)
David M. Harland and John E. Catchpole, Creating the International Space Station. Springer-Praxis, 2002, 395pp.
Owen Harries, Benign or Imperial: Reflections on American Hegemony. ABC Books, 2004, 138pp.
Robert Harris, Selling Hitler. Arrow, 2001, 402pp. (Reissue of the book first published in 1986 on the since-famous Hitler diaries hoax)
John A. Harrison, China Since 1800. New York, Harcourt, Brace and World, 1967.
Michael H. Hart, The 100: A ranking of the most influential persons in history. Citadel Press/Kensington Publishing Corp., 1992.
C. Hartley-Grattan, (Ed.), Australia. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1947.
Louis Hartz, The Founding of New Societies: Studies in the History of the United States, Latin America, South Africa, Canada and Australia. New York, Harcourt, Brace and World, 1964.
Andrew Hassam, Through Australian Eyes: Colonial Perceptions of Imperial Britain. Melbourne University Press, 220pp.
Alexandra Hasluck, Thomas Peel of Swan River. Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1965.
Peter Harrington, Culloden 1746: Highland Clan's Last Charge. London, Osprey Books/Reed Consumer Books Inc., nd-recent.
William A. Haviland, Anthropology. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (An expert introduction)
Ashley Hay, The Secret: The Strange Marriage of Annabella Milbanke and Lord Byron. Duffy and Snellgrove, 2000, 269pp.
Ronald Hayman, Life of Jung. Bloomsbury, 2000.
Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins, Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial Revolution. Earthscan, 2000, 395pp.
David M. Head, The Ebbs and Flows of Fortune: The Life of Thomas Howard, Third Duke of Norfolk. London, University of Georgia Press, 1995.
Edna Healey, Coutts and Co., 1692-1992: The Portrait of a Private Bank. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1992.
J. J. Healey, Literature and The Aborigine in Australia. University of Queensland Press, 1978.
I. Heath and A. McBride, Byzantine Armies 886-1118. Osprey, London, 1979, 1984.
Mohamed Heikal, Secret Channels: The Inside Story of Arab-Israeli Peace Negotiations. London, HarperCollins, about 1997.
E. Heimann, History of Economic Doctrines. Oxford, 1945.
Hal Helman, Great Feuds in Science: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever. Wiley and Sons, 1999.
G. C. Henderson, Fiji and the Fijians, 1835-1856. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1931.
Kent Henderson, The Masonic Grandmasters of Australia. Melbourne, Ian Drakeford Publishing, 1988.
Helen Heney, Australia's Founding Mothers. Melbourne, Thomas Nelson, 1978.
Greg Herken, Brotherhood of the Bomb: The Tangled Lives and Loyalties of Robert Oppenheimer, Ernest Lawrence and Edward Teller. Henry Holt, 2002-2003, 453pp. (Reviewer says, "A story of witheringly brilliant science punctuated by egotism, ideological fanaticism, malice and paranoia".)
[Sir] Robert Herries... Jacob M. Price, (Ed.), `Directions for the conduct of a merchant's counting house, 1776', Business History, No. 3, Vol. 28, July 1986., pp. 134-150.
W. B. Hextall, The Transactions of the Quator Coronati Lodge, Vol. 28, 1914.
Christopher Hibbert, Cavaliers and Roundheads: The English Civil War, 1642-1649. London, HarperCollins, 1993.
Christopher Hibbert, Napoleon: His Wives and Women. HarperCollins, 381pp.
Christopher Hibbert, King Mob: The Story of Lord George Gordon and the Riots of 1780. London, Longmans Green, 1958.
Christopher Hibbert, The Roots of Evil: A Social History of Crime and Punishment. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1963.
Carola Hicks, Improper Pursuits: The Scandalous Life of Lady Di Beauclerk. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
George Hicks, The Comfort Women: Japan's Brutal
Regime of
Enforced Prostitution in the Second World War. New York: W.
Norton and Company, 1995. 303 pp. Selected annotated bibliography,
index. $25.00 US (cloth), ISBN 0-393-03807-6.
Reviewed for
H-Women@msu.edu (October 1996) by Jeff Roberts, Tennessee
Technological University: jjr7904@tntech.edu
Ralph W. Hidy, The House of Baring in American Trade and Finance: English Merchant Bankers at Work, 17630-1861. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1949.
Charles Higham, Trading with the Enemy: The Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933-1949. Barnes and Noble, 1995.
Patrice Higonnet, Paris: Capital of the World. Harvard University Press, 2005, 493pp.
Christopher Hill, The English Bible and the 17th Century Revolution. New York, Penguin/Putnam, nd-recent,
Christopher Hill, God's Englishman: Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution. London,. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1970.
Ernestine Hill, The Great Australian Loneliness. Melbourne, Robertson and Mullens, 1948.
Roland Hill, Lord Acton. Yale University Press, 2000. ("Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" - Lord Acton's famous quote).
Chanrithy Him, When Broken Glass Floats. Norton, 2001. 300pp. (On exodus from the atrocities of Cambodia)
Gertrude Himmelfarb, Poverty and Compassion: The Moral Imagination of the Late Victorians. New York, Random House, nd-recent.
Ronald Hingley, Russia: A Concise History. (Revised edition). London, Thames and Hudson, 1991.
Warwick Hirst, Great Escapes by Convicts in Colonial Australia. Kangaroo Press, 2000.
Geoff Hiscock, Asia's New Wealth Club. Published by Nicholas Brealey, 2000.
Christopher Hitchens, The Trial of Henry Kissinger. Verso, 2001, 150pp.
Eric Hobsbawm, Interesting Times: A Twentieth-Century Life. Allen Lane, 2002, 448pp. (A noted British historian reviews his own times)
Adam Hochschild, King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror and Heroism in Colonial Africa. Boston, Houhgton Mifflin, 1998.
Barbara Hodgson, No Place for a Lady: Tales of Adventurous Women. Greystone Books/Hardie Grant, 2002. (On famous female travellers across a few centuries)
Barbara Hodgson, In the Arms of Morpheus: The Tragic History of Laudanum, Morphine and Patent Medicines. Greystone Books, 2001, 152pp.
Jan Hogendron and Marion Johnson, The Shell Money of the Slave Trade. London, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
O. F. Hogg, The Royal Arsenal: Its Background, Origin and Subsequent History. Vol. 1. London, Oxford University Press, 1963.
Heinz Hohne, The Order of the Death's Head: The Story of Hitler's SS. London, Pan, 1969.
Robert Holden, Orphans of History: The Forgotten Children of the First Fleet. Text, 2000.
Lucinda Holdforth, True Pleasures: A Memoir of Women in Paris. Vintage, 2004, 227pp. (Famous mistresses, courtesans,etc)
James Holland, Fortress Malta: An Island Under Siege 1940-1943. Irion, 2003, 440pp.
Leslie Holme, Politics in the Communist World. Oxford /Clarendon, 1986.
Richard Holmes, Wellington. HarperCollins, 2002. (On the Duke of Wellington)
Carl Honore, In Praise of Slow: How a Worldwide Movement is Challenging the Cult of Speed. Orion, 2004, 310pp.
Valerie Hope, My Lord Mayor: Eight Hundred Years of London's Mayoralty . London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson in association with the Corporation of the City of London, 1989.
David Horner, SAS: Phantoms of War: A History of the Australian Special Air Service. Allen and Unwin, 2002, 596pp.
John Camden Hotten, (Ed.), The Original Lists of Persons of Quality ... and Others Who Went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700. London, 1874. (Notes, Dunn, Sugar and Slaves, p. 50.)
D. L. Howard, John Howard: Prison Reformer. London, Christopher Johnson, 1958.
John Howard, The State of the Prisons. London, Everyman, 1929.
Patrick Howarth, Atilla, King of the Huns: The Man and the Myth: London, Robinson, 2001 paperback edition.
T. E. B. Howarth, Citizen-King, The Life of Louis-Philippe, King of the French. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1961.
Ernest Marshall Howse, Saints in Politics: the `Clapham sect' and the Growth of Freedom. London, Allen and Unwin, 1973.
Derek Hudson and Kenneth Luckhurst, The Royal Society of Arts. 1954.
Noel Hume, A Guide to Artifacts of Colonial America. I.. 1991.
J. G. Hunt and L. L. Larson, (Eds.), Leadership: The Cutting Edge, Carbondale, Southern Illinois, Southern Illinois University Press, 1977.
D. Hunter, Diseases of Industry. Pelican, nd.
Samuel Huntingdon, Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of World Order. (1996-1998). (Likens the resurgence of Islam to the Protestant Reformation, meaning it is a force to be reckoned with in terms of centuries of influence)
Samuel Huntingdon, Who Are We? Simon and Schuster, 2004, 428pp. (An excursion into US anxieties about identity, perhaps? - Ed)
Robert Hutchinson, The Last Days of Henry VIII: Conspiracies, Treason and Heresy at the Court of the Dying Tyrant. Weidenfeld and Hutchinson, 2005, 368pp. (Reviewer finds this title somewhat unconvincing)
Walter Isaacson, Einstein: His Life and Universe. Simon and Schuster, 2007, 675pp.
Ion Idriess's Greatest Stories: Heroes of the Outback. North Ryde, Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1986. (With The Cattle King, Flynn of the Inland, Lasseter's Last Ride)
James A. Inciardi, Alan A. Block and Lyle A. Hallowell, (Eds.), Historical Approaches to Crime. London, Sage Publications, Vol. 57, 1977.
Brian Inglis, Roger Casement. London, Coronet/Hodder, 1973-1974. (Belgian Congo, Sinn Fein in Ireland)
Brian Inglis, The Opium War. London, Coronet, 1976, 1979.
Stephen Inwood, A History of London. Papermac, 2000. (Orig. Macmillan, 1998)
Paul Israel, Edison: A Life of Invention. John Wiley and Sons, 2000.
Dan Jones, Summer of Blood. HarperCollins. 2009, 238pp. (The English Peasants' Revolt of 1381)
Susan Jacoby, Alger Hiss and the Battle for History. Yale University Press, 2009, 272pp.
Eric Jager, >The Last Duel: A True Story of Crime, Scandal and Trial by Combat in Medieval Europe. Century, 2005, 24200. (Case of a fight to the death about claims about rape in 1386, as watched by French king Charles VI)
Lawrence James, Raj: The Making and Unmaking of British India. Abacus, 1999.
J. Franklin Jameson, `Saint Eustatius and the American Revolution', American Historical Review, 8, 1904.
Lisa Jardine: Worldly Gods: A New History of the Renaissance. New York, Nan A. Talese, 1996.
Lisa Jardine, Ingenious Pursuits: Building the Scientific Revolution. Little, Brown, 1999.
Philip Jenkins, The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity. 2002.
Roy Jenkins, Churchill. Macmillan, 2001, 1000pp.
Edwards Jenks, The History of the Australasian Colonies (From their foundation to the year 1893). Cambridge University Press, 1895.
Andrew Jennings and Clare Sambrook, The Great Olympic Swindle. Simon and Schuster, 2000, 390pp.
Merrill Jensen, The Founding of a Nation: A History of the American Revolution, 1763-1776. London, Oxford University Press, 1968.
Ashok Jerath, Forts and Palaces of the Western Himalaya. New Delhi, Indus, 2000.
Paul R. Johnson, (Ed.), The Economics of the Tobacco Industry. New York, Praeger, 1984.
H. Jonas, The Gnostic Religion. Boston, Beacon Press, 1963.
Peter Jones, An Intelligent Person's Guide to Classics. Duckworth, 2000.
Steve Jones, Almost Like a Whale: The Origin of Species Updated. Anchor, 2001. (Author is professor of Genetics at University College, London)
Quincy Jones, The Autobiography of Quincy Jones. Hodder Headline, 2001, 412pp.
Eric Jong, What Do Women Want? Power, Sex, Bread and Roses . Bloomsbury, 2000.
Jagat Pati Joshi et al, (Eds.), Inventory of Monuments and Sites of National Importance. Vol. 1. New Delhi, Archaeological Survey, 1998. (India, of course)
Gerrit P. Judd, A History of Civilization. London, Macmillan, 1966.
Robert Jung, Brighter Than A Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists. (Trans. by James Cleugh) Pelican, 1956, 1958.
Fred Kaplan, Lincoln: The Biography of a Writer. HarperCollins, 2009, 406pp. (On US President Abraham Lincoln)
Melissa Katsoulis, Telling Tales: A History of Literary Hoaxes. Hardie Grant, 2010, 328pp.
Wulf Kansteiner, 'Hayden White's critique of the writing of history', History and Theory, Vol. 32, No. 3, 1993., pp. 273-295.
Ryszard Kapucinski, The Shadow of the Sun. Allen Lane, 2001, 336pp. (On post-colonial Africa)
Grace Karskens, The Rocks: Life in Early Sydney. Melbourne University Press, 1997, 304pp.
Narajari Kaviraj, A Peasant Uprising in Bengal, 1783: The First Formidable Peasant Uprising against the Rule of the East India Company. New Delhi, 1972.
Stanley Karnow, In Our Image: America's Empire in the Philippines. Random House, 2003.
John Keane, Vaclav Havel, A Political Tragedy in Six Acts. Bloomsbury, 1999/2000.
John Keane, Tom Paine: A Political Life. Bloomsbury, 1995. ISBN 0 7475 2007 0.
John Keay, The Great Arc: The Dramatic Tale of How India was Mapped and Everest was Named. HarperCollins,. 2000, 18299.
John Keay, Sowing the Wind: The Seeds of Conflict in the Middle East. 2003?
