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This page updated 15 October 2014
Reza Aslan, No God But God: The Origins, Evolution and Future of Islam. Heinemann, 2007, 288pp. (Author is an Iranian-American. An argument for reform of a world religion by a moderate)
Abdul-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace. Wilmette, Illinois, Baha'i Publication Trust, 1982.
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Abdul-Baha, The Secret of Divine Civilization. (Translated by Marzieh Gail and Ali-Kuli-Khan) Wilmette, Illinois, Baha'i Publication Trust, 1975.
A. T. Ariyaratna, Sarvodaya and Development. Morotuwa, Sarvodaya Press, 1980.
J. Abbot, Indian Ritual and Belief: The Keys of Power. (Reprint of 1932), New Delhi, Manohar, 2000. (Customs of both Moslem and Hindu).
Lewis Abramowich, An Essay on the Genealogy of Jesus of Nazareth. 74pp. Sydney, 1891.
Mark C. Albrecht, Reincarnation: A Christian Critique of New Age Doctrine. Downers Grover, Illinois, Intervarsity Press, 1982.
John Marco Allegro, The Treasure of the Copper Scroll. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1960.
Joseph J. Allen, Inner Way: Toward a Rebirth of Eastern Christian Spiritual Direction. Grand Rapids, Michigan, William B. Eerdman Pub. Co., 1994.
Omraam Mikhael Aianhov, Spiritual Alchemy. Complete Works, Vol. 2, Editions Prosveta, 1986.
Richard Andrews and Paul Schellenberger, The Tomb of God: The Body of Jesus and the Solution to a 2000-year-old Mystery. London, Little Brown and Co., 1996.
Anon/Compilation, Foundation of Paradise: From The Teachings Of Meishu-sama. Johrei Fellowship, Church of World Messianity, first English edn, 1984. (From the Japanese)
Karen Armstrong, Muhammad: prophet for our time. HarperCollins, 2007, 256pp. (Reviewers wonders why this is Armstrong's second biography of Muhammad and why this book pulls so many punches, and is quite wrong on a few points. Is it a whitewash job?) (See also, Maxime Rodinson, Mohammad. 1961)
Karen Armstrong, The Great Transformation: The World in the Time of Buddha, Socrates, Confucius and Jeremiah. Atlantic Books, 2007, 469pp. (Leaves at least one reviewer with decidedly mixed feelings apart from noting that Armstrong is very good on China and Confucius)
Karen Armstrong, A Short History of Myth. Text, 2005.
Karen Armstrong, A History of God: From Abraham to the Present: The 4000-Year Quest for God.. London, Mandarin, 1994. (Armstrong also writes, Through the Narrow Gate (autobiography), History of Jerusalem, The Battle for God, and Buddha)
Karen Armstrong, Islam: A Short History. London, Phoenix Press, 2001. (Reviewer says this book is a great antidote to prejudice. Blurb in part reads, “One of the great wirld religions through the 1500 years of its existence, Islam has also been by far the most misunderstood. The Western World has undergone a complete revolution of through in recent centuries, yet its mistrust of Islam is still essentially medieval.”)
Karen Armstrong, The Battle for God. Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. HarperCollins, 2001. 442pp.
Stephen Arterburn and Jack Felton, Toxic Faith: Understanding and Overcoming Religious Addiction. US publisher, circa 2001 (?).
Nahman Avigad and Yigaec Yadin, A Genesis Apocryphon: A Scroll from the Wilderness of Judaea: Description and Contents of the Scroll facsimiles, transcriptions and translation of Columns II, XIX-XIXII. The Magnes Press of the Hebrew University and Heikhal Ha-Sefer. Jerusalem, 1956.
Larry Buttrose, Tales of the Popes. New Holland, 2009, 224pp. (On foibles of the men chosen by "The Holy Ghost" to lead those faithful to the revealed truth (as it is termed), with the emphasis on foibles.)
Michael Bachelard, Behind The Exclusive Brethren. Scribe, 2008, 314pp (The Australian situations).
Ian A. Baker, The Dalai Lama's Secret Temple. (Photographs by Thomas Laird.) Thames and Huston, 2005? (On murals in a "secret chamber" or meditation chamber of a C17th Tibetan island temple. The Lukhang or Temple of the Serpent Spirits. On a lake behind the Potala Palace in Lhasa, capital of Tibet. The murals are uncommonly bold and explicit, and are taken to be based on the mystical visions (or secret yogic teachings) of the fifth Dalai Lama (ruling Tibet, 1642-1682), though the sixth Dalai Lama completed the work. The Lukhang blends Tibetan, Chinese and Mongolian architecture.)
Martha Beck, Leaving The Saints: How I Lost The Mormons and Found My Faith. Crown Books, 2005, 306p.
(Re Baha'u'llah), Shoghi Effendi, (Trans), The Hidden Words of Bahaullah. Baha'i Publishing Trust, Wilmette, Illinois, 1985. ISBN 0-87743-002-0.
Baha'u'llah, (Translators, Ali-Kuli Khan and Marzieh Gail), The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys. Baha'i Publishing Trust, Wilmette, Illinois. 1945-1952.
Donald Bahr et al, Short Swift Time of Gods on Earth. 1994.
C. R. Boxer, The Christian Century in Japan, 1549-1650. University of California Press, 1951.
Meher Baba, God Speaks: The Theme of Creation and its Purpose. New York, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1973.
David Francis Bacon, The Lives of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. New Haven, Hitchcock and Stafford, 1835.
Baha'u'llah, (Translators, Ali-Kuli Khan and Marzieh Gail), The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys. Baha'i Publishing Trust, Wilmette, Illinois, 1945-1952.
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Inquisition. Penguin, 2000/2001, 318pp.
Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. London, Corgi, 1982-1983.
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Temple and the Lodge. London, 1990.
Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy. London, Corgi, 1987.
Laleh Bakhtiar, Sufi: Expressions of the Mystic Quest. London, Thames and Hudson, 1976.