H. R. Kedwood, Fascism in Western Europe, 1900-1945. Glasgow, Blackie, 1969.
John Keegan, Churchill. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2002-2003, 181pp.
Christine Keeler with Douglas Thompson, Christine Keeler, The Truth At Last: My Story. Sidgwick and Jackson, 2001, 279pp.
Werner Keller, The Bible as History: Archaeology confirms the Book of Books. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1969 edn.
Katharine A. Kellock, 'London Merchants and the pre-1776 American Debts', Guildhall Studies in London History, Vol. 1, No 3, October 1974., pp. 109-149.
Thomas Keneally, The Great Shame: A Story of the Irish in the Old World and the New. Random House, 1998.
Thomas Keneally, American Scoundrel: Murder, Love and Politics in Civil War America. Random House, 2002, 380pp. (On New Yorker ne'er-do-well, Dan Sickles, died in 1914 aged 93)
Thomas Keneally, After Schindler. Random House, 2004. (How the author found the story for the film made. Forthcoming in 2004 when noted in July 2004)
Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. nd? (Kennedy is professor of History at Yale University)
John Kenyon, The Civil Wars in England. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1988.
Ian Kershaw, Hitler: 1889-1936, Hubris. Allen Lane, 1998-1999(?)
Maggie Keswick, (Ed.), The Thistle and the Jade: A Celebration of 150 years of Jardine Matheson and Co. Sydney, Octopus Books Ltd., 1982.
Ronald Kessler, The Sins of the Father. Hodder Headline Australia,1996. (On the family history of JFK, etc.)
Richard Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers: George Washington and the Way to Independence. London, Macdonald, 1973.
David Keys, Catastrophe. Arrow, 2000. ISBN: 0099409844. (In 536AD, a volcanic eruption meant our planet was enveloped by a cloak of lethal dust which changed the climate for decades. The sun's rays grew dim and total darkness reigned for days. It was a catastrophe of unparalleled proportions. Tens of millions of people died around the globe as a bubonic plague epidemic broke out. There followed waves of migration and the military, political and religious changes which the disaster set in motion re-ordered society throughout the world: the collapse of the Roman Empire, the invasion of the barbarian hordes and the rise of apocalypse-inspired Islam. It was the nearest humankind has ever come to Doomsday and it marked the real beginning of the modern era. The author sets the record straight by placing the pivotal point in world history as the mid-6th-century Dark Ages and shows how our fragile civilisation almost ended)
Randal Keynes, Annie's Box: Charles Darwin, His Daughter and Human Evolution. Fourth Estate, 2001, 294pp.
Margaret Kiddle, Caroline Chisholm. Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1969.
T. J. Kiernan, The Irish Exiles in Australia. London, Burns and Oates, 1954. (Now rare)
T. J. Kiernan, Transportation from Ireland to Sydney, 1791-1816. Canberra, T. J. Kiernan, 1954. (Now rare)
Roger Kimball, The Long march, How the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s Changed America. Encounter Books, 2000. 326pp.
Charles P. Kindleberger, A Financial History of Western Europe. London, George Allen and Unwin, 1984.
Greg King, The Murder of Rasputin. London, Arrow, 1967.
Greg King and Penney Wilson, The Fate of the Romanovs. Wiley, 2004, 657pp.
Susan Myra Kingsbury, (Ed.), The Records of the Virginia Company of London. ... Washington DC, 1906-1935. III.
Henry Kissinger, Does America Need a Foreign Policy? Towards a Diplomacy for the 21st Century. Simon and Schuster, 2001, 318pp. (Get a life! So why, as a reviewer mentions, does Kissinger mention Australia only once?)
Anja Klabunde, Magda Goebbels. Time Warner, 2003.
Joe Klein, The Natural: The Misunderstood Presidency of Bill Clinton. Hodder Headline, 2002.
Stephen Knight, Robin Hood. Cornell University Press, 2003. 240pp. (Updates on reinventions of the career of England's most famous outlaw)
Stephen Knight, The Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons. Sydney, Grafton Books, 1985.
Phillip Knightley, The First Casualty: The War Correspondent as Hero, Propagandist and Myth Maker from the Crimea to Iraq. Andre Deutsch, 2004, 594pp.
Philip Knightley, Australia: A Biography of a Nation. Cape, 2000. 374pp.
Phillip Knightley, The Second Oldest Profession. ?(A history of intelligence agencies)
James Knipmeyer, Butch Cassidy Was Here: Historic Inscriptions of the Colorado Plateau. 2002.
Patricia A. Krause, (Ed.), Anatomy of an Undeclared War: Congressional Conference on the Pentagon Papers. New York, International Universities Press Inc., 1972. (Re the Daniel Ellsberg case. p. 13, "What the Pentagon Papers reveal is sickness at the core..."
Alan Krell, The Devil's Rope: A Cultural History of Barbed Wire. Reaktion, 2003.
W. G. Krivitsky, In Stalin's Secret Service. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (A Russian agent and his defection to the West)
Prince Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921), Mutual Aid. London, 1910.
Prince Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921), Modern Science and Anarchism. London, 1912.
Dharma Kumar (Ed.), The Cambridge Economic History of India. Vol. 2, 1757-1970. Cambridge University Press, 1983.
Mark Kurlanksy, The Basque History of the World. Jonathan Cape, 1999-2000. (Basques speak "an ancient and forbidden" language, Euskera, which has no linguistic relative. They are the only surviving pre-Indo-European people in Europe. They have been cod fishermen sailing to Greenland, pioneers in the spice trade between Europe and the Americas, and sold hot-peppers to Europe. They became large-scale manufacturers of chocolate. They were named as a people by the Romans. They have no nation, (living in both France and Spain), and no borders)
Mark Kurlanksy, Salt: A World History. Random House, 2002, 465pp.
Mark Kurlansky, Choice Cuts: A Selection of Food Writing from around the World and throughout History. Jonathan Cape, 2003, 474pp.
David Kynaston, The City of London: A World of its Own, 1815-1890. Vol. 1. London, Chatto and Windus, 1994.
Jonathan Lewis, The House of Wisdom: How The Arabs Transformed Western Civilization. Bloomsbury, 2009, 248pp.
Robert Lacey, Great Tales from English History. Little, Brown, remaindered, 2003 nd?
Anton La Guardia, Holy Land, Unholy War: Israelis and Palestinians. John Murray, 2003.
Marilyn Lake, Faith: Faith Bandler, Gentle Activist. Allen and Unwin, 2002, 238pp.
Robin Lane Fox, Alexander The Great. Penguin, 2005, 568pp.
David S. Landes, The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present. Cambridge University Press, 1969.
Klaus Larres, Churchill's Cold War: The Politics of Personal Diplomacy. Yale University Press, 2002-2003, 583pp.
Jon Latimer, Alamein, John Murray, 2002, 385pp.
H. H. Lamb, Climate History and the Modern World. Second Edition, London and New York: Routledge, 1995.
Benjamin W. Labaree, The Boston Tea Party. New York, Oxford University Press, 1968.
A. J. Langguth, Patriots: The Men Who Started The American Revolution. New York, 1988.
Anna Lanyon, Malinche's Conquest. Australia, 2000. (Story of the Amerindian woman who translated for the Spanish conquistadors, who is often regarded as a traitor.)
Anna Lanyon, The New World of Martin Cortes. Allen and Unwin, 2003, 270pp.
Latifa, My Forbidden Face. Penguin, 2002. (A young woman's life under the Taliban in Afghanistan)
Walter Laqueur, The New Terrorism: Fanaticism and Weapons of Mass Destruction. nd? (Quote: "Terrorism is not based on commonsense and elementary logic, and neither is effective counter-terrorism.")
Arnold Walter Lawrence, Trade Castles and Forts of West Africa. London, Jonathan Cape, 1963.
John Lawrence, Freemasonry: A Religion? Suffolk, UK, Kingsway Publications, 1987.
Erik Larson, Isaac's Storm: The Drowning of Galvston. Fourth Estate, 1999? (Story of the deadliest hurricane in history)
Gerald Lawson, World Record Breakers in Track and Field. Pub., nd?
Robert Lacey and Danny Danziger, The Year 1000. Little-Brown, 1999.
Barbara Leaming, Mrs Kennedy: The Missing History of the Kennedy Years. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2001, 389pp. (See also Sarah Bradford, America's Queen. Penguin. Seymour Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot. Also an "authorised life" by Alistair Horne. Donald Spoto, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis: A Life. St Martin's Press, 2000, 348pp.)
Michael Leapman, The Ingenious Mr. Fairchild: The Forgotten Father of the Flower Garden. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (On the man who inspired the English obsession with gardening)
Stephan Lebert, My Father's Keeper: The Children of the Nazi Leaders. Little, Brown, 2001, 244pp.
Carol Ann Lee, Roses From The Earth: The Biography of Anne Frank. Penguin, 2000.
Robert Lee, Colonial Engineer: John Whitton 1819-1898 and the Building of Australia's Railways. UNSW Press, 2001, 352pp.
Annick Le Guerer, Scent: The Mysterious and Essential Powers of Smell. (Trans. by Richard Miller) New York, Turtle Bay Books, 1992.
Colin Legum, Congo Disaster. Penguin Special, 1961.
Ludwig Leichhardt, Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia 1844-45. Corkwood Press, 2000. 354pp.
J. A. S. Leighton-Boyce, Smiths the Bankers, 1658-1958. London, National Provincial Bank Ltd., 1958.
Denise Leith, Bearing Witness: The Lives of War Correspondents and Photojournalists. Random House, 2004, 428pp.
J. G. Leithauser, Worlds Beyond The Horizon. London, Allen and Unwin, published by 1959. (On discovery in South America and Asia from the time of Columbus).
Rowena Lennox, Fighting Spirit of East Timor: The Life of Martinho da Costa Lopes. Pluto Press and Zed Books, 2001. 260pp.
Evelyne Lever, Marie Antoinette: The Last Queen of France. Piatkus, 2001, 357pp. (Revisionist in outlook)
S. Leon Levy, Nassau W. Senior: The Prophet of Modern Capitalism. Boston, Bruce Humphries Inc., 1943.
Cherry Lewis, The Dating Game: One Man's Search for the Age of the Earth. Cambridge University Press, 258pp. (On British geologist Arthur Holmes, who buried the Biblical story of a world "4004 years old", ie, the world was begun in 4004BC)
Michael Lewis, The Future Just Happened. Random House, 2001. (On the impact of the Internet and new technology)
R. W. B. Lewis, Dante: A Life. Phoenix, 2002, 210pp.
Guenter Lewy, The Nazi Persecution of the Gypsies. Oxford University Press, 2001, 306pp. ("Somewhere beyond evil")
W. Bruce Lincoln, Nicholas I: Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias. London, Allen Lane/Penguin, 1978.
Jack Lindsay, The Normans and Their World. London, Hart-Davis and MacGibbon, 1974.
Karen Lindsey, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived. Reading, Mass., Perseus Books, nd.
Richard Ligon, A True and Exact History of the Island of Barbados. London. 1673. (The standard account for early Barbados and much cited by historians. Reprinted, London, 1970.
Bryant Lillywhite. London Coffee Houses. London, Allen and Unwin, 1963.
Eric Linklater, The Prince and the Heather. London, Panther, 1976. (On Bonnie Prince Charlie)
Peter Linebaugh, The London Hanged: Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century. London, Penguin Press, 1991.
>Deborah Lipstadt (American historian), Denying the Holocaust. The Free Press, nd? (Case studies of individuals denying general matters of The Holocaust)
David Loades, Elizabeth I. Hambledon and London, 2003, 410pp.
A. Lloyd, The Wickedest Age: The Life and Times of George III. Newton Abbot, Devon, David and Charles, 1971.
Roger Lockyer, Buckingham: The Life and Political Career of George Villiers, First Duke of Buckingham, 1592-1628. London, Longmans, 1981.
James W. Loewen, Lies My Teacher Told Me. The New Press, 1995. (Marxist-hewn history, discussing slavery in the US)
Robert Lomas, The Invisible College. Headline. 2002, 374pp. (On history of Britain's Royal Society, founded in 1660, with first leader a Freemason, Sir Robert Moray)
E. and M. Long, Amelia Earhart: The Mystery Solved. Simon and Schuster, 1999/2000.
David Long, The Anatomy of Terrorism, 190. (In which he finds that "hijackers and suicide bombers suffer from feelings of worthlessness, and that their violent, fluorescent acts are attempts to bring some inner flair to a flat mindscape.")
Alf Louvre and Jeffrey Walsh, Tell Me Lies about Vietnam: Cultural Battles for the Meaning of the War. Milton Keynes, Philadelphia, Open University Press, 1988.
Pat Lowe, Hunters and Trackers of the Australian Desert. Rosenberg Publishing, 2002, 112pp.
John Lukacs, Five Days In London, May 1940 . Yale University Press, 2000? (On Churchill versus Hitler).
Sir Harry Luke, Cyprus: A Portrait and an Appreciation. London, Harrap, 1957.
Torbjorn Lundemark, Quirky Qwerty: The Story of the Keyboard @ Your Fingertips. University of New South Wales Press, 2001.
Martyn Lyons and John Arnold, A History of the Book in Australia, 1891-1945. A National Culture in a Colonised Market. University of Queensland Press, 2001. 444pp.
Wendy Moore, Wedlock: How Georgian Britain's Worst Husband Met His match. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2009, 359pp. (On the life of heiress Mary Eleanor Bowes, wife of an Earl of Strathmore)
Eric John Man, The Leadership Secrets of Genghis Khan. Bantam Press, 2009, 184pp.
Richard McGregor, The Party: The Secret World of China's Communist Rulers. Allen Lane, 2010, 271pp.