S. C. Banerji, A Brief History of Dharmasastra. New Delhi, Abhinav, 1999. 400pp.
Bruno Bauer, Christ and the Caesars: The Origin of Christianity from Romanized Greek Culture. Charleston, South Carolina, Alexander Davidonis, 1998.
Shoshana Ben-Dor, The Religious Background of Beta Israel: Saga of Aliyah. Jerusalem, 1993.
S. H. Bergman, Faith and Reason. Hewbrew University, Israel, 1975.
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (His Divine Grace), Bhagavad-Gita As It Is. Bombay, The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1983.
N. N. Bhattacharyya, The Indian Mother Goddess. New Delhi, Manohar Pub. and Dist., 1999. (Very comprehensive)
Shah Mohammad Bijli, Dharmic Culture and Islam. Delhi, Idarah-i-Adabyat-i-Delhi, 1999.
Matthew Black, The Scrolls and Christian Origins: Studies in the Jewish Background of the New Testament. London, 1961.
Helena Petrovna Blavatksy, Secret Doctrines. Two Vols. 1888, reprints Pasadena, California, Theosophical University Press, 1977.
A. C. Bouquet, Comparative Religion: A Short Outline. Penguin, 1967 edn.
John Bowker, (Ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions. OUP, 1997, 1111pp. (A reviewer notes "curious omissions" on matters Celtic, Germanic, Asian or Latin American Christianity).
Andrew Boyd, Holy War in Belfast. Anvil Books, 1969.
Pascal Boyer, (professor, anthropology at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri), Religion Explained. 2001. (Of the new school of neurotheology - suggesting that religious belief is all in the mind - demystifying spirituality, eg., by suggesting that instead of God creating our brains, our brains created God - religion sprang up more than 50,000 years ago).
M. F. C. Bourdillon and Meyer Fortes, (Eds.), Sacrifice. New York, Academic Press, 1980.
George Brantl, Christianity: Catholicism. nd?
James Henry Breasted, The Dawn of Conscience. Prentice Hall, 1976.
Douglas Renfrew Brooks et al, Meditation Revolution: A History and Theology of the Siddha Yoga Lineage. USA, 1997.
Raymond Edward Brown, The Churches The Apostles Left Behind. New York, Paulinist Press, 1984.
F. F. Bruce, Men and Movements in the Primitive Church. Exeter. The Paternoster Press, 1979.
F. F. Bruce, New Testament Documents: Are they reliable? Grand Rapids, Michigan, Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1968.
Emil Brunner, The Christian Doctrine of God. Philadelphia, Westminster Press, 1950.
Ernest A. Wallis Budge, The Book of the Dead. Gramercy Books, 1995.
E. A. Wallis Budge, Egyptian Religion. Gramercy Books, 1995.
Buddha, The Three Fold Lotus Sutra. New York, Weatherhill, 1975-1982. (Trans. by Bunno Kato et al and revised by W. E. Soothill et al)
Walter Burket, Homo Necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1983.
Rev. A. Butler, Lives of the Saints. Boston, D&J Sadlier, nd? 1868?
Scott Butler, et al, Jesus, Peter & the Keys. Santa Barbara, CA: Queenship Pub Co, 1996. (ISBN: 1882972546)
Scott Butler, Norman Dahlgren and David Hess, Jesus, Peter and The Keys: A Scriptural Handbook on the Papacy. Circa 1998?
Compilation - Interreligious Council of San Diego, Bridging Our Faiths. Paulist Press, New York, 1997. (On religion and modern multiculturalism)
Paul Collins, God's New Man. Melbourne University Press, 2005,233pp. (On Cardinal Ratzinger, the present Pope Benedict)
Francis S. Collins, The Language of God. Free Press, 2007, 305pp. (A geneticist presents an argument for the existence of God and his own continued belief in Christianity)
John Cornwell, The Pope In Winter: The Dark Face of John Paul II's Papacy. Viking, 2005, 329pp.
Michael Coogan, God and Sex: What the Bible Really Says. Twelve, 2011, 237pp.
John Cornwell, Breaking Faith: The Pope, The People and the Fate of Catholicism. Penguin, 2003, 310pp.
Sarah Caldwell, Oh Terrifying Mother: Sexuality, Violence and Worship of the Goddess Kali. New Delhi, OUP, 1999.
Taylor Caldwell, Dear and Glorious Physician. Collins/Fontana, 1971 paperback reissue. (A novelised life of Luke, author of one of the Gospels)
Denise Lardner Carmody, Women and World Religions. (Ed 2) New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1979.
Patrick L. Carroll, Katherine-Marie Dyckman, Chaos or Creation: Spirituality in Mid-life. Tacoma, WA, Paulist Press; New York, NY, US; iv, 169 pp. 1986.
M. S. Chandla, Jambhoji, Messiah of the Thar Desert. Chandigarh, Aurva Publications, 1998. (On life and philosophy of Jambhoji (1451-1536), Hindu religious leader)
R. H. Charles, The Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament. Oxford at the Clarendon Press. First pub, 1913.
James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament and Pseudepigrapha and The New Tstament Prolegomena for the Study of Christian Origins. Harrisburg, PA, Trinity Press International, 1998. (On Enoch, etc.)
Max Charlesworth, Howard Morphy, Diane Bell, Kenneth Maddock, (Eds), Religion in Aboriginal Australia. St Lucia, Brisbane. UQP, 1986.
William C. Chittick,The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn al-'Arabi's Metaphysics of Imagination.
Albert Churchward, The Origin and Evolution of Religion. ???
James William Coleman, The New Buddhism: The Western Transformation of an Ancient Tradition. OUP, 2001.
Hans Conzelmann, History of Primitive Christianity. New York, Abingdon Press, 1973.
Hans Conzelmann, Acts of the Apostles. Philadelphia, Fortress Press, nd?
David A. Cooper, Silence, Simplicity and Solitude: A Complete Guide to Spiritual Retreat. Woodstock, Vermont, Skylight Paths Publishers, 1999.
Vincent J. Cornell, Realm of the Saint: Power and Authority in Moroccan Sufism. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1998.