Nelson Mandela, Conversations with Myself. Macmillan, 2011, 454pp.
Lynda Mugglestone, Lost For Words: The Hidden History of the Oxford English Dictionary. Tale, 2005, 273pp.
Thant Myint-U, The River of Lost Footsteps. Faber and Faber, 2007, 361pp. (History of Burma)
David McCullough, 1776: When Britain and America Went to War. Allen Lane, 2005, 368pp.
Iain McCalman, The Seven Ordeals of Count Cagliostro.
Flamingo, 2003, 352pp.
Iain McCalman, Alexander Cook and Arthur Reeves, (Eds.), Gold: Forgotten Histories and Lost Objects of Australia. Cambridge University Press, 2001?
Trevor McClaughlin, Irish Women in Colonial Australia. Allen and Unwin, nd?
David McCullough, John Adams. Simon and Schuster, 2001. (Biography of second president of USA)
Alex McDermott, The Jerilderie Letter by Ned Kelly. Text Publishing, 2001, 84pp.
Hamish McDonald, The Polyster Prince. Nd? (Indian political economy since the Gandhis)
Katherine MacDonogh, Reigning Cats and Dogs: A History of Pets at Court since The Renaissance. Fourth Estate, 1999-2000.
J. P. McEvoy, Eclipse: The Science and History of Nature's Most Spectacular Phenomenon. Fourth Estate, 1999.
Paul McGeough (Australian journalist), Mission Impossible: The Sheikhs, the US and the Future of Iraq. Black Inc, 2004, 80pp. (Essays)
Kerry McGinnis, Heart Country. Viking, 2001. 312 pp. (About pastoralism and droving in the Queensland gulf country)
Kenneth Gordon McIntyre, The Secret Discovery of Australia: Portuguese Ventures 250 Years Before Captain Cook. London, Pan, 1982.
Gary McKay, Tracy: The Story Of The Storm that Wiped Out Darwin on Christmas Day 1974. 2001.
Glen McLaren, Big Mobs: The Story of the Australian Cattlemen. Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 2000.
Gordon McLauchlan, The Passionless People. New Zealand, Cassell, 1976. (On New Zealand)
Trevor McLaughlin, (Ed.), Irish Women in Colonial Australia. Allen and Unwin, 1998.
Tony McMichael, (Prof. of epidemiology at ANU), Human Frontiers: Environments and Disease. nd?
Jenny McMorris, The Warden of English: The Life of H. W. Fowler. Oxford University Press, 2002. (See Fowler's Dictionary of Modern English Usage. 1926)
John L. McMullan, The Canting Crew: London's Criminal Underworld, 1550-1700. New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, 1984.
Larry McMurtry, Crazy Horse. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1999, 134pp.
Ian McNeill, The Team: Australian Army Advisors in Vietnam, 1967-1972. St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1984.
Anne McPherson, Walking to the Saints. Aurora Books, 2000. (Medieval pilgrims)
James M. McPherson, Battle Cry for Freedom: The Civil War Era. Oxford University Press, 1988. (Oxford History of the United States)
Humphrey McQueen,. The Essence of Capitalism. Sceptre, 2001, 386pp.
Norris McWhirter, Book of Historical Records. Virgin, 2000.
C. A. Macartney, Hungary: A Short History. University Press, Edinburgh, 1962.
Lothar Machtan, The Hidden Hitler. Basic Books, 2002, 434pp.
N. Machiavelli, The Prince, In Leadership: Classical, Contemporary, and Critical Approaches, K. Grint, Oxford, Oxford University Press: 55-69., 1997
George Mackaness and Karl R. Cramp, A History of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of New South Wales. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1938.
Peter Macinnis, Bittersweet: The Story of Sugar. Allen and Unwin, 2002, 2002, 190pp.
Michael Maclay, The European Union. Sutton Pocket Histories. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Charles Mackay, (On investment bubbles in history), Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. 1841.
Norman MacKenzie, (Ed.) , Secret Societies. London, Aldus Books, 1967.
Piers Mackesy, The War for America, 1775-1783. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1964.
J. D. Mackie, A History of Scotland. Pelican, 1964.
Tim Mackintosh-Smith, The Travels of Ibn-Battutah. Picador, 203, 325pp. (On one of the great travellers of the medieval world, moving from Morocco to India and China from 1325 and later)
Axel Madsen, John Jacob Astor: America's First Millionaire. Published 2001 by ?. 312pp.
Susan Magarey, Passions of the First Wave Feminists. University of NSW Press, 2001, 250pp.
Magnus Magnusson, Scotand: Story of a Nation. HarperCollins, 2001, 734pp.
Mike Maguire, Rod Morgan and Robert Reiner, (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1994.
Myron Magnet, The Dream and the Nightmare: The Sixties' Legacy to the Underclass. Encounter Books, 2000.
Magnus Magnusson, Scotland: Story of a Nation. HarperCollins, 2004, 734pp.
Richard D. Mahony, Sons and Brothers: The Days of Jack and Bobby Kennedy. Arcade, 2001. 441pp.
Inder Malhotra, Dynasties of India and Beyond. HarperCollins, 2003, 363pp. (Attempts to explain the phenomenon of India's noted political families behaving as or resembling dynasties)
Kanan Makiya, Cruelty and Silence: War, Tyranny, Uprising and the Arab World. Norton-Cape, 2001.
Martin Malia, Russia Under Western Eyes: From the Bronze Horseman to the Lenin Mausoleum. Harvard University Press, 2001, 528pp.
Alberto Manguel, A History of Reading. New York, Viking Press, 1996.
Martin Malia, Russia Under Western Eyes: From the Bronze Horseman to the Lenin Mausoleum. Harvard University Press, 2001, 528pp.
Thomas Malthus, An Essay on Population. 1798. London, Everyman edition, 1914.
Norman Mailer, Oswald's Tale: An American Mystery. London, Abacus, 1996 edn.
Martin Malia, Russia Under Western Eyes: From the Bronze Horseman to the Lenin Mausoleum. Belknap/Harvard University Press, 1999-200.
T. R. Malthus, Essay on the Principle of Population. J. Dent, 1973 edn.
Christine Manfield, Spice. Viking, 1999.
Robert Manne, The Barren Years: John Howard and Australian Political Culture. Text Publishing, 2001.
Robert Manne, In Denial: The Stolen Generations and The Right. Black Inc., 2001. (Major debate in contemporary Australia, the "right" here being of the political spectrum)
Anna G. Marangou, The Consul Luigi Palma di Cesnola 1832-1904: Life and Deeds. 2000.
Nelson Mandela, Nelson Mandela In His Own Words. Little, Brown, 2004.
Peter Mares, Borderline: Australia's Treatment of Refugees and Asylum Seekers. University of New South Wales Press, 2001.
Dorothy Marshall, Dr Johnson's London. Sydney, John Wiley And Sons, 1968.
Dorothy Marshall, Industrial England, 1776-1857. London, Routledge, Kegan Paul, 1973.
Bill (Swampy) Marsh, Great Australian Shearing Stories. ABC Books, 2001, 236pp.
Bruce Marshall, The White Rabbit. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (On Wing-Commander Yeo Thomas, a spy harrassing the Nazi occupation of France 1943-1944)
Debi Marshall, Lang Hancock. Allen and Unwin, 2001. (On the Australian mining magnate)
Ged Martin, (Ed.), The Founding of Australia: The Argument about Australia's Origins. Sydney, Hale and Iremonger, 1978.
Peter Martin, A Life of James Boswell. Weidfenfeld and Nicolson, 631pp., 1999.
Debra Martin and David Frayer, (Eds.), Troubled Times: Violence and Warfare in the Past. 1997.
Russell Martin, Beethoven's Hair. Bloomsbury, 2000-2001, 276pp. (Revisions in biography of Beethoven)
John Martinkus, A Dirty Little War. Random House, 2001, 428 pp. (On recent events in East Timor)
Roger Marwick, Rewriting History in Soviet Russia. Palgrave, 2001.
Hans J. Massaquoi, Destined to Witness: Growing up Black in Nazi Germany. Fusion Press-Wakefield, 2001.
Brian Matthews, Louisa. University of Queensland Press, 1998. (On Louisa, the activist mother of Australian writer, Henry Lawson)
John Marsden, The Illustrated Life of Columba. Floris Books, 1991.
Arthur Marwick, The Sixties: Cultural Revolution in Britain, France, Italy and the United States, 1958-1974. nd? Remaindered 2003.
Philip Mason, The Men Who Ruled India. London, Guild Publishing, 1985.
Predrag Matvejevic, Mediterranean: A Cultural Landscape. (Trans. by Michael Helm) University of California Press. 218pp. 1999.
Lary May, The Big Tomorrow: Hollywood and the Politics of the American. University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Derwent May, Critical Times: The History of the Times Literary Supplement. HarperCollins, 2002, 606pp.
Martin Mayer, Madison Avenue USA: The Inside Story of American Advertising. Foreword by David Ogilvy. Penguin, 1961.
Keven Meade, Heroes Before Gallipoli. 2005. (Australians operate in German New Guinea at time of WWI)
1972: D. Meadows et al, Club of Rome publishes its book of warnings on world-future, The Limits to Growth.
Ronald L. Meek, Quesnay's Tableau Economique. London, Macmillan, 1972.
Irmgard Meininger, The Kingdom of Mewar: Great Struggles and Glory of the World's Oldest Ruling Dynasty. New Delhi, D. K. Printworld, 2000.
Stanley Meisler, United Nations: The First Fifty Years. Atlantic Monthly Press, 2003.
Lewis Melville, The South Sea Bubble. New York, Burt Franklins, 1921.
Claudio Menegazzi, Louis XIV. Giants of the Past series. Hasso Ebeling International. 1980 by Edizioni Futuro, Verona, Italy.
John Meredith and Bill Scott, Ned Kelly: After a Century of Acrimony. Sydney, Landsdowne Press, 1980.
Julie A. Mertus, Kosovo: How Myths and Truths Started a War. University of California Press, 378pp.
Jeffrey Meyers, Orwell. Wiley, 2001. (On writer George Orwell).
James Michener, Chesapeake. London, Corgi/Random House, 1979. (Historical novel treating slavery)
Arthur P. Middleton, Tobacco Coast. Newport, 1953.
Rosie Millard, The Tastemakers - UK Art Now. London, Thames and Hudson, 258pp.
David Miller, The Cold War: A Military History. Pimlico, 2001, 476pp.
Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg and William Broad. Germs: The Ultimate Weapon. Simon and Schuster, 2002, 382pp.
Robert Milliken, No Conceivable Injury: The Story of Britain and Australia's Atomic Cover-Up. Penguin, 2001.
Roger Millis, Waterloo Creek: The Australia Day Massacre of 1838: George Gipps and the British Conquest of New South Wales. Ringwood, Victoria, McPhee Gribble, 1992.
A. J. F. Mills, History of the Gordon Riots in London in 1780. London, 1883.
Nicolaus Mills and Kira Brunner, (Eds.), The New Killing Fields: Massacre and the Politics of Intervention. Basic Books, 2003, 276pp.
Giles Milton, Samurai William: The Adventurer Who Unlocked Japan. Hodder Headline, 2002, 400pp. (On British adventurer William Adams, who died wealthy in Japan in 1623)
Giles Milton, White Gold. Hodder, 2004, 316pp. (Story of North Africa's million white slaves)
G. E. Mingay, Georgian London. London, Batsford, 1975.
Sidney W. Mintz, Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History. New York, Viking, 1985.
Ann M. Mitchell, 'Dr. Frederick Watson and Historical Records of Australia', Australian Historical Studies, Vol. 20, No. 79, October 1982., pp. 171-197.
Anthony Mockler, Mercenaries. London, Macdonald, 1969.
Susan D. Moeller, Compassion Fatigue: How the Media Sell Disease, Famine, War and Death. Routledge, 1999.
Alistair Moffatt, The Sea Kingdoms. HarperCollins, 2003, 365pp. (On Celtic heritages)
John Molony, Eureka, Melbourne University Press, 2002, 252pp. ("Australia's first and only armed rebellion for democratic rights".)
John Molony, The Penguin Bicentennial History of Australia: The Story of 200 Years. Ringwood, Victoria, Viking, 1987.
Ed Moloney, A Secret History of the IRA. September 2002.
Ray Monk and Frederic Raphael, (Ed.), The Great Philosophers: From Socrates to Turing. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2000. 469pp.
Farzana Moon, Divine Akbar and Holy India. New Delhi, Prestige Books, 2000.
W. H. Moreland, From Akbar to Aurangzeb. London, 1923.
Anne McGee Morganstern, Gothic Tombs of Kinship: In France, The Low Countries and England. With an appendix on the Heraldry of the Crouchback Tomb in Westminster Abbey by John A. Goodall, FSA, FRNS. The Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania. 2000.
T. G. Moore, Climate of Fear: Why We Shouldn't Worry About Global Warming. Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute, 1998.
Cardinal Moran, The Catholics of Ireland under the Penal Laws in the Eighteenth Century. London, Catholic Truth Society, 1899.Samuel Eliot Morison, The Oxford History of the American People. London, Oxford University Press, 1965.
Margot Morrell and Stephanie Capparell, Shackleton's Way: Leadership Lessons from the Great Antarctic Explorer. Nicholas Brearley Publishing, 2001, 238pp.
Jan Morris, Lincoln: A Foreigner's Quest. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (A writer becomes irritated with the status of Lincoln within the US and begins research)
Jan Morris, Trieste and the Meaning of Nowhere. Faber, 2001.