D. B. Corley, Lives of the Twelve Apostles. Chicago, Laird and Lee, 1892.
H. A. L. Craig, Bilal. London, Quartet Books, 1977. (Bilal, died 644AD, "patron saint" of Moslem Africa, born in Mecca, son of an Abyssinian slave, a friend to Mohammed the Prophet).
H. G. Creel, Confucius: The Man and the Myth. New York, John Day, 1949.
Vincent Cronin, The Wise Man From The West. Fontana/Collins, 1961. (On Italian missionary in China, Matteo Ricci, born 1552)
D. A. Crosby and C. D. Hardwick, (Eds.), Religion in the Pluralistic Age. (Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Philosophical Theology) New York, Peter Lang, 2001.
F. L. Cross, (Ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. London, Oxford University Press, 1958.
John Dominic Crossan, The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Peasant. North Blackburn, Victoria, Collins/Dove/HarperCollins, 1991.
Noel Currer-Briggs, The Shroud and the Grail. ??? (Complements The Holy Blood And The Holy Grail)
Ann Cushman and Jerry Jones, From Here to Nirvana: The Essential Guide to the Yogis and Gurus, Ashrams and Temples of Spiritual India. Random House/Rider. ISBN 0 7126 7061 0.
Geoffrey P. Dobson, A Chaos of Delight: Science, Religion and Myth and the Shaping of Western Thought. Equinox Publishing, 2007, 478pp.
John Dickson, Jesus: A Short Life. Lion Publishing, 2009, 160pp. (Fairly orthodox in outlook)
Christopher de Hamel, The Book. A History of the Bible. 2001.
Philip Davies, George Brooke, and Phillip Callaway, The Complete World of the Dead Sea Scrolls. 2002.
Jean Delumeau, History of Paradise: The Garden of Eden in Myth and Tradition. (Translated by Matthew O'Connell) New York, Continuum, 1995.
Dalai Lama, Ethics for the New Millennium. Pub? nd? (recent).
A Dupont-Sommer, The Essene Writings from Qumran. Oxford, Blackwell, 1961.
Alain Danielou, Gods of Love and Ecstasy: The Traditions of Shiva. Rochester, Vermont, Inner Traditions, 1984 edition.
A Letter From Nityananda Das, Someone Has Poisoned Me: The Facts About Srila Prabhupada's Poisoning By Arsenic. New Jaipur Press, Mayodan, NC, 1999.
T. W. Rhys Davids, Buddhism: Its History and Literature. New York, Putnam's Sons, 1896.
Roy Eugene Davies, The External Way: The Inner Meaning of the Bhagavad Gita: A New, Comprehensive Commentary in the Light of Kriya Yoga by a Direct Disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. Lakemont, Georgia, Center for Spiritual Awareness Press, 1996.
Christopher de Hamel, The Book: A History of the Bible. Phaidon, 2001.
Christopher Donnan, `Unravelling the Mystery of the Warrior-Priest', National Geographic, October, 1988, pp. 550-555.
G. R. Driver, The Hebrew Scrolls from the Neighbourhood of Jericho and the Dead Sea. Oxford University Press, 1951.
Michael Drosnin, The Bible Code. London, Orion, 1997.
J. Leslie Dunstan, Christianity: Protestantism. nd?
Wilson Van Dusen, The Presence of Other Worlds: The Psychological / Spiritual Findings Of Emanuel Swedenborg. New York, Swedenborg Foundation, Inc., 1974. ([Someone has written on the inside cover, "BECKY LOVES YOU.")
Louis de Wohl, The Restless Flame. New York, Image/Doubleday, 1960. (A novel of St Augustine)
J. E. Esslemont, Baha'u'llah and the New Era. Willmette, Illinois, Baha'i Publicatin Trust, 1980.
Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah: Selected Letters. Wilmette, Baha'i Publication Trust, 1982.
Abba Eban, Heritage, Civilization and the Jews. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1984.
Shoghi Effendi, (Trans), The Hidden Words of Bahaullah. Baha'i Publishing Trust, Wilmette, Illinois, 1985. ISBN 0-87743-002-0.
Sir Charles Eliot, Hinduism and Buddhism: An Historical Sketch. Three Vols. London, Edward Arnold and Co., 1921.
L. E. Elliott-Binns, Galilean Christianity. Chicago, Alec R. Allenson, 1956.
Robert Eisenman and Michael Wise, The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered. Penguin Books, 1993.
Robert Eisenman, James The Brother of Jesus: Recovering the True History of Early Christianity. London, Faber, 1997.
A. Ellegard, Jesus, One Hundred Years Before Christ. London, Century, 1999.
Robert S. Ellwood and Harry B. Partin, Religious and Spiritual Groups in Modern America. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1988.
Ronald Enroth, Lure of the Cults and New Religions. Downers Grove, Illinois, Intervarsity Press, 1987.
Erasmus, Praise of Folly. (Trans. by Betty Radice). Penguin, 1971.
Farid Esack, The Qur'an: A Short Introduction. One World, 2003, 214pp.
J. E. Esslemont, Bahaullah and the New Era: An Introduction to the Baha'i Faith. Pyramid Publications/Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1976end. (First edn, 1923)
Julius Evola, The Doctrine of Awakening: The Attainment of Self-Mastery According to the Earliest Buddhist Texts. Rochester, Vermont, Inner Traditions, 1996.
Upton Clary Ewing, The Prophet of the Dead Sea Scrolls. New York, Philosophical Library, 1963.
Steven T. Katz, Mysticism and Religious Traditions. Oxford, OUP, 1983.
Ronald H. Fritze, Invented Knowledge: False History, Fake Science and Pseudo-Religion. Reaktion Books, 2009, 304pp.
Dennis Ford, The Search for Meaning: A Short History. University of California Press, 2007, 313pp. (Philosophy and so on, again, this time with a dash of postmodernism thrown in)
J. Ferraby, All Things Made New: A Comprehensive Outline of the Baha'i Faith. New Delhi, Baha'i Publication Trust, 1977.
A. Faber-Kaiser, Jesus Died in Kashmir. London, Abacus, 1978.
David Hugh Farmer, The Oxford Dictionary of Saints. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1978.