H. B. Morse, 'The Provision of Funds for the East India Company's trade at Canton during the eighteenth century', Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Part 2, April 1922., pp. 227-254. [Microfilm]
S. F. B. Morse, Imminent Dangers to the Free Institutions of the United States through Foreign Immigration. 1835. (Regarded as "A strong and oft-quoted statement of US 'nativist' opposition to immigration, by the inventor of the telegraph.")
John Moring, Men with Sand: Great Explorations of the North American West. Helena, Montana, TwoDot, 1998.
A. L. Morton and George Tate, The British Labour Movement, 1770-1920. London, Lawrence and Wishart, 1956.
Andrew Morton, Madonna. Random House, 2001. 256pp.
Frederic Morton, The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait. Ringwood, Victoria, Australia, Penguin, 1964.
Louis Morton, Robert Carter of Nomini Hall: A Virginia Tobacco Planter of the Eighteenth Century. Charlottesville, Virginia, University Press of Virginia/Dominion Books, 1945.
F. W. Mote, Imperial China, 900-1800. Harvard University Press, 1999.
L. M. Mowle, A Genealogical History of Pioneer Families of Australia. Fifth edition. Sydney, Rigby, 1978.
Roy Moxham, The Great Hedge of India. Robinson, 2002, 234pp. (A hedge stretching 3700km down the middle of Northern India, from the Punjab to Mahandi in Madras as an aid to the British salt tax, guarded by 12,000 men; an injustice of sub-continental proportions)
Martin Mulligan and Stuart Hill, Ecological Pioneers: A Social History of Australian Ecological Thought and Action. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Sarah Murgatroyd, The Dig Tree. Text, 2002, 372pp. (On the ill-fated Burke and Wills expedition of 1860 to Northern Australia, as a semi-secretive attempt at an undignified land-grab).
Rory Muir, Salamanca 1812. Yale University Press, 2001, 322pp. (Napoleon and the Battle of Salamanca, 22 July 1812.)
John H. Mundy and Peter Riesenberg, The Medieval Town. An Anvil Original. Pub. by Van Nostrand, Princeton, New Jersey, 1958.
Douglas Murray, Biography of Lord Alfred Douglas. Hodder and Stoughton, 2000, 374pp.
Lewis Namier, England in the Age of the American Revolution. London, Macmillan. Edition 2., 1961.
Sir Lewis Namier and John Brooke, The History of Parliament: The House of Commons, 1754-1790. [Two Vols.] London, Parliament Trust of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1964.
Andrew J. Nathan and Perry Link, (Eds.), The Tiananmen Papers. Little Brown, 2001, 513pp.
John Naughton, A Brief History Of The Future. Phoenix, 2001, 332pp.
Rosemary Neill, White Out. 2002. (On black-white relations in Australia, treading a "path between the romanticism of the Left and the hard-heartedness of the Right".)
Derek Nelson, Off the Map: The Curious History of Place Names. New York, Kodansha Internatiional, 1997.
R. R. Nelson, The Home Office, 1782-1801. Durham, North Carolina, Duke University Press, 1969.
Dr Jonica Newby, The Animal Attractions: Humans and Their Companions. ABC Books, 1999.
Michael Newton, Savage Girls and Wild Boys: A History of Feral Children. Faber, 2002.
James R. Newman, (Ed) The World of Mathematics: A Small Library of the Literature of Mathematics from A'h-Mose the Scribe to Albert Einstein. US, Tempus, 1956.
On Isaac Newton, mathematician: From an article in The (Queensland) Sunday Mail, 4 October, 1992: Sir Isaac Newton was obsessed with alchemy and biblical prophecies, says Prof Piyo Rattansi of University College, London. Privately, Newton believed that apart from the laws of gravity he propounded re the orbits of the planets, that they would soon crash into the sun unless God intervened on the side of Protestantism. Newton left behind over 350,000 words of notes, essays and translations of alchemical works and as many again on Biblical myths. Believed God had sent a comet to cause the Flood. He was obsessed with calling down spirits from Heaven, the apocalyptic prophecies of the Book of Revelations, and how these related to the mathematics of the Temple of Solomon. Newton was one of the "last of the magicians", is the way to explain how a scientist could think thus.
I. Nicolle, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Period. Publisher unknown, nd?
I. Nicolle, The Age of Charlemagne. Osprey, London, 1984.
Fiona Nicoll, From Diggers to Drag Queens: Configurations of Australian National Identity. Pluto Press, 2001, 268pp.
Pamela Nightingale, A Medieval Mercantile Community: The Grocer's Company and the Politics and Trade of London, 1000-1485. London, Yale University Press, 1995.
Marcus Noland, Avoiding The Apocalypse: The Future of the Two Koreas. Noland/Institute for International Economics, 2003. (Explores future scenarios)
John Julius Norwich, Byzantium: The Early Centuries. [History, with two other volumes] London, Penguin, 1990.
Peter Novick, The Holocaust and Collective Memory. Bloomsbury, 2001. 373pp.
Sherwin B. Nuland, Leonardo Da Vinci. Weidenfeld and Nicolson/Dent, 2001. 168pp.
Arthur Nussbaum, A History of the Dollar. New York, Columbia University Press, 1957.
Ellis P. Oberholtzer, Robert Morris, Patriot and Financier. 1903.
Eris O'Brien, The Foundation of Australia, 1786-1800: A Study in English Criminal Practice and Penal Colonization in the Eighteenth Century. London, Sheed and Ward, 1937. Sydney, (Second edition, Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1950).
Parick O'Brien, Joseph Banks. Chicago, Illinois, University of Chicago Press, nd.
Julia O'Faolain and Lauro Martines, (Eds.), Not in God's Image: Women in History. London, Virago, 1979.
Patrick O'Farrell, The Irish in Australia. Kensington, Australia, New South Wales University Press, 1993.
Terry O'Farrell, Behind Enemy Lines: An Australian SAS Soldier in Vietnam. Allen and Unwin, 2001, 250pp.
Ingrid Ohlsson and Helen Duffy, Women of Australia. Macmillan, 2001. (A compelling collection of photographs)
Kenechi Ohmae, The End of the Nation State. New York, Free Press (A division of Simon and Schuster), 1995. (Author is a Japanese management consultant)
Steve Olson, Mapping Human History. 2002.
N. D. Oram, Colonial Town to Melanesian City: Port Moresby 1884-1974. Canberra University Press, 1976.
Roger Osborne, The Deprat Affair: Ambition, Revenge and Deceit in French Indo-China. (Did this French geologist falsify information on regional samples?) Remaindered, 2003.
Alicia Dujovne Otiz, Eva Peron. Warner, 1997, 386pp. (Biography)
George J. A. O'Toole, The Spanish War: An American Epic--1898. details nd?
Richard Overy, The Dictators. (On Hitler and Stalin, yet again). 2004.
Michael Prestwich, Knight. Thames and Hudson, 2010, 208pp. (Everything you wanted to know about the medieval knight, arms, armour, horses, tournaments, etc)
Eric A. Posner and Cass R. Sunstein, (Eds.), Law and Happiness. University of Chicago Press, 2010, 358pp.
Matthew Parker, Monte Cassino: The Story of the Hardest-Fought Battle of World War II. Headline, 2003/2004, 456pp.
Howard Rollin Patch, The Other World: According to the Descriptions in Medieval Literature. Cambridge, Mass, Harvard University Press, 1950.
Henry M. Pachter, Paracelsus: Magic into Science. New York, Collier, 1951. Also, 1961.
Robert Paddle, The Last Tasmanian Tiger: The History and Extinction of the Thylacine. Cambridge University Press, 2001, 273pp.
Edward Paice, Lost Lion of Empire: The Life of `Cape-to-Cairo' Grogan. HarperCollins, 2001, 470pp.
Alan and Veronica Palmer, Who's Who in Shakespeare's England. Brighton, Sussex, Harvester Press Ltd., 1981.
J. G. Palmer, Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution. London/Westport, Meckler Books, 1984.
Richard Panek, Seeing and Believing: The Story of the Telescope, or How We Found Our Place in the Universe. Fourth Estate, 2000.
K. M. Panikkar, Asia and Western Dominance. London, Allen and Unwin, published by 1959.
James Parakilas, (Ed.), Three Hundred Years of the Piano. Yale University Press, 2000.
Richard Pares, Yankees and Creoles: The Trade between North America and the West Indies before the American Revolution. London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1956.
David Park, The Fire Within The Eye: A Historical Essay on the Nature and Meaning of Light. Princeton University Press, 1997.
Eric Partridge, (Abridged by Jacqueline Simpson), A Dictionary of Historical Slang. Ringwood, Victoria, Penguin Reference Books, 1972.
Chris Patten, East and West. Macmillan, 1998. (On Hong Kong)
John Allen Paulos, I Think Therefore I Laugh: The flip side of philosophy. Penguin, 2002, 178pp.
Joseph Pearce, The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde. HarperCollins, 2000, 301pp.
I. Pears, The Gentleman and the Hero: Wellington and Napoleon in the Nineteenth Century, In Leadership: Classical, Contemporary, and Critical Approaches, K. Grint, Oxford, Oxford University Press: 231-249., 1997.
John Pearson, Blood Royal: The Story of the Spencers and the Royals . HarperCollins, 2000.
John Pearson, Bluebird and the Dead Lake: The Classic Account of How Donald Campbell Broke the World Land Speed Record. Text Publishing, 2002, 195pp.
Michael Pearson, Inessa: Lenin's Mistress. 2001, Duckworth.
Frederick Pedler, The Lion and the Unicorn: A History of the Origin of the United Africa Company, 1787-1931. London, Heinemann, 1974.
Mario Pei, The Story of the English Language. London, Allen and Unwin, 1968.
L. M. Penson, "The London West India Interest in the Eighteenth Century," English Historical Review, July, 1921.
N. M. Penzer, Paul Storr: The Last of Two Goldsmiths. 1954.
William Petersen, Malthus. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1979.
Ch. Petit-Dutaillis, The Feudal Monarchy in France and England, from the Tenth to the Thirteenth Century. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1949.
Jonathan Petropolous, The Faustian Bargain. OUP, 2000. (How the Nazis stole Europe's art collections and got away with it).
Adam Philips, Houdini's Box: The Arts of Escape. Faber, 2001, 160pp.
Graham Phillips, The Moses Legacy: The Evidence of History. Sidgwick and Jackson, 2002, 327pp.
Graham Phillips, Act of God: Tutankhamun, Moses and the Myth of Atlantis. London, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1998.
Jim Phillips, 'A successor of the Moguls: the Nawbab of the Carnatic and the East India Company, 1763-1785', International Historical Review, Vol. 7, No. 3, August 1985., pp. 364-389.
Melanie Phillips, The Ascent of Woman: A History of the Suffragette Movement and the Ideas behind It. Little, Brown, 2003, 370pp.
Liza Picard, Dr Johnson's London: Life in London 1740-1770. Weidenfeld and Nicolson/Dent, 2000.
Liza Picard, Restoration London. Phoenix, 330pp., 1998.
Peter Pierce, The Country of Lost Children: An Australian Anxiety. Cambridge University Press, 999.
Douglas Pike, Paradise of Dissent: South Australia, 1829-1857. London, Longmans Green, 1957.
Doris Pilkington, Rabbit-Proof Fence. University of Queensland Press, 2001-2002.
Henri Pirenne, Mediaeval Cities. nd?
Mitchell Platts, Illustrated History of Golf. London, Bison Books, 1988.
Giles Playfair, The Punitive Obsession. London, Victor Gollancz, 1971.
Ian Plimer, A Short History of Planet Earth. Australia, ABCBooks, 2002.
J. H. Plumb, The First Four Georges. Glasgow, Fontana/Collins, 1976.
Tom Pocock, The Terror Before Trafalgar: Nelson, Napoleon and the Secret War. John Murray, 2002, 255pp.
Sidney Poitier, The Measure of a Man: A Memoir. Simon and Schuster, 2002, 255pp.
John Pollock, Wilberforce. London, Constable, 1977.
Linda Polman, We Did Nothing. Penguin, 2003, 234pp. (On the helplessness/hopelessness of the United Nations)
James Pool, Hitler and his Secret Partners: Contributions, Loot and Rewards. Pocket Books, 415pp, 1999.
Roy Porter, Madness: A Brief History. Oxford University Press, 2002, 192pp.
Roy Porter, The Greatest Benefit To Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity from Antiquity to the Present. Fontana, 833pp., 1999.
Colin Powell with Joseph E. Persico, A Soldier's Way: An Autobiography. Arrow, 2002, 643pp.
Ann Powers, Weird Like Us: My Bohemian America. De Capo Press, 2001, 228pp.
John Prebble, The Highland Clearances. London, Penguin, 1969.
John Prebble, The Lion in the North: A Personal View of Scotland's History. Penguin, 1971/New York, Coward, McCann and Geoghan, 1971.
John Prebble, The King's Jaunt: George IV in Scotland, 1822 (one and twenty daft days). London, Fontana, 1988.
Malcolm D. Prentis, The Scots In Australia: A Study of New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, 1788-1900. Sydney, Sydney University Press, 1983.
Heather Pringle, The Mummy Congress: Science, Obsession, and the Everlasting Dead. 2001. (Archaeology)
Stephen J. Pyne, Fire: A Brief History. Thames and Hudson, 2002, 204pp.
Ahsan Jan Qaisar, The Indian Response to European Technology and Culture (AD1498-1707). Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1982.
Benjamin Quarles, The Negro in the Making of America. New York, Collier, 1973.
Peter Quennell, (Ed.), Mayhew's Characters (Selected from "London Labour and the London Poor" by Henry Mayhew). London, Spring Books, nd.