Feather, The Copper
Scroll Decoded: One Man's Search for the Fabulous Treasures of
Ancient Egypt. London, Thorsons/HarperCollins, 1999.
Bruce Feiler, Walking the Bible: A Journey by Land Through the Five Books of Moses. HarperCollins, 2001-2002, 449pp.
Andy Ferguson, Zen's Chinese Heritage: The Masters and Their Teachings. Boston, Wisdom Publications, 2000.
Giovanni Filoramo, A History of Gnosticism. Oxford, UK, Blackwell, 1992.
Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Responses to 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Paulist Press, 1992.
Paul R. Fleischman, Karma and Chaos: New and Collected Essays on Vipassana Meditation. Seattle, Vipassana Research Publications, 1986.
Antony Flew, God and Philosophy. London, Hutchinson, 1966.
James S. Forrester-Brown, The Two Creation Stories in Genesis: A Study of Their Symbolism. London, Shambhala, 1974.
Matthew Fox, The Coming Of The Cosmic Christ: The Healing Of Mother Earth And The Birth Of A Global Renaissance. North Blackburn, Vic, Aust., Collins/Dove, 1988.
Robert Lane Fox, The Unauthorized Version:Truth and Fiction in the Bible. Penguin, 1992 edn. (Publishers's blurb says, “The Bible is moving, inspirational and endlessly fascinating – but is it true?” Reviewer Frank Kermode in The Guardian said, “I don't know where one would turn for an account of the Bible so clear, so lively, and, in many respects, so just.”)
Jamshed Fozdar, The God of Buddha. New York, Asia Publishing House, 1973.
Sir James George Frazer, The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. London, Macmillan, 1970.
Sir James George Frazer, Folklore in the Old Testament: Studies in Comparative Religion, Legend, and Law. London, Macmillan, 1919.
J. G. Frazer, The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. London, Macmillan, 1970 edn.
Timothy Freke, Heaven: An Illustrated History of the Higher Realms. 95pp, 2002?
Elias Friedman, El-Muhraqa: Here Elijah Raised His Altar. Rome, 1985.
Richard Elliott Friedman, Who Wrote The Bible? New York, Harper and Row, 1989 edn.
Tivka Simone Frymer-Kensky, In the Wake of the Goddesses: Women, Culture, and the Biblical Transformation of Pagan Myth. New York, Maxwell Macmillan International, 1992.
Thomas Goldstein, Dawn of Modern Science: From the Ancient Greeks to the Renaissance. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1980.
Richard A. Gard, (Ed.), Great Religions of Modern Man. nd?
Richard A. Gard, Buddhism. nd?
Laurence Gardner, The Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed. Shaftesbury, Dorset, Element, 1996 or Brisbane, Jacaranda Wiley, 1996.
Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings: The Pendragon Legacy of Adam and Eve. London, Bantam, 1999. ISBN 0593 044304
Robert G. Gassert SJ and Bernard M. Hall MD., Mental Health and Religious Faith. London, Libra Books, 1966. (Paperback).
Norman L. Geisler and J. Yutaka Amano, Reincarnation Sensation. Wheaton, Illinois, Tyndale House Publishers, 1986.
Christ Geraghty, Cassocks in the Wilderness: Remembering the Seminary at Springwood. Spectrum Publications (Australia), 2002, 200pp.
Surjit Singh
Ghandi, Sikhs in the Eighteenth Century: Their Struggle for
Survival and Supremacy. Amritsar, Singh Bros., 1999.
Gillman, The Death of Death: Resurrection and Immortality in Jewish
Thought. Jewish Lights Pub., May 1997, 336pp.
Rene Girard, Violence and the Sacred. Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press, 1977.
Rene Girard, Job: The Victim of His People. Trans., Yvonne Preccero. Stanford University Press, 1987.
Jocelyn Godwin, The Mystery Religions. New York, Harper and Row, 1981.
Dom Aelred Graham, Zen Catholicism: A Suggestion. London, The Catholic Book Club, 1963.
W. Harold Grant, Magdala Thompson and Thomas E. Clarke, From Image to Likeness: A Jungian Path in the Gospel Journey. New York, Paulist Press, 1963.
John Gray, Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia. Allen Lane, 2007, 229pp.
Alberto Whitney Green, The Role of Human Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East. Missoula, Montana, Scholars Press, 1975.
Lyn Greenwood, (Compiler), Osho: And Now and Here: On Death, Dying and Past Lives. Saffron Walden, C. W. Daniel Company Ltd., 1995.
F. Griffith, Stories of the High Priests of Memphis. Oxford, 1900.
Bernard Gunther, Dying for Enlightenment: Living with Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. London, Harper and Row, 1979. Photography by Swami Krishna Bhanti.
Christopher Hitchens, (Ed.), The Portable Athiest: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever. De Capo Press, 2008, 500pp. (Religion was merely humanity's first attempt at making sense of reality - things have moved on since)
Richard Holloway, Between the Monster and The Saint: Reflections on the Human Condition. Text Publishing, 2009, 170pp. (From the former, dissenting, Anglican Bishop of Edinburgh, Richard Holloway, see also his book Godless Morality)
John R. Hinnells, (Ed.), Mithraic Studies: Proceedings of the First International Congress of Mithraic Studies. Manchester University Press, Rowman and Littlefield, 1975. Two Vols.
Z'Ev ben Shimon Halevi, Tree of Life: An Introduction to the Cabala. London, Rider and Co., 1972.
Graham Hancock, The Sign and the Seal. Heinemann, 1992. (On tracking down the Ark of the Covenant of the Jews of the Exodus from Egypt)
John Hanrahan, From Eternity To Here: Memoirs of an Angry Priest. Bystander Press, 2002, 208pp.
Elizabeth Usha Harding, Kali: The Black Goddess of Dakshineshwar. (Samuel Weiser). (Facilitating Kali Worship in the East).