Dr. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. GSG Associates, 1975. (A classic of its kind - Ed)
Hazel Rowley, Franklin and Eleanor: An Extraordinary Marriage. Melbourne University Press, 2011, 345pp.
Eugene Rogan, The Arabs: A History. Allen Lane, 2010, 553pp.
Martyn Rady, The Emperor Charles V. London, Longman, 1988.
Edvard Radzinsky, Rasputin: The Last Word. Allen and Unwin, 2000.
Edvard Radzinsky, The Last Tsar: The Life and Death of Nicholas II. (Translated from the Russian by Marian Schwartz). London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1992.
L. J. Ragatz, The Fall of the Planter Class in the British Caribbean, 1763-1833. New York, 1928.
L. J. Ragatz, Absentee Landlordism in the British Caribbean, 1750-1833. London nd.
L. J. Ragatz, Guide to the Study of British Caribbean History, 1763-1864. Washington, DC, 1930. [Also, annotated: L. J. Ragatz, Statistics for the Study of British Caribbean Economic History, 1763-1833. London, 1927.
Sir Walter Raleigh, A Discourse of War in General, Sir Walter Raleigh, Kt, The Works of... Vol. 8. New York, Burt Franklin. Orig. 1829.
Ian Ramsay, Collapse Incorporated: Tales, Safeguards and Responsibilities of Corporate Australia. CCH Australia, 2001.
John Ramsden, Winston Churchill: Man Of The Century And His Legend Since 1945. HarperCollins, 2002-2003, 652pp.
Nicholas Rankin, Telegram From Guernica: The Extraordinary Life of George Steer, War Correspondent. Faber, 2003, 283pp.
Ahmed Rashid, Taliban: Islam, Oil, and the New Great Game in Central Asia. nd 2000?
Gordon Rattray-Taylor, Sex in History. London, Panther, 1965.
Mark Ravina, The Last Samurai: The Life and Battles of Saigo Takamori. Wiley, 2004, 266pp.
Donald Rayfield, Stalin and his Hangmen: An Authoritative Portrait of a Tyrant and Those Who Served Him. Viking, 2004, 528pp.
John Rawls, The Law of Peoples. Harvard University Press, 2000, 199pp. (Political philosophy)
Conyers Read, Mr Secretary Walsingham and the Policy of Queen Elizabeth. Vol. 3, Oxford University Press at the Clarendon Press.
Giovanni Rebora, Culture of the Fork. Columbia University Press, 2002, 196pp. (Finding that the fork is invented in Italy in early C16th to aid pasta eating.)
Fritz Redlich, Hitler: Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet. Oxford University Press, 2000, 448pp.
Bob Reece, Exiles from Erin: Convict Lives in Ireland and Australia. London, Macmillan, 1991.
Bob Reece, The Origins of Irish Convict Transportation to New South Wales. Palgrave, 2001, 373pp.
A. and B. Rees, Celtic Heritage. London, Thames and Hudson, 1973.
Donald Malcolm Reid, Whose Pharaohs? Archaeology, Museums, and Egyptian Identity from Napoleon to World War I. 2002.
Howard Reid and Michael Croucher, The Way of the Warrior. The Paradox of the Martial Arts. London, Leopard, 1983.
David Reynolds, In Command of History: Churchill Fighting and Writing the Second World War. Allen Lane, 2005, 646pp.
Henry Reynolds, Why Weren't We Told? Penguin, 2000, 264pp. (On land rights in history for Australian Aboriginals)
Henry Reynolds, An Indelible Stain: The Question of Genocide in Australian History. Viking, 2001, 209pp.
Henry Reynolds, This Whispering in Our Hearts. Allen and Unwin, 1998.
Wayne Reynolds, Australia's Bid for the Atomic Bomb. Melbourne University Press, 2001, 284pp.
D. S. Richards, (Ed.), Islam and the Trade of Asia. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970.
John F. Richards, (Ed.), The Imperial Monetary System of Mughal India. New Delhi, OUP, 2000.
John Richardson, The Annals of London: A Year-by-Year Record of a Thousand Years of History. 2000.
Matthew Richardson, The Halstead Treasury of Ancient Science Fiction. Halstead Classics, 2001.
Jonathan Riley-Smith, The Feudal Nobility and the Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1174-1277. London, Archon Books, 1977.
? Ritter, Shaka Zulu. Penquin. See de Clerk also. (South Africa)
Thomas Robbins and Susan J. Palmer, (Eds.), Millennium, Messiahs, and Mayhem. Contemporary Apocalyptic Movements. Routledge, 1998.
Joseph C. Robert, The Story of Tobacco in America. New York, 1952.
Adam Roberts, (Ed.), professor of International Relations at Oxford University, Documents on the Laws of War). nd?
Jonathan Roberts, The Origins of Fruit and Vegetables: Cabbages and Kings. HarperCollins, 2001.
Julian V. Roberts, Loretta J. Stalans, David Indemaur and Mike Hough, Penal Populism and Public Opinions: Lessons from Five Countries. Oxford University Press, 2003, 244pp. (Public views on crime rates, sentencing, laws, and how to view offenders, etc.)
Neil Roberts, The Holocene: An Environmental History. 2nd Edition, Blackwell, 1998. ISBN: 0631186387.
Nickie Roberts, Whores in History: Prostitution in Western Society. London, Harper/Collins, 1992.
Richard Roberts, Schroders: Merchants and Bankers. London, Macmillan, 1992.
Geoffrey Robertson, Crimes Against Humanity. Penguin, 2000.
Jill, Duchess of Hamilton, First to Damascus: The Story of the Australian Light Horse and Lawrence of Arabia. Kangaroo Press, 2002, 221pp. ((Real author name, Jill Robertson-Hamilton. October 1918, Australians capture Damascus, an event described by Field Marshal Earl Wavell as "the greatest exploit in the history of horsed cavalry")
Portia Robinson, The Hatch and Brood of Time: A Study of the First Generation of Native-Born White Australians, 1788-1828. Vol. 1. Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1985.
Portia Robinson, The Women of Botany Bay: A Reinterpretation of the Role of Women in the Origins of Australian Society. Vol. 1. Sydney, Macquarie Library Pty. Ltd., 1988.
Max Rodenbeck, Cairo: The City Victorious. Picador, 1998-1999(?).
Colin Roderick, Henry Lawson: A Life. Angus and Robertson, 447pp., 1999.
Eric Rolls, Australia: A Biography. University of Queensland Press, 2000-2001, 316pp.
Eric Rolls, Sojourners: The Epic Story of China's Centuries-Old Relationship with Australia. Brisbane, University of Queensland Press. ISBN 0 7022 2478 2.
Mark Roskill, (Ed.), The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh. Flamingo, 2000. 351pp.
Andrew Ross, David Livingstone: Mission and Empire. Hambledon and London, 2003, 274pp. (Reviewer is quite impressed)
John Ross, (Ed.), Chronicle of Australia: The Complete Story of our Nation. Viking, 2000, 822pp.
Heather Rossiter, Lady Spy, Gentleman Explorer: The Life of Herbert Dyce Murphy. Random House, 2001, 401pp.
C. R. N. Routh, Who's Who in History. Vol. Two. England: 1485-1603. London, Basil Blackwood, 1964.
Paul Routledge, Public Servant, Secret Agent, The Elusive Life and Violent Death of Airey Neave. Fourth Estate, 2002, 392pp.
A. L. Rowse, Raleigh and the Throckmortons. London, Macmillan, 1962.
A. L. Rowse, Raleigh and the Throckmortons. London, Macmillan, 1962.
A. L. Rowse, An Elizabethan Garland. London, Macmillan, 1953.
Tim Rowse, Nugget Coombes: A Reforming Life. Cambridge University Press, 2002, 419pp. (Coombes, an activist in the causes of Australian Aboriginals, "still remains a mystery" according to one reviewer)
Arundhati Roy, The Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire. Flamingo, 2004, 160pp.
Samaren Roy, Calcutta: Society and Change - 1690 - 1990. Rupa and Co., 1991. (India)
Barry M. Rubin, Yasir Arafat: A Political Biography. Oxford University Press, 2003.
Hilary L. Rubinstein, The Jews in Australia: A Thematic History. Vol. 1, 1788-1945. Port Melbourne, Victoria, William Heinemann Australia, 1991.
W. D. Rubinstein, (Ed.), Jews in the Sixth Continent. Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1987.
George Rude, Hanoverian London, 1718-1808. London, Secker and Warburg, 1971.
George Rude, Wilkes and Liberty: A Social Study of 1763 to 1774. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1962.
John Rule, (Ed.), British Trade Unionism, 1750-1850: The Formative Years. London, Longman, 1988.
Witold Rybczynski, One Good Turn: A Natural History of the Screwdriver and the Screw. Touchstone, 2001.
Scot D. Ryersson and Michael Orlando Yaccarino, Infinite Variety: The Life and Legend of Marchesa Casati. (1881-1957) Viridian Books, 2001. Check Website: http://www.viridianbooks.com
David Starkey, Monarchy. Harper Perennial, 2007, 319pp. (You've probably seen the TV series of the same name, which has been quite popular where this website lives)
Jeremi Suri, Henry Kissinger and the American Century. Belknap Press, 2007, 358pp.
Robert Service, Comrades: a world history of Communism. Macmillan, 2007, 571pp.
Charles Spencer, Prince Rupert: The Last Cavalier. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2007, 430pp.
Richard Stemp, The Secret Language of the Renaissance: Decoding the Hidden Symbolism of Italian Art. No details, 2006.
Robert Service, Trotsky, a Biography. MacMillan, 2009, 661pp.
Abdullah Saeed and Shahram Akbarzdeh, Muslim Communities in Australia. University of NSW Press, 2001.
William Safire, Lend Me Your Ears: Great Speeches in History. Norton, 2001.
Kamal Salibi, The Bible Came From Arabia: Radical Reinterpretations Of Old Testament Geography. Pan, 1987. First published in 1985.
Imre Salusinszky and Gregory Melluish, (Eds.), Blaming Ourselves: September 11 and the Agony of the Left. Duffy and Snellgrove, 2002, 270pp.
John Sainty, Home Office Officials, 1782-1870. London, Athlone Press, 1975.
Ernest Samhaber, Merchants Make History: How Trade has Influenced the Course of History Throughout the World. London, Harrap, 1963.
Steven B. Sample, The Contrarian's Guide to Leadership. Jossey-Bass Wiley, 2001.
Brent Sanders, How Dangerous Men Think and How to Stay Safe for Life. Random House, 2001, 210pp.
John Ralston Saul, The Unconscious Civilisation. Penguin, 1997, 205pp.
R. S. Sayers, Lloyds Bank in the History of English Banking. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1957.
Frances Stonor Saunders, Who Paid The Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War. Granta Books, 2000.
Neil Schaeffer, The Marquis De Sade. Picador, 2001, 567pp.
Simon Schama, A History of Britain. 2001. (Follows the TV series screened in Australia Nov-Dec 2001.
Jean Schmaal, (Edited by Jim Sykes and Bob Potts), Tales of the Troopers: Stories from the Wild Colonial Days. Wakefield Press, 2000. (Australian scenarios)
Jim Schnabel, Forever Young: Science and the Search for Immortality. Bloomsbury, 229pp., 1999.
Alain Schnapp, Discovery of the Past. British Museum Press, Thames and Hudson, 1997.
M. B. and C. B Schedvin, 'The Nomadic Tribes of Urban Britain: A Prelude to Botany Bay', Australian Historical Studies, No. 18, No. 71, April 1978., pp. 254-276.
Arthur M. Schlesinger, 'The Uprising against the East India Company', Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 32, March 1917., pp. 60-79.
Arthur M. Schlesinger, The Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution, 1763-1776. New York, F. Ungar Pub. Co., 1957.
F. H. Schmidt, `Sold and Driven: Assignment of Convicts in eighteenth-century Virginia', The Push From The Bush, No. 23, 1986., pp. 2-27.
C. A. Schriesheim and S. Kerr, Theories and Measures of Leadership: A Critical Appraisal of Current and Future Directions in Leadership: The Cutting Edge, J. G. Hunt and L. L. Larson, Carbondale, Southern Illinois, Southern Illinois University Press: 9-45., 1977.
C. Schrire, Digging Through Darkness: Chronicles of an Archaeologist. 1996.
Bruce Schulman, The Seventies: The Great Shift in American Culture, Society and Politics. Free Press/Simon and Schuster, 2001.
Joseph Schwartz, Cassandra's Daughter: A History of Psychoanalysis in Europe and America. Allen Lane, 1999.
Stephen Schwartz, The Two Faces of Islam; The House of Sa'ud from Tradition to Terror. 2003. (Discusses Wahhabism)
Bill Scott, (Compiler), Complete Book of Australian Folklore. Sydney, PR Books, 1988.
Deborah Scroggins, Emma's War: Love, Betrayal and Death in the Sudan. HarperCollins, 2003, 389pp.
Simon Sebag-Montefiore, Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2003.
Hugh Sebag-Montefiore, Enigma: The Battle for the Code. Phoenix, 2001, 491pp.
W. G. Sebald, On The Natural History of Destruction. Hamish Hamilton, 2003. (Translated by Anthea Bell) (Argues that after WWII, the dominant feature of the German psyche became collective amnesia)
Ronald Segal, The Tragedy of Leon Trotsky. Melbourne, Hutchinson of Australia, 1979.
Stephen Segaller, Nerds 2.0.1: A Brief History of the Internet. New York, TV Books, 1998.
Edwin R. A. Seligman, The Income Tax: A Study of the History, Theory and Practice of Income Taxation. New York, 1970. (Orig. 1914). 1970 reprint by A. M. Kelley.