J. Harrison, Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion. Cambridge, nd.
Patrick Hart and Jonathan Montaldo, The Intimate Merton: His Life From His Journals: Thomas Merton. Sandy Lane West, Oxford, England, Lion Book, 1999-2000.
George Heider, The Cult of Melek: A Reassessment. Sheffield, England, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Press, 1985.
Arthur Hertzberg, Judaism. nd?
Irving Hexham and Karla Poewe, Understanding Cults and New Religions. Grand Rapids, Michigan, Eerdmans, 1986.
A. M. Hocart, Kingship. Oxford, 1927. (On the idea of a god-king)
Stephan A. Hoeller, Jung And The Lost Gospels: Insights Into The Dead Sea Scrolls And The Nag Hammadi Library. Madras, Theosophical Publising House, 1989.
R. Joseph Hoffman, (Ed.), The Secret Gospels: A Harmony of Apochryphal Jesus Traditions. New York, Prometheus Books, 1996. Hoffman also writes: Jesus in History and Myth, Jesus Outside the Gospels, The Origins of Christianity: A Criticcal Introduction (Ed.), and (Ed.) with Morton Smith, What The Bible Really Says.
Richard M. Hogan and John M. LeVoir, Covenant of Love: Pope John Paul II on Sexuality, Marriage and Family in the Modern World. Circa 1998.
Tom and Dorothy Hopkinson, Much Silence: The Life and Work of Meher Baba. Bombay, Meher House Publications, 1982.
Duncan Howlett, The Essenes and Christianity: An Interpretation of the Dead Sea Scrolls. New York, 1957.
Venerable Adrienne Howley, The Naked Buddha Speaks: Your Questions about Buddhism Answered. Bantam Books, 2002, 178pp.
Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon, Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days. Eugene, Oregon, Harvest House Publishers, 1985.
Peter Jensen [Anglican Archbishop, Sydney], The Future of Jesus: Does He Have A Place In Our World? Matthias Media, 2008, 128pp.
James Jupp, (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Religion in Australia. Cambridge University Press, 2009, 799pp.
F. J. Foakes Jackson and Kirsopp Lake, The Beginnings of Christianity, Part 1: The Acts of the Apostles, IV. Grand Rapids, Baker Book House, 1979.
Claude Jacques, Angkor. Konemann, 1999.
Werner Wilhelm Jaeger, Early Christianity and Greek Paideia. Cambridge, Mass., Beklknap Press, 1985.
O. E. James, Origins of Sacrifice. ?
M. R. James, (Ed.), The Apocryphal New Testament. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1972.
William James, The Varieties of Religious Experience. New York, Penguin Classics, 1982. Edited, with an introduction by Martin E. Marty.
Philip Jenkins, The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity. 2002.
Eric John, (Ed.), The Popes: A Concise Biographical History. New York, Hawthorn Books. Inc., 1964.
Johrei Fellowship, Foundation of Paradise: From the Teachings of Meisha-sama. Church of World Messianity. USA - 1984 Japanese title was Tengoku No Ishizue.
H. Jonas, The Gnostic Religion. Boston, Beacon Press, 1963.
Inge Jonsson, Visionary Scientist: The Effects of Science and Philosophy on Swedenborg's Cosmology. Westchester, Pennsylvania, Swedenborg Foundation Publishers, 1999.
Tony Kevin, Walking the Camino: A Modern Pilgrimage to Santiago. Scribe, Melbourne, 2007, 301pp. (This book is by a retired Australian diplomat. It is said that the bones of Saint James the Apostle were discovered in Galicia in north-west Spain, in 814AD, and since then, the devout have made the journey known The Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. On which there are far too many books, says one reviewer.) NB: Tony Kevin also wrote the protest book, A Certain Maritime Incident, on the matter of the SIEV X, the vessel carrying Iraqi refugees to Australia that sank in 2001 with a death toll of 353.)
Rachel Kohn, Curious Obsessions in the History of Science and Spirituality. Pub ??
Vijay Kachroo, Ancient India. New Delhi, Har-Anand, 2000. (Treats prehistory, proto-history, Vedic Age, Jainism, Buddhism, Mauryan Epoch, Gupta Epoch)
Werner H. Kelber, Mark's Story of Jesus. Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1979.
Werner Keller, The Bible as History: Archaeology confirms the Book of Books. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1969 edn.
Ted Kennedy, Who is Worthy? The Role of Conscience in Restoring Hope in the Church. Pluto Press, 2000. 151pp. (Ted Kennedy is a Catholic priest in Redfern, Sydney).
Kathleen M. Kenyon, (Revised by P. R. S. Mooney), The Bible and Recent Archaeology. British Museum Publications, 1987.
Hugh T. Kerr and John M. Mulder, (Eds.), Famous Conversions: The Christian Experience. Grand Rapids, Michigan, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1983. [This title has a section, pp. 195-198 on a figure noted in the history of the establishment of Alocoholics Anonymous, also an associate of Dr. Buchman, Samuel S. Shoemaker (1893-1963).
Hugh T. Kerr and John M. Mulder, (Eds.), Famous Conversions: The Christian Experience. Grand Rapids, Michigan, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1983.
Holger Kersten and Elmar R. Gruber, The Jesus Conspiracy: The Turin Shroud and The Truth about The Resurrection. Brisbane, Queensland, Element, 1992.
Tarif Khalidi, The Muslim Jesus. Harvard University Press, 2001?
Jonathan Kirsch, King David: The Real Life of the Man who Ruled Israel. Ballantine Books, 2001, 369pp. (Kirsch also has published Moses: A Life)
David Knowles, (Ed.), Augustine: City of God. Penguin, 1972.
J. Krishnamurti, Talks and Dialogues. New York, Avon, 1968.
Hans Kung, Does God Exist: An Answer for Today. London, Collins, 1980. First published 1978.