Ronald Segal, The Tragedy of Leon Trotsky. Hutchinson of Australia, Melbourne, 1979.
Robert Service, Lenin: A Biography. Pan Books, 2002, 561pp.
Kenneth M. Setton, Catalan Domination of Athens, 1311-1388. Revised Edition. London, Variorum, 1975.
Tim Severin, In Search of Ghengis Khan: An Exhilarating Journey on Horseback Across the Steppes of Mongolia. Nd?
Michael Sexton, War for the Asking: How Australia Invited Itself To Vietnam. New Holland, 2002, 240pp.
Carole Seymour-Jones, Painted Shadow: A Life of Vivienne Eliot. Constable, 2002, 682pp.
Reginald R. Sharpe, Memorials of Newgate Gaol and the Sessions House. London, Printed by authority of the Corporation of London, 1907.
A. G. L. Shaw, Convicts and the Colonies: A Study of Penal Transportation from Great Britain and Ireland to other parts of the British Empire. London, Faber, 1966.
George Bernard Shaw, The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism. 1928.
Henry Shaw, Dress and Decoration of the Middle Ages. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (Based around lives of monarchs, originally published in 1858)
W. A. Shaw, The Knights of England. Two Vols. London, Heraldry Today, 1971.
William Shawcross, Allies: The US and the World in the Aftermath of the Iraq War. Allen and Unwin, 2004, 261pp.
Richard Shears and Isobelle Gidley, The Rainbow Warrior Affair. Sydney, Unwin Paperbacks, 1985. (Rainbow Warrior sinking, Aukland, 10 July, 1985).
Kieran Sheedy, Upon the Mercy of Government: The Story of the Surrender, Imprisonment and Transportation to New South Wales of Michael Dwyer and His Wicklow Comrades, and their Subsequent Lives in New South Wales. Dublin, Radio Telefis Eirann, 1988.
Raja Shehadeh, When the Bulbul Stopped Singing: A Diary of Ramallah under Siege. Profile, 2003, 153pp.
Francis Sheppard, The Infernal Wen: London, 1808-1870. London, Secker and Warburg, 1971.
John M. Sherwig, Guineas and Gunpowder: British Foreign Aid in the Wars with France, 1793-1815. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1968.
William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany. London, Book Club Associates, 1985.
Martin Short, Inside the Brotherhood: Further Secrets of the Freemasons. London, Grafton, 1990.
Philip Short, Mao: A Life. Hodder and Stoughton, 2000. (On Mao Tse Tung)
Hampton Sides, Ghost Soldiers. Doubleday, 2001. (US army plan to rescue POWs in the Philippines in 1945)
Frederick F. Siegel, The Roots of Southern Distinctiveness: Tobacco and Society in Danville, Virginia. University of North Carolina Press, 1987.
Allen M. Sievers, The Mystical World of Indonesia: Culture and Economic Development in Conflict. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974.
Neil Asher Silberman and M.P. Leone, (Eds.), Invisible America: Unearthing Our Hidden History. 1996.
P. W Singer, Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatised Military Industry. Cornell University Press, 2003, 330pp.
Peter Singer, Writings On An Ethical Life. Fourth Estate, 2001. 362pp.
Simon Singh, The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography. Fourth Estate, 402pp., 1999.
Adam Sisman, Boswell's Presumptuous Task: Writing the Life of Dr Johnson. Penguin, 2001-2002, 392pp.
B. H. Slicher Van Bath, (Trans. by Olive Ordish), The Agrarian History of Western Europe, AD500-1850. London, Edward Arnold Pubs., 1963.
Robert Sloan, William Smith O'Brien and the Young Ireland Rebellion of 1848. Bodmin, Cornwall, Four Courts Press, 2000.
George Slocombe, William the Conqueror. London, Hutchinson, 1959.
Dava Sobel (Translator), To Father: The Letters of Sister Maria Celeste to Galileo 1623-1633. Fourth Estate, 2001, 381pp.
Dava Sobel, Longitude. New York, Walker and Co., 1997.
Gustaf Sobin, Luminous Debris: Reflecting on Vestiage in Provence and Languedoc. University of California Press, 1999.
Hedrick Smith, The Russians. (Internationally bestselling expose of the Russian way of life) London, Sphere Books, 1976.
Dennis Smith, Report from Ground Zero. Viking paperback, 2002. (On the 11 September 2001 attack on New York's twin trade towers)
Keith Vincent Smith, Bennelong. Kangaroo Press, 2001, 182pp. (On the most famous Aboriginal of Sydney after the arrival of whites from 1788. Bennelong, The Sydney Aboriginal who went to London to meet George III, for whom was named the point on Sydney Harbour where the Opera House now stands. Did La Perouse' French ships of 1788 and not the First Fleet, provide the smallpox epidemic which soon killed about half of Sydney's Aboriginal people?)
Michael Smith, The Emperor's Codes: Bletchley Park and the Breaking of Japan's Secret Ciphers. Bantam Press, 2001, 322pp. (The question arises, was the dropping of atomic bombs necessary to ensure a Japanese surrender?)
R. B. Smith, An International History of the Vietnam War. Vol. 3, The making of a limited War, 1965-1966. London, Macmillan, 1991.
US historians tend not to mention Australian involvement in Vietnam, but Australia is mentioned with nine index items in R. B. Smith, An International History of the Vietnam War., Vol. 3, The making of a limited War, 1965-1966. London, Macmillan, 1991.
John Lucius Smith-Dampier, Who's Who in Boswell. 1969. 1978.
Frank Snepp, Decent Interval: The American Debacle in Vietnam and the Fall of Saigon. Ringwood, VIC., Penquin, 1980.
Kusuma Snitwongse and Sukhumbhand Paribatra, Durable Stability in South East Asia. Regional Strategic Studies Programme. Institute of South East Asian Studies. Singapore. 1987. [pp. 108ff on the Indonesian Communist Party and for a list of armed and non-armed movements in Indonesia, 1945-1984]
Theodore C. Sorenson, Kennedy. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (On US president, JFK)
Gavin Souter, Lion and Kangaroo: A History of Australian Sentiment, 1901-1917. Penquin.
Rebecca L. Spang, The Invention of the Restaurant. Harvard University Press, 2000. (The restaurant was invented in Paris by Alexandre Balthasar Laurent Grimod de la Reyniere, in the 1760s. de la Reyniere was a good writer, not a chef. But one wonders about London coffee houses as early as the 1720s?)
Muriel Spark, Mary Shelley. London, Cardinal, 1987.
Jeff Sparrow and Jill Sparrow, Radical Melbourne: A Secret History. Carlton, Victoria, The Vulgar Press, 2001.
Percival Spear, (Ed.), The Oxford History of India (by the late Vincent A. Smith). Third edition. Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1858. (1974 impression)
Arien Specter, Passion for Truth: From Finding JFK's Single Bullet to Questioning Anita Hill to Impeaching Clinton. HarperCollins, 2001.
D. Spender, Women of Ideas. London, Ark, 1982.
Christopher J. Spicer, Clark Gable. McFarland, 2002, 350pp.
Donald Spoto, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis: A Life. St Martin's Press, 2000, 348pp.
Hilary Spurling, La Grande Therese: The Greatest Swindle of the Century. 1999?
Tom Standage, The Victorian Internet. Phoenix, 1999, 216pp. [History of the electric telegraph]
Peter Stanford, Heaven: A Traveller's Guide to the Undiscovered Country. HarperCollins, 2002, 374pp.
Doug Stanton, In Harm's Way. Bantam Books, 2002, 412pp. (July 1945, as USS Indianapolis is torpedoed by a Japanese submarine near the Philippines)
Leslie Stainton, Lorca: A Dream of Life. Bloomsbury, 2000.
Henry Morton Stanley, How I Found Livingstone:
Adventures and Discoveries in Central Africa. New York,
Scribner's Sons, 1913.
See also, John Bierman, Dark
The Life Behind the Legend of Henry Morton Stanley. New York,
Knopf, 1990.
Steven M. Stanley, The New Evolutionary Timetable. Basic Books. Circa 1981.
A. C. Staples, 'Memoirs of William Prinsep; Calcutta years, 1817-1842', Indian Economic and Social History Review, Vol. 26, No. 2, April-June 1989., pp. 61-79.
Pamela Statham, (Ed.), The Origin of Australia's Capital Cities. Sydney, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Clarence L. Ver Steeg, Robert Morris: Revolutionary Financier (with an analysis of his earlier career). New York, Octagon, 1972.
Sir Leslie Stephen and Sir Sidney Lee, The Dictionary of National Biography: From the Earliest Times to 1900. London, Milford/Oxford University Press, 1917ff.
Orlando W. Stephenson, 'The supply of gunpowder in 1776', American Historical Review, 30, January 1925., pp. 271-281.
Margaret Steven, Trade, Tactics and Territory: Britain in the Pacific, 1783-1823. Carlton, Victoria, Melbourne University Press, 1983.
Randall Stevenson, The Oxford English Literary History: Vol. 2, 1960-200: The Last of England. Oxford University Press, 2004.
Valerie Steel, The Corset: A Cultural History. Yale University Press, 2001-2002, 199pp.
Ronald Steel, In Love With Night: The American Romance With Robert Kennedy. Simon and Schuster, 2000, 220pp.
Stanley Stewart, In The Empire of Genghis Khan. Flamingo, 2001, 266pp.
Ron Steinman, (Ed.), Women in Vietnam. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Michael Stenton, (Ed.), Who's Who of British Members of Parliament: A Biographical Dictionary of the House of Commons. Peterhouse, Cambridge, UK. Harvester Press. 1976-1978. (Four Vols). Vol. 1, 1832-1885. Vol. 2, 1886-1918.
Douglas Stewart and Nancy Keesing, (Compilers), The Pacific Book of Bush Ballads. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1967. (Australian material)
Ian Stewart, The Magical Maze: Seeing The World Through Mathematical Eyes. Phoenix, 284pp., 1999.
Alexander Stille, The Future of the Past. Picador, 2004, 339pp. (On losses around the world of major artefacts and loss of a sense of the past due to our rates of technological change. Reviewer concludes, "The style is engaging, the statistics frightening and the conclusions challenging".)
Robert B. Stinnett, Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbour. Free Press, 2000.
Lauren St John, Walkin' After Midnight: A Journey to the Heart of Nashville. Picador, 2001, 273pp.
Lawrence Stone, An Elizabethan: Sir Horatio Palavicino. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1956.
Robert J. Stove, The Unsleeping Eye: A Brief History of the Secret Police. Duffy and Snellgrove, 2002, 367pp.
Hew Strachan, The First World War, Volume One: To Arms. Oxford University Press, 2001-2002, 1227pp.
Ray and O. Strachey, Keigwin's Rebellion. 1916.
Paul Srathern, The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance. Cape, 2004, 431pp.
Joseph R. Strayer, (Ed), Dictionary of the Middle Ages. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1983. (American Council of Learned Societies. On Kabala.)
Agnes Strickland, Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman Conquest. Vol. V. Anne of Denmark queen-consort of James the First, King of Great Britain and Ireland. Bath, Cedric Chivers Ltd., 1972.
Agnes Strickland, Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman Conquest. Mary II, Queen-Regent of Great Britain and Ireland, consort of William III. Vol. VII. Bath, Cedric Chivers Ltd., 1972.; Vol. 5, p. 284.
Roy Strong, A History of Grand Eating. Jonathan Cape, 2002, 349pp.
Jean Strousse, Morgan: American Financier. Random House/Harvill, 1999, 796pp.
Charles Sturt, Two Expeditions Into The Interior of Australia. A New Edition, Corkwood Press, 1999. 298pp.
Anne Summers, Damned Whores and God's Police: The Colonization of Women in Australia. Ringwood, Australia, Penguin, 1975.
Anthony Summers, The Arrogance of Power: The Secret World of Richard Nixon. Gollancz, 2001.
Pandit Sunderlal, How India Lost her Freedom. Bombay, Prakashan, 1970.
Ulf Sundhaussen, Indonesia: Past and Present Encounters with Democracy, Chapter Eleven in Larry Diamond, Juan J. Lintz, Seymour Martin Lipset, (Eds), Democracy in Developing Countries - Asia. Vol. 3. Boulder, Colorado. Lynne Rienne Publishers. 1989. [On the Indonesian Communist Party].
Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. Octavo, 1976.
R. N. Swanson, The Twelth-Century Renaissance. Manchester University Press, 1999.
David Sweetman, Touluouse-Lautrec and The Fin-De-Siecle. Hodder and Stoughton, 2000.
Anthony Swofford, Jarhead: A Marine Chronicle of the Gulf War. Scribner, 2003, 260pp.
Roberta Sykes, Snake Circle. Allen and Unwin, 2000. (Part three of an Australian autobiography)
Patrick Symmes, Chasing Che. Random House, 2001. (On Che Guevera).
Robert L. Tignor, Egypt: A Short History. Princeton University Press, 2011, 376pp. (Some 5000 years of Egyptian history)
Michael Takiff, A Complicated Man: The Life of Bill Clinton as Told by Those Who Know Him. Yale University Press, 2011, 496pp.
Lalita Tademy, Cane River. Warner, 2001. (Four generations of African-American women 1834-1936)
Jacob Talmon, The Origins of Totalitarian Democracy (1952) and Political Messianism. (1960). (Talmon is an Israeli historian).
Keiko Tamura, Michi's Memories: The Story of a Japanese War Bride. Pandanus Books/ANU Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, 2001, 100pp.
D. J. M. Tate, The Making of Modern South-East Asia. Vol. 2. The Western Impact: Economic and Social Change. Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 1971-1979.