Tanya Levin, People in Glass Houses: Life in and out of Hillsong. Black Inc., 2007, 274pp. (In Sydney, Australia, Hillsong is a cultish congregation of Christian fundamentalists which accepts teachings on "the gospel of prosperity", USA-style. They are widely derided in Australia, but the church itself seems rather wealthy)
Don Lattin, Jesus Freaks. Harper One, 2008, 236pp. (The really wacky sides of Christianity - so-called - in USA)
Deepak Lal, Unintended Consequences: The Impact of Factor Endowments, Culture, and Politics on Long-Run Economic Performance. London/Cambridge Massachusetts, .MIT Press, 1998. (A book that is fascinating for its discussion of the links between religion, politics, culture and daily life as affected by “economics”)
Gertrude Rachel Levy, The Gate of Horn: A Study of the Religious Conceptions of the Stone Age and Their Influence upon European Thought. London, Faber and Faber, 1948. (Useful on the religion of the cave)
Trevor Leggett, Zen and The Ways. Boulder, Shambhala, 1978.
Robert C. Lester, Buddhism. San Francisco, Harper and Row, 1987.
Lonely Planet, (Compilation), Sacred India. Lonely Planet, 1999. (With foreword by William Dalrymple)
Robert H. Lowie, Primitive Religion. New York, Liverwright Pub. Co., 1924-1925.
Alfred Lucas, Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries. Edward Arnold, 1948.
Gerde Ludemann, Early Christianity According To The Traditions In Acts. A Commentary. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1987.
Gerde Ludemann, The Great Deception: And what Jesus really said and did. Prometheus Books, 1999.
Pankaj Mishra, An End to Suffering. Picador, 2009,464pp.
Jodi Magness, The Archaeology of Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls. 2002.
Paul L. Maier, (Editor, translator), Josephus: The Essential Works: A Condensation of Jewish Antiquities and The Jewish War. Grand Rapids, Michigan, Kregel Publciations, 1988.
J. Macy, Dharma and Development: Religion as Resource in Sarvodaya Self-Help Development. USA, Kumarian Press, 1989.
Alister McGrath, In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible: The Story of How it Changed a Nation, a Language and a Culture. Hodder, 2001.
Jack Miles, Christ. Century, 2001. (Biography of Jesus Christ by Pulitzer-prize winning author of God: A History)
Burton L. Mack, Who Wrote the New Testament? New York, Harper Collins, 1996.
Vickie Mackenzie, Why Buddhism?: Westerners in Search of Wisdom. Allen and Unwin, 2001.
Hyam Maccoby, The Sacred Executioner: Human Sacrifice and the Legacy of Guilt. New York, Thames and Hudson, 1982.
Hyam Maccoby, The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity. New York, Harper and Row, 1986.
Arthur J. Magida and Stuart M. Matlins, How to be a Perfect Stranger: A Guide to Etiquette in Other People's Religious Ceremonies. Vols. 1 and 2. Woodstock, Vermont, Skylight Paths Publishing, 1999.
Acharya Mahapragya, Jainism: Ethics and Morality. New Delhi, Anmol, 2000.
Shran Malhotra, Lord Kabir. New Delhi, CBS, ISBN 8123906846. (On Saint Kabir)
Acharya Mahapragya, Jainism and its Philosophical Foundations. New Delhi, Anmol, 2000.
Georgios I. Mantzaridis, The Deification of Man. Crestwood, New York, St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1984.
P. Maranda, Mythology. Penguin, nd.
David Marr, The High Price of Heaven. Allen and Unwin, 1999. (On influence of the Christian churches on life in Australia)
Texe Marrs, Dark Secrets of the New Age: Satan's Plans for a One World Religion. Westchester, Illinois, Crossway Books, 1987.
Florentino Garcia Martinez, The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated. E. J. Brill, 1994.
Juan Mascaro, Lamps of Fire: From the Scriptures and Wisdom of the World: The Spirit of Religions. London, Eyre/Methuen, 1972.
Roderic Maude and Derwent Maude, The Servant, The General and Armageddon: The True Story of an Epic Adventure in the Footsteps of Prophecy. Oxford, George Ronald, 1998. (On World War One, General Allenby and the Bahai faith.)
Frank S. Mead, (Ed. and Comp.), Encyclopedia of Religious Quotations. Old Tappan, NJ, Revell, 1965.
J. Gordon Melton, Encyclopedia of American Religions. Edn 2. Detroit, Michigan, Gale Research Co., 1987.
J. Gordon Melton, Encylopedic Handbook of Cults in America. New York, Garland Publishing, 1986.
Thomas Merton, Mystics and Zen Masters. Farrar, Straus and Gioux, nd.
John Moffitt, Journey to Gorakhpur: An Encounter with Christ beyond Christianity. New York, Holt, Rhinehart and Winston, 1972.
Siegried Morenz, Egyptian Religion. Cornell University Press, 1994.
The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by The Hand of Mormon upon Plates: Taken from the Plates of Nephi. Translated by Joseph Smith, Jnr. Salt Lake City, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1961.
Jack Miles,
Christ: A Crisis in the Life of God. Heinemann,
2001. 281pp.
(Miles is a one-time Jesuit priest)
Jack Miles, God:
Biography. 1995.
Mysticism: C14th, Writing of the celebrated English classic on mysticism, The Cloud of Unknowing.
Radhakamal Mukherjee, Bhagavad Gita: Beyond the Religions. Delhi, BR Publishing Corporation, 1999.
Swami Muktananda, Play of Consciousness: A Spiritual Autobiography. A Siddha Yoga Publication, Syda Foundation, 1994 edn.
Edward Norman, The Roman Catholic Church. Thames and Hudson, 2010, 192pp.
Maha Thera Narada, The Buddha-Dharma, or, The Life and Teachings of the Buddha. (Reprint of 1942). New Delhi, AES, 1999.
Lance E. Nelson, (Ed.), Purifying the Earthly Body of God: Religion and Ecology in Hindu India. (Reprint). New Delhi, DK Printworld, 2000.
Andrew Newberg and Eugene d'Aquili, (University of Pennsylvania), Why God Won't Go Away. 2001.
John A. O'Brien, Giants Of The Faith: Conversions Which Changed The World. New York, Image Books/Doubleday Inc. date?
J. C. O'Neill, Who Did Jesus Think He Was? Biblical Interpretation - Series II. Leiden Brill, 195.
John Pepper, The Good God Guide. Eagle Publishing (UK), 2003.
Graham Phillips, The Moses Legacy: The Evidence of History. Sidgwick and Jackson, 2002, 327pp.
J. I. Packer, Merrill C. Tenney, William White Jnr, (Eds), The Bible Almanac. Nashville, Thomas Nelson, 1980.
Martin Palmer, The Jesus Sutras: Rediscovering The Lost Religion of Taoist Christianity. Piatkus, 2001.
Ilapavuluri Panduranga Rao, The Universe that is God: An insight into the thousand names of lord Visnu. New Delhi, DK Printworld, 1999.
Peter Mullen Piatkus, Shrines of Our Lady. Through Hodder Headline, 1998.
Simone Petrement, with Carol Harrison, [Translator], A Separate God: The Christian Origins of Gnosticism.
Anthony Pinn, Varieties of African American Religious Experience. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1998.
Marko Pogacnik, Christ Power and the Earth Goddess: A Fifth Gospel. Findhorn Press, 2000. www.findhornpress.com or www.findhorn.org
Muriel Porter, Sex, Power and the Clergy. Hardie Grant Books, 2003, 216pp.
Swami Prabhavananda, The Sermon on the Mount Acccording to Vedanta. Hollywood, California, Vedanta Press, 1963-1992.
, James B. Pritchard, (Ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts relating to the Old Testament. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1955.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch: The Untold Story of Men and Angels. Malibu, Calif., Summit University Press, 1977.
Stephen Prothero, God Is Not One. Black Inc., 2010, 388pp. (Denies the proposition that followers of the major faiths are on the same or similar paths)
More to come
Tariq Ramadan, The Messenger: the meanings of the life of Muhammad. Allen Lane, 2007, 254pp. (Author is grandson of the founder of Islamic Brotherhood, the world's largest Islamic organisation which aims to re-establish The Caliphate)
Robert Spencer (director of website "jihadwatch"), The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the world's most intolerant religion. Regnery Publishing, 2007, 224pp.Miri Rubin, Mother of God: A History of the Virgin Mary. Allen Lane, 2009, 400pp.
Carl A. Raschke, Interruption of Eternity: Modern Gnosticism in the Origins of the New Religious Consciounsness. Chicago, Nelson-Hall, 1980.
Donald B. Redford, Akhenaten the Heretic King. Princeton University Press, 1984.
Colin H. Roberts, Manuscript, Society and Belief in Early Christian Egypt. London, Oxford University Press, 1979.
J. M. Robertson, A Short History of Christianity. London, Watts, 1913.
Thomas Robinson, The Bible Timeline. Balwyn, Melbourne, The Five Mile Press Pty. Ltd., 1992.
Romain Rolland, The Life of Vivekananda and the Universal Gospel. Calcutta, Published by Swami Budhananda, 1970. Reprint.
Fr. Hieromonk Seraphim Rose, Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future.
H. J. Rose, Gods and Heroes of the Greeks. Meridian, 1958.
H. H. Rowley, (Ed.), The Old Testament and Modern Study. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1951.
Bertrand Russell, Religion and Science. 1935.
Margaret Somerville, The Ethical Imagination: Journeys of the Human Spirit. Melbourne University Press, 2007.
Hershel Shanks, The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls. 1998.
Anthony Storr, Feet of Clay: A Study of Gurus. HarperCollins, 1997, 254pp.
David Sox, The Gospel of Barnabas. London, George Allen and Unwin, 1984.
M. Stenmark, Rationality in Science, Religion and Everyday Life: A Critical Evaluation of Four Models of Rationality. Notre Dame, Indiana, University of Notre Dame, Press, 1995.
James A. Sanders, The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll. Cornell University Press, 1967.
Jack T. Sanders, The Jews in Luke: Acts. Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1987.
Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Taming the Kundalini. (Translated by V. V. Baxi. Monghyr, Bihar, India, Bihar School of Yoga, 1979.
Ben-Ami Scharfstein, Mystical Experience. Penguin, 1974.
Luis Alonso Schokel, SJ., The Inspired Word: Scripture in the Light of Language and Literature. London, Burns and Oates, 1965.
Emil Schurer, The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ: 175BC-135AD: A New English Version. Edinburgh, T. and T. Clark, 1973.
Michael Sells, (Trans.), Approaching the Qur'an: The Early Revelations. Ashland, Oregon, White Cloud Press, 1999.
Arun Shourie, Harvesting Our Souls: Missionaries, Their Designs, Their Claims. New Delhi, ASA Publications, 2000. (Hindu-based critique of the claims of the bases of Christianity, eg, a virgin birth).
Rabbi Jacob N. Shimmel and Satyaraja Dasa Adhiuari, Om Shalom: Judaism and Krishna Consciousness. Brooklyn, New York, Folk Books, 1990.
Dharmdeo N. Singh, A Study of Hinduism. New Delhi, Vikas, 1999.
Kirpal Singh, The Wheel of Life and The Mystery of Death: The Law of Action and Reaction. (Two Vols.), Anaheim, California, Ruhani Satsang/Divine Science of the Soul. 1980.
Huston Smith, The Religions of Man. New York, Harper and Row/Perennial, 1965.
D. Sox, The Gospel of Barnabas. Hemel Hempstead, Allen and Unwin, 1984.
Jack N. Sparks, Victory in the Unseen Warfare. (From the classic work by Lorezno Seupoli, Spiritual Combat as edited by Nocodemus of the Holy Mountain and again by Saint Theopan The Recluse. Ben Lomond, California, Conciliar Press, 1993. (On dealing with The Devil).