Jean Gelman Taylor, Indonesia: Peoples and History. Yale Universty Press, nd?
Kendall Taylor, Sometimes Madness is Wisdom: Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald. HarperCollins, 2001-2002, 442pp.
S. A. G. Taylor, The Western Design: An Account of Cromwell's Expedition to the Caribbean. Kingston, 1965.
R. F. Tapsell, Monarchs, Rulers, Dynasties and Kingdoms of the World. London, Thames and Hudson, 1983.
William Taubman, Kruschev: The Man and His Era. Free Press, 2004, 876pp.
R. H. Tawney, Religion and the Rise of Capitalism: A Historical Study. Ringwood, Victoria, Pelican, 1966.
A. J. P. Taylor, The Origins of the Second World War. Middlesex, Penguin, 1979.
G. R. Taylor, The Domesday Book. Fawcett, nd.
G. R. Taylor, Biological Time-Bomb. London, Thames and Hudson, 1968.
Richard B. Tennant, The American Cigarette Industry. Yale University Press, 1950.
Gordon Thomas and Morgan Witts, The San Francisco Earthquake. Dell, 1971.
Leila Thomas, 'The Establishment of New South Wales in 1788', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, Vol. 2, Part 2, 1925., pp. 67-83.
Brian Thompson, Imperial Vanities. HarperCollins, 2002, 357pp. (On eccentric heroes of the C19th British Empire)
Damian Thompson, The End of Time: Faith and Fear in the Shadow of the Millennium. Sinclair-Stevenson, 1998.
E. P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class. Ringwood, Australia, Penguin, 1968.
Edward Thompson and G. T. Garratt, Rise and Fulfilment of British Rule in India. Allahabad, Central Book Depot, 1969. (Text and bibliography on Clive of India and Laurence Sulivan as a non-Imperialist free trader.)
F. M. L. Thompson, `Life after Death: How Successful Nineteenth-Century Businessmen disposed of their Fortunes', Economic History Review, Series 2, Vol. 43, No. 1, 1990., pp. 40-61.
Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in America. Bloomsbury, 2000.
Peter Thompson and Robert Macklin, The Man Who Died Twice. Allen and Unwin, 2004, 361pp. (On famous Australian journalist in China for The Times, George Ernest Morrison, "Morrison of Peking")
Peter A. Thompson and Robert Macklin, The Battle of Brisbane: Australians and the Yanks at War. ABC Books, 2001, 241pp.
Sir Robert Thompson, Defeating Communist Insurgency: Experiences from Malaya and Vietnam. London, Chatto and Windus, 1966.
Robert Tickner, Taking A Stand: Land Rights to Reconciliation. Allen and Unwin, 2001, 350pp.
Rodney Tiffen, Diplomatic Deceits. University of New South Wales Press, 2001. 128pp. (Re situation in East Timor to 2000-2001)
Hugh Tinker, South Asia: A Short History. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Valery Tishkov, Cechnya. University of California Press, 2004, 302pp.
Colm Toibin, Love in the Dark Times: Gay Lives from Wilde to Almodovar. Picador, 2001.
W. M. Torrens, Empire in Asia - How We Came By It: A Book of Confessions. London, Trubner and Co., 1872.
R. F. Treharne, The Glastonbury Legends. London, Cresset Press, 1967.
Hugh Trevor-Roper, Archbishop Laud, 1573-1645. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (On the Archbishop of Canterbury tempe Charles I of England)
Barbara Tuchman, The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam. London, Abacus, 1985.
Barbara Tuchman, The First Salute: A View of the American Revolution. Maine, USA, Thorndike Press, 1988.
Peter Turbet, The Aborigines of the Sydney District
1788. Kangaroo Press, 2001. 170pp.
Jenny Uglow, The Lunar Men. Faber, 2002, 588pp. (On C19th British scientists and their controversies. Uglow also writes biographies of Elizabeth Gaskell and William Hogarth)
Irwin and Debi Unger, LBJ: A Life. 2001, 586pp.
Adrian Vickers, A History of Modern Indonesia. Cambridge University Press, 2007, 291pp.
Alan Valentine, The British Establishment, 1760-1784: An Eighteenth Century Biographical Dictionary. Two Vols. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1970.
Daniel Vare, Laughing Diplomat. London. John Murray, Albermarle St., this edition, reprinted, September 1938. First edition, also in September 1938. Printed by Butler and Tanner, London and Frome. (Re blithe views before WWII begins)
Ashutosh Varshney, Ethnic Conflict and Civic Life: Hindus and Muslims in India. 2002.
A. A. Vasiliev, History of the Byzantine Empire, 324-1453. Madison, US, The University of Wisconsin Press, 1952.
Gore Vidal, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace. Thunder's Mouth Press, 2003. (On US aggression and provocation)
Pierre Vilar, A History of Gold and Money, 1450-1920. London, Verso, 1991.
David A. Vise, The Bureau and the Mole: The Unmasking of Robert Philip Hanssen, the most dangerous double agent in FBI History. Schwartz Publishing, 2002, 272pp.
Chris Wickham, The Inheritance of Rome: A History of Europe from 400 to 1000. Allen Lane, 2009, 700pp.
Henry R. Wagner, `Creation of Rights of Sovereignty through Symbolic Acts', Pacific Historical Review, Dec. 1938., pp. 297-326.
Tony Walker and Andrew Gowers, Arafat: The Biography. Publisher?, 2003.
George Walden, (and Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly), Who's a Dandy? Tower Books, 2003, 180pp. (on the famous dandy, Beau Brummell)
Mark Warhus, Another America: Native American Maps and the History of Our Land. New York, St Martin's Press, 1997.
Joanna Waley-Cohen, The Sextants of Beijing: Global Currents in Chinese History. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (China has had more international engagements than its reputation for isolationism suggests)
Joseph M. Walsh, Tea: Its History and Mystery. Philadelphia, Coates and Co., 1892.
James Walton, (Ed.), The Faber Book of Smoking. Faber, 2002, 334pp.
Michael Walsh, An Illustrated History of the Popes: Saint Peter to John Paul II. New York, Bonanza Books, 1980.
John Wain, The Journals of James Boswell, 1762-1795. New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University Press, nd-recent.
Clinton Walker, Buried Country. Pluto Press, 2000, 323pp. (On involvement with country music by Australian Aboriginal artists, as unrecognised by the Australian music industry generally).
Irving Wallace, et al, The Intimate Sex Lives of Famous People. London, Arrow, 1981.
James Wallace and Jim Erickson, Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the
Making of the Microsoft Empire. (Updated edition). Chichester,
England, John Wiley, 1992-1993. P/back.
See also: Alan
founder of computer science:
Internet and
Computer Technology: http://www.keysites.com/
History of the
Internet and WWW: http://www.internetvalley.com/intval.html
History of Computing: http://ai.cs.edu/~history/
[Encyclopedia of Computing Terms]: http://www.pcwebopedia.com/
Hotwired: [Finding new words for new technologies]:
Webnewz: [On Asian
developments]: http://www.newscom-asia.com/
Peter Warburton, Debt and Delusion: Central Bank Follies that Threaten Economic Disaster. Penguin, 2000.
Russel Ward, The Australian Legend. Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1958. (An Australian classic)
Jessica Warner, Craze: Gin and Debauchery in the Age of Reason. 2003.
Bernard Wasserstein, Divided Jerusalem: The Struggle for the Holy City. Profile Books, 2002.
Robin Waterfield, Athens: A History. Macmillan, 2004, 410pp.
John Watney, Clive of India. Saxon House, Hants, England, D. C. Heath Ltd., 1974.
Don Watson (noted speechwriter in Australian political circles), Death Sentence: The Decay of Public Language. Random House, 2003.
Don Watson, Recollections of a Bleeding Heart: A Portrait of Paul Keating PM. Random House, 2002, 756pp. (Author was speechwriter for Australian prime minister Keating)
Peter Watson, A Terrible Beauty. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2001. (... "a magnificent intellectual history of the Twentieth Century")
Robert I. Watson, Sr., and Rand B. Evans, The Great Psychologists: A History of Psychological Thought. 5th ed. New York: HarperCollins, 1991.
Jason Webster, Andalus: Unlocking The Secrets of Moorish Spain. Doubleday, 2004, 288pp.
Yu Weichao, (Ed.), A Journey into China's Past, 1997-1998. nd?
Joachim Wieder and Heinrich Graf von Einsiedel, Stalingrad: Memories and Reassessments. Cassell, 2002-2003, 320pp. (On failure of German invasion of Russia on a 4000km front in 1942.)
Alison Weir, Eleanor of Aquitaine. Pimlico, 2000, 444pp.
Frank W. Weis, Lifelines: Famous Contemporaries from 600BC to 1975. New York, Facts on File Inc., 1982.
Frank Welsh, A History of Hong Kong. London, Harper/Collins. 1997. With information on Dent and Jardine-Matheson etc.
Roy A. Wells, Freemasonry in London from 1785. Shepparton, Middlesex, Lewis Masonic, 1984.
George Weigel, Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II. 2000.
Samantha Weinberg, A Fish Caught in Time: The Search for the Coelacanth. Fourth Estate, 2000. (A fish 70 million years old, with a fossil forgotten till 1938. Check Website: www.dinofish.com)
Stanley Weintraub, Edward The Caresser: The Playboy Prince Who Became Edward VII. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Alison Weir, Henry VIII: King and Court. Cape, 2001, 639pp.
Alison Weir, Mary, Queen of Scots and the Murder of Lord Darnley. Cape, 2003, 621pp.
Andrew Wheatcroft, Infidels. Penguin/Viking, 2003, 442pp. (On conflict in world history between Moslems and Christians)
Anne-Maree Whitaker, Joseph Foveaux: Power and Patronage in Colonial New South Wales. University of NSW Press, 2001, 256pp.
Hayden V. White, 'The Burden of History,' History and Theory, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1966., pp. 111-134.
Michael White and John Gribbin, Stephen Hawking: A Life In Science. Abacus, 2004, 372pp,
R. Dunhuang Whitfield, Caves of the Singing Sands: Buddhist Art from the Silk Road. 1995.
Ray Whitrod, Before I Sleep: Memoirs of a Modern Police Commissioner. University of Queensland Press, 2001, 227pp.
Helen Whybrow, Dead Reckoning: Great Adventure Writing from the Golden Age of Exploration, 1800-1900. W. W. Norton, 2002, 566pp.
Michael Wilding, Raising Spirits: Making Gold and Swapping Wives: The True Adventures of Dr John Dee and Sir Edward Kelly. Abbott Bentley, 2000.
Frederick Wilkinson, Arms and Armour. London, Hamlyn, 1971.
Jonathan Williams, (Ed.), Money: A History. London., British Museum Press/Thames and Hudson, 1997.
Jonathan Williams, Joe Cribb and Elizabeth Errington, (Eds)., Money: A History. Published for the Trustees of the British Museum by British Museum Press, 1997.
Neville Williams, Elizabeth I: Queen of England. London, Sphere, 1971.
G. T. Wilkinson, The Newgate Calendar, Book One. London, Panther Books (Abridgement), 1962.
Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell and Colin Tudge, The Second Creation: The Age of Biological Control by the Scientists Who Cloned Dolly. Headline, 2000.
Colin Wilson, A Criminal History of Mankind. London, Panther, 1984.
Derek Wilson, A Tudor Tapestry: Men, Women and Society in Reformation England. London, Heinemann, 1972. (The case of Anne Ayscough/Askew, a Protestant burnt at the stake)
Ian Wilson, In Search of Ghosts . Headline, London, 1995.
Trevor Wilson, The Myriad Faces of War. Basil Blackwell, 1996.Simon Winchester, The Map That Changed the World: The Tale of William Smith and the Birth of a Science. Viking, 2001, 321pp. (On geology)
Keith Windschuttle, The Killing of History: How a Discipline is being Murdered by Literary Critics and Social Theorists. Sydney, Macleay Press, 1994.
Lewis Wolpert, Malignant Sadness: The Anatomy of Depression. Faber, 1999.
Stanley Wolpert, Gandhi's Passion. OUP, 2001, 400pp.
Frances Wood, Did Marco Polo Go to China? Boulder, Westview Press, 1996.
Gaby Wood, Living Dolls: A Magical History of the Quest for Mechanical Life. Faber, 2002, 278pp. (Cultural history on dolls, robots, etc.)
H. T. Wood, A History of the Royal Society of Arts. London, 1913.
Mark. W. Woodruff, Unheralded Victory: Who Won the Vietnam War? HarperCollins, 2000.
Phillip Woodruff, The Men Who Ruled India: The Founders. London, Jonathan Cape, 1954.
Bob Woodward, Bush at War. Simon and Schuster, 2002, 400pp.
Christopher Woodward, Ruins. Chatto, 2001, 237pp.
Lewis Wolpert, Malignant Sadness: The Anatomy of Depression. Faber, 2000-2001. ("The primary aim of human judgement is not accuracy but the avoidance of paralysing uncertainty")
Benjamin Woolley, The Queen's Conjurer: The Science and Magic of Dr Dee. HarperCollins, 394pp.
William Woolmore, The Bushveldt Carbineers. Slouch Hat Publications, 2002, 320pp.
Women - The Diagram Group, Who Wrote What When? Simon and Schuster, 1999. (Contains many references to women writers)
John Kirtland Wright. The Geographical Lore of the Time of the Crusades: A Study in the History of Medieval Science and Tradition in Western Europe. New York, American Geographical Society, 1925.
Peter Wright, Spy Catcher: The Candid Autobiography of a Senior Intelligence Officer. William Heinemann Australia, 1988.