John Shelby Spong, The Sins of Scripture. HarperCollins, 2005, 315pp. (From the author of: Rescuing The Bible from Fundamentalism)
John Shelby Spong, Jesus for the non-religious. HarperCollins, 2007, 316pp. (Has Jesus been buried and reburied under literalist Bibles, outdated creeds, irrelevant doctrines and dying institutional structures?)
John Shelby Spong, A New Christianity for a New World. HarperCollins, 2001.
John Shelby Spong, Jesus for the Non-Religious. HarperCollins, 2007, 316pp.
(Bishop) John Shelby Spong, Here I Stand. HarperCollins, 2001. (Controversial modern theological views of "a liberal church leader in US")
Margaret Starbird, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar. 1993. (On legend of Mary Magdalen)
Carlo Suares, The Cipher of Genesis: The Original Code of the Qabala as Applied to The Scriptures. New York, Bantam, 1973.
Sara Sviri, The Taste of Hidden Things: Images on the Sufi Path. Inverness, California, The Golden Sufi Centre, 1997.
His Divine Grace Mahant Sri Krsna Balaram Swami, The Scriptural Decision on who can become Guru and who cannot. Baltimore, Maryland, Krsna Balaram Swami, 1993.
Guy E. Swanson, The Birth of the Gods: The Origin of Primitive Beliefs. University of Michigan Press, 1964.
David Tacey, The Spirituality Revolution: Why We Need The Sacred. HarperCollins, 2003, 246pp.
Merrill C. Tenney, (Ed.), The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary. Grand Rapids, Michigan, Zondervan Publishing House, 1963.
Barbara Thiering, The Qumran Origins of the Christian Church. Sydney, Australian and New Zealand Studies in Theology and Religion, 1983.
Barbara Thiering, Jesus the Man: A New Interpretation from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Sydney, Doubleday, 1992-1993.
Thomas L. Thompson, The Bible In History: How Writers Create a Past. Cape, 1999.
Robert H. Thouless, An Introduction to the Psychology of Religion. Third edition. Cambridge University Press, 1971.
Maya Tiwari, Ayurveda: Secrets of Healing: The Complete Ayurvedic guide to healing through Pancha Karma seasonal therapies, diet, herbal remedies and memory. Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, Lotus Press, 1995.
Peter Stanford, Heaven: A Traveller's Guide to the Undiscovered Country. HarperCollins, 2002, 374pp.
James F. Twyman, The Secret of the Beloved Disciple: A Community founded by the Apostle John has lived in seclusion for two thousand years. The time has finally come for their amazing secret to be revealed. Findhorn Press, 2000.
David Ulansey, The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries.
Eugene Ulrich and Frank Moore Cross, Discoveries in the Judean Desert. Vol. VII - Qumran Cave 4. Oxford, Ckarendon Press, 1994.
Evelyn Underhill, Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Man's Spiritual Consciousness. New York, Dutton and Co., 1961.
On Mithras: M. J. Vermaseren, Mithras, The Secret God. London, Chatto and Windus, 1963.
Lucinda Vardey, (Ed.), God In All Worlds: An Anthology of Contemporary Spiritual Writing. Alexandria NSW Australia, Millennium Books, 1995.
Geza Vermes, The Dead Sea Scrolls in English. 4th edn. London, Penguin, 1995.
Munira van Voorst van Beest, (Ed.), Complete Works of Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan, Original Texts: Lectures on Sufism, 1923 I: January-June.
M. J. Vermaseren, Mithras, The Secret God. London, Chatto and Windus, 1963.
Geza Vermes, The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English. The Penguin Press, 1997.
Paramhansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi. Los Angeles, California, Self-Realization Fellowship, 1975.
Swami Yogeshananda, Six Lighted Windows: Memories of Swamis in the West. Hollywood, Calif., Vedanta Press, 1997.
Arthur Waley, The Analects of Confucius. London, Allen and Unwin, 1938.
Michael Walsh, An Illustrated History of the Popes: Saint Peter to John Paul II. New York, Bonanza Books, 1980.
J. Donald Walters, Awaken to Superconsciousness: Meditation for Inner Peace, Intuitive Guidance, Greater Awareness. Nevada City, CA Crystal Clarity Publishers, 2000.
W - Pope John Paul II, Rise, Let us Be On Our Way. Joanthan cape, 2004, 240pp.
A. Watts, Myth and Ritual in Christianity. Boston, 1968.
Richard Webster, A Brief History of Blasphemy: Liberalism, Censorship and The Satanic Verses. Southwold, Suffolk, The Orwell Press, 1990.
G. A. Wells, The Jesus Legend. 1996. Also, The Jesus Myth. 1998, both published by Open Court of Chicago.
G. A. Wells, The Jesus of the Early Christians. London,
George Weigel, Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II. 2000. Pemberton, 1971.
Larry West, Our Common African Genesis: Evidence from Genetics, Linguistics, Archaeology, Genesis, and Pre-Egyptian History and how Christian Mythology Tried to Erase It. Vantage Press, 2000-2003.
Victor White, God and The Unconscious: An Encounter Between God and the Unconscious. London, Fontana, 1960. [On Jungian psychology]
A. N. Whitehead, Religion in the Making. New York, Fordham University Press, 1996.
George H. Williams, Wilderness and Paradise in Christian Thought: The Biblical Experience of the Desert in History and the Paradise Theme in the Theological Idea of the University. New York, 1962.
John Alden Williams, Islam. New York, Washington Square Press, 1963.
L. F. Rushbrook Williams, (Ed), Sufi Studies: East and West. New York, Dutton, 1974.
Ian Wilson, Jesus: The Evidence. Phoenix, 1999. 206pp.
A. N. Wilson, Paul: The Mind of The Apostle. London, W. W. Norton and Co., 1997.
Ralph M. Wiltgen, The Founding of the Roman Catholic Church in Oceania, 1825-1850. Canberra, Australian National University Press, 1979.
David M. Wulff, Psychology of Religion: Classic and Contemporary Views. Norton, MA, US PB: New York, John Wiley and Sons, US; xxv, 640 pp, 1991.
Irving M. Zeitlin, Ancient Judaism. Polity Press, 1991.
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