Larry Writer, Razor: A True Story of Slashers, Gangsters, Prostitutes and Sly Grog. Macmillan, 2001, 336pp. (Crime life in Sydney, Australia from 1927).
Michael Wrong, In the Footsteps of Mr Kurtz: Living on the Brink of Disaster in the Congo. Fourth Estate, 2001, 324pp.
Simon Winchester, Bomb, Book and Compass: Joseph Needham and the Great Secrets of China. Penguin, 2008, 316.
Simon Winchester, A Crack in the Edge of the World. 2005. (On the San Francisco earthquake of 1906)
Michael Wallis, Billy The Kid: The Endless Ride. details lost. (On Henry McCarty, Billy the Kid, and the trashification of the history of the USA's Old West)
Garry Wills, Augustine's Confessions. Princeton University Press, 2011, 155pp. (Did Augustine here produce the world's first autobiography?)
Guobin Yang, The Power of the Internet in China. Columbia University Press, 2009, 302pp.
Ehsan Masood, Science and Islam: A History. Icon Books, 2009, 240pp.
Marilyn Yalom, Birth of the Chess Queen: A History. Rivers Oram Press, 2004, 272pp.
A. T. Yarwood, Walers: Australian Horses Abroad. Carlton, Victoria, Melbourne University Press, 1989.
A. E. Yentsch, A Chesapeake Family and Their Slaves: A Study in Historical Archaeology. 1994.
Henry Yule (Translator), The Book of Marco Polo. London, 1875.
Appignanesi Zarete and Oscar Zarete, Introducing Lenin and the Russian Revolution. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Donald S. Zagoria, Vietnam Triangle - Moscow, Peking, Hanoi. New York, Pegasus, 1967.
Perez Zagorin, Hobbes and the Law of Nature. Princeton, 2010, 177pp. (On the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes and his Leviathan.)
Ilya Zbarsky and Samuel Hutchinson, Lenin's Embalmers. Harvill, 1999/2000.
Philip Ziegler, The Sixth Great Power: Barings, 1762-1929. London, Collins, 1988.
Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States. HarperCollins, 1999.(Marxist-hewn book discussing slavery, etc).
Hans Zinsser, Rats, Lice and History: A Chronicle of Pestilence and Plagues. New York, Black Dog and Leventhal Publishers, 1963. Orig. 1934. (History of Typhus Fever)
Now return to the Lost Worlds Index
Stop Press: For late entries
Catharine Arnold, Bedlam: London and Its Mad. Simon and Schuster, 2008, 306pp
Brown et al, The Great Peking to Paris Expedition. 2005. (Retracing the 1907 Peking to Paris car trial)
Herbert P. Bix, Hirohito and The Making of Modern
Robert Dalleck, Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power. Allen Lane, 2007, 740pp. (A Faustian bargain, says one reviewer)
Japan. Harper Collins, 2001, 751pp.Terry Brighton, Hell Riders: The Truth About The Charge Of The Light Brigade. Viking, 2005, 370pp.
Adrian Caesar, The White: Last Days in the Antarctic Journeys of Scott and Mawson, 1911-1913. Picador, 1999?
Sylvia Brooke, Queen of the Headhunters: An Autobiography of HH the Hon. Sylvia Lady Brooke, Ranee of Sarawak. London, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1970.
Juliet Barker, Wordsworth: A Life. Viking, 2000. 971pp.
Jerome R. Corsi, The Obama Nation. Threshold Editions, 2008, 364pp.
Gary J. Bass, Freedom's Battle: The Origins of Humanitarian Intervention. 2008, 528pp.
Adrian Desmond and James Moore, Darwin's Sacred Cause: Race, Slavery and the Quest for Human Origins. Allen Lane, 2009, 485pp. (The views on slavery and its abolition of evolutionist, Charles Darwin)
Daphne du Maurier, Golden Lads: a study of Anthony Bacon, Francis and their friends. Virago, 2007, 338pp, first pub in 1975. (From the author who believes that Francis Bacon wrote most of Shakespeare)
Lizzie Collingham, Curry: A Biography. Chatto and Windus, 2005, 336pp.
Martin Downer, Nelson's Purse. Bantam Press, 2005, 424pp.
Ashley Ekins, 1918: Year of Victory - The End of the Great War and the Shaping of History. Exisle Publishing, 2010, 308pp.
Carola Hicks, The Bayeux Tapestry: The Life Story of a Masterpiece. Vintage, 2007, 358pp.
Paul Johnson, Heroes: From Alexander the Great to Mae West. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2008, 287pp.
David King and Cathy Porter, Blood and Laughter: Caricatures from the 1905 Revolution. Jonathan Cape, 1983. (Material from Russian satirical journals)
Andrew Roberts, A History of the English-Speaking People Since 1900. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2007, 736pp. (Reviewer says, this book may be magnificent, but it is not history)
Geoffrey Parker, (Ed.), The Cambridge History of War. Cambridge University Press, 2007, 515pp.
Eric Jager. The Last Duel: A True Story of Crime, Scandal and Trial by Combat in Medieval Europe. Century, 2005, 24200. (Case of a fight to the death about claims about rape in 1386, as watched by French king Charles VI)
Henry Hitchings, Dr Johnsons's Dictionary, The Extraordinary Story of the Book that Defined the World. John Murray, 2005, 278pp.
Michael S. Neiberg, Fighting The Great War: A Global History. Harvard University Press, 2005, 395pp.
Ian Kershaw, Fateful Choices: Ten Decisions that Changed the World. 1940-1941. Viking, 2007, 624pp.
Robert Hutchinson, The Last Days of Henry VIII: Conspiracies, Treason and Heresy at the Court of the Dying Tyrant. Weidenfeld and Hutchinson, 2005, 368pp. (Reviewer finds this title somewhat unconvincing)
Ma Jian, Beijing Coma. Chatto and Windus, 2008, 586pp. (On Tianamen Square, 1989 and so on)
Jonathan Fenby, The Penguin History of Modern China: The Fall and Rise of a Great Power 1850-2008. Allen Lane, 2008, 763pp.
Carol Off, Bitter Chocolate: Investigating the Dark Side of the World's Most Seductive Sweet. University of Queensland Press, 2008.
George Makari, Revolution in Mind: The Creation of Psychoanalysis. Melbourne University Press, 2008, 613pp.
Colin Thubron, Shadow of the Silk Road. Vintage, 2008, 363pp.
Tim Jeal, Stanley. Faber and Faber, 2008, 570pp. (Correcting the record on the well-known explorer of Africa)
Paul Strathern, Napoleon in Egypt: The Greatest Glory. Jonathan Cape, 2008, 480pp.
Philip Dwyer, Napoleon: The Path to Power 1769-1799. Bloomsbury, 2008, 655pp.
Juan Cole,
Napoleon's Egypt: Invading the Middle East. nd? 2008.
Elizabeth Eger and Lucy Peltz, Brilliant Women: 18th Century Bluestockings. Hardie Grant Books, 2008, 159pp.
Katherine Ashenburg, Clean: An Unsanitized History of Washing. Profile Books, 2008, 358pp.
Adam Zamoyski, Warsaw 1920: Lenin's Failed Conquest of Europe. HarperCollins, 2008, 160pp.
Simon Critchley, The Book of Dead Philsophers. Melbourne University Press, 2008, 336pp. (On the manners of the deaths of a variety of noted philosophers)
Brian Fagan, The Great Warming: Climate Change and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations. Bloomsbury Press, 2008, 282pp.
Josh Ozersky, The Hamburger: A History. UNSW Press, 2008, 160pp.
Paul Ginsborg, Democracy. Profile Books, 2008, 166pp. (Voters dislike politicians. If voting is not compulsory, voters tend not to turn out. In a hierarchical system, where voters hand over their own power to influence events to professional politicians, is not democracy, but a kind of oligarchy)
Elizabeth Nel (Churchill's secretary during WWII), Winston Churchill, By His Personal Secretary Elizabeth Nel. (Book finished in 2007 not long before her death.).
Mark Honigsbaum, Valverde's Gold: A True Tale of Greed, Obsession and Grit. Macmillan, 2005,363pp.
Andrew Lambert, Nelson: Britannia's God Of War. Faber,2005, 480pp.
John Sugden, Nelson: A Dream of Glory. Cape, 2005, 960pp.
Juliet Nicolson, The Great Silence, 1918-1920. John Murray, 2010, 302pp. (On the years of the ending of World War One)
Fik Meijer, The Gladiators: History's Most Deadly Sport. Souvenir Press, 2005, 267pp.
Lax McAulay, The Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Banner Books, 2010, 262pp.
Tom Keneally, Searching for Schindler. Knopf, 2007, 304pp.
Michael Goldfarb, Emancipation. Scribe, 2010, 408pp. (A particular kind of history of Jewishness in Europe from before the French Revolution)
For section re King Arthur, Stephen Knight, Merlin. Cornell University Press, 2010, 275pp. (By an author who has written on King Arthur and Robin Hood)
Keith Jeffrey, MI6: The History the Secret Intelligence Service. Bloomsbury, 2011, 810pp.
Deirdre O'Connell, The Ballad of Blind Tom. Overlook Duckworth, 2009, 288pp. (Unexpected story of a blind American slave born 1849, named Tom, who was a musical prodigy and finally had a world-touring music career as a pianist. Reviewer says the reader will find accounts of the bizarre morality of slave-keepers to be quite disturbing)
Alexander Nehamas, Only a Promise of Happiness: The Place of Beauty in a World of Art. Princeton University Press, 2008, 167pp.
Geoffrey Parker, (Ed.), The Cambridge History of War. Cambridge University Press, 2007, 515pp.
Evelyn Lord, The Hell-Fire Clubs. Yale University Press, 2008/2009, 247pp. (Apparently there were only 18 Hell-Fire Clubs in the C18th)
Donald S. Lopez Jnr, The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Princeton University Press, 2011, 264pp. (There have been quite some misunderstandings about this famous book, which might not have been properly published till 2005 by Penguin)
William Shawcross, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother: The Official Biography. Macmillan, 2010, 1096pp.
Michael White, Machiavelli. Penguin, 2005, 304pp.
James Aulich, War Posters: Weapons of Mass Communication. Thames and Hudson, 2011, 256pp.
Jason Roberts, A Sense of the World: How a Blind Man Became the World's Greatest Traveller. No details, 2006. (On James Holmnan, born 1786, who became a naval seaman, loved travelling, became blind but continued travelling, author and Fellow of The Royal Society)
Dorinda Outram, Panorama of the Enlightenment. No details, 2006.
Arlene Okerlund, Elizabeth, England's Slandered Queen. No details, 2006.
Antonia Fraser, Love and Louis XIV: The Women in the Life of the Sun King. No details, 2006.
Frank McLynn, Lionheart and Lackland. No details, 2006. (On Richard Lionheart and King John, sons of Eleanor of Aquitaine)
James Travers, Gunpowder: The Players Behind the Plot. No details, 2006.
Gerard Noel, The Renaissance Popes: The Origins and Developments of the Great Borgia Myth. No details, 2006.
David Lawday, Napoleon's Master. No details, 2006. (On Tallyrand)
Judith Flanders, Consuming Passions. No details, 2006. (On consumer life from the time of the Industrial Revolution)
Donald Sassoon, The Culture of the Europeans. No details, 2006. (Wide-ranging treatment of the derivations of much in popular culture)
Norman Davies, Europe East and West. No details, 2006. (Challenges stereotypes etc, tries to explain the place of Eastern Europe)
Hallie Rubenhold, The Covent Garden Ladies. No details, 2006. (on prostitution in London, England)
Tony Judt, Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945. No details, 2006.
Tim Wallace-Murphy, What Islam Did For Us: Understanding Islam's Contribution to Western Civilization. No details, 2006.
Richard Holmes, Battlefield: Decisive Conflicts in History. no details, 2006. (Historical aspects of 300 major conflicts)
Ed Wright, History's Greatest Scandals: The Shocking Stories of Powerful People. No details, 2006.
Bryan Ward-Perkins, The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization. no details, 2006.
Joseph Cummins, History's Great Untold Stories: Obscure Events of Lasting Importance. no details, 2006.
David Plouffe, The Audacity To Win: The Inside Story and Lessons of Barack Obama's Historic Victory. Penguin, 2010, 400pp.
John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, Race of a Lifetime: How Obama Won the White House. Harper, 2010, 448pp.
Wilfrid Prest, William Blackstone: Law and Letters in the 18th Century. Oxford University Press, 2010, 284pp.
Charles Spencer, Prince Rupert: The Last Cavalier. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2007, 430pp.
Andrew Roberts, A History of the English-Speaking People Since 1900. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2007, 736pp. (Reviewer says, this book may be magnificent, but it is not history)
David Crane, Scott of the Antarctic. HarperCollins, 2007, 595pp.
David Starkey, Monarchy. Harper Perennial, 2007, 319pp. (You've probably seen the TV series of the same name, which has been quite popular where this website lives)
Adrian Vickers, A History of Modern Indonesia. Cambridge University Press, 2007, 291pp.
Thant Myint-U, The River of Lost Footsteps. Faber and Faber, 2007, 361pp. (History of Burma)
Christopher Andrew, The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5. Allen lane, 2009, 1032pp.
Tom Keneally, Three Famines. Knopf Australia. 2010, 3200pp. (Famines in Ireland, 1845, in Ethiopia 1970s, and in Bengal, 1942)
Michael S. Neiberg, Dance of the Furies: Europe and the Outbreak of World War 1. Harvard University Press, 2011, 286pp.
these domain stats begun 18 December 2005