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Rachel Abramowitz, Is That A Gun In Your Pocket? Women's Experience of Power in Hollywood. Publisher? 2000. (Check the luxuries of the casting couch)
Robert Adamson, Inside Out. Text, 2004. (Biography, Adamson is a noted Australian poet confessing to a wayward youth, eg., time spent in prison)
Michael Akland, Henry Handel Richardson: A Life. (Australian author) Cambridge University Press, 2004, 326pp.
Celeste Albaret, Monsieur Proust. New York Review Books, 2004, 387pp.
Christopher Allen, Art in Australia: From Colonisation to Postmodernism. Thames and Hudson, nd, 224pp.
William Amos, The Originals. Jonathan Cape, nd? (About many famous writers and the ins and outs of the creative writing process)
Karen Armstrong, The Spiral Staircase. HarperCollins, 2004 (Literary autobiography)
Marc Aronson, Art Attack: A Short Cultural History of the Avant-Garde. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (200 years of the avant-garde in the West, illustrated in b/w)
Ronald Aronson, Camus and Sartre: The Story of a Friendship and the Quarrel That Ended It. Chicago University Press, 2004, 391pp.
Art - Compilation, Art: A World History. Dorling Kindersley, 2002.
Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay: You Can Have It All. 1995. (Autobiography of a woman who originates one of the largest cosmetics empires in US)
Pierre Assouline. Henri Cartier-Bresson.: Thames and Hudson, 2005, 280pp. (See also re Cartier-Bresson, photographer - Unknown, Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Man, The Image and the World. Paris, 2003. (Henri himself does not much like looking at photographs, just taking them. He was greatly influenced in his youth by the teacher, theoretician and Cubist painter Andre Lhote, author of On Landscape and On the Figure, in the 1920s.))
Jane Austen, writer - Josephine Ross, Jane Austen: A Companion. John Murray, 2002-2003, 259pp.
Stanley Ayling, A Portrait of Sheridan. Constable, 1986. (On Richard Brinsley Sheridan)
Theda Bara: actress:
Eve Golden, Vamp: The Rise and
Fall of Theda Bara. 1996.
Beethoven: composer:
J. W. N. Sullivan, Beethoven:
His Spiritual Development. London, Unwin Books, 1964.
Dirk Bogarde: actor:
Dirk Bogarde, A Postillion
Struck by Lightning. 1977. (Autobiography of a noted actor)
Lauren Bacall, By Myself and Then Some. Headline, 2005, 512pp.
Philip Ball, Bright Earth: Art and the Invention of Colour. Viking, 2001.
Michael Barber, Anthony Powell: A Life. Duckworth Overlook, 2005, 338pp.
Daniel Barenboim, A Life In Music. Weidenfeld and Nicolson/Dent, 2002.
Nicholas Basbanes, A Splendour of Letters: The Permanence of Books in an Impermanent World. HarperColins, 2004, 462pp.
Francois Baudot, Christian Lacroix: Fashion Memoir. Thames and Hudson, 1997, 80pp.
Cari Beauchamp, Without Lying Down: Frances Marion and the Powerful Women of Early Hollywood. University of California Press, 1997.
Jillian Becker, Giving Up: The Last Days of Sylvia Plath. Schwartz, 2003, 73pp.
Sister Wendy Beckett, Sister Wendy's 1000 Masterpieces. Dorling Kindersley, 2001. (Follows the TV series from this art-obsessed nun, on 500 of the world's best-loved artists)
Andre Bernard, Madame Bovary, C'st Moi: The Great Characters of Literature and Where They Came From. WW Norton, 2004, 135pp.
Daniel Bernardi, (Ed.), The Birth of
Whiteness: Race and the Emergence of US Cinema. Rutgers
University Press, 1996.
(A collection of fourteen essays on
racism and Eurocentrism in early American film)
Gregory D. Black, Hollywood Censored: Morality Codes, Catholics, and the Movies. Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Julia Blackburn, Old Man Goya. Jonathan Cape, 2002, 212pp. (On Goya, the artist)
Maria Blunden and Godfrey Blunden, Impressionists and Impressionism. Geneva: Skira, n.d.
Graeme Blundell, King. Macmillan, 2003. (Life of Australian comedy king, Graham Kennedy died 2005)
John Boardman, (Ed.), The Oxford History of Classical Art. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Eileen Bowser, The Transformation of Cinema, 1907-1915. Volume 2 in History of the American Cinema. Charles Scribner and Sons, 1991 (hardcover); University of California Press, 1994 (paperback).
Peter Boxall, (Ed.), 1001 Books You Must Read before You Die.: 2006. (More about novels than books as such)
Boyd family of artists in Australia: Brenda Niall, The Boyds: A Family Biography. Melbourne University Press, 2002.
Melvyn Bragg, The Adventure of English: The Biography of a Language. Hodder and Stoughton, 2004, 354pp.
Brian Brake, James McNeish and David Simmons, Art of the Pacific. Available by 1984 if not earlier.
Marzia Branca, (Ed.), Titian to Tiepolo: Three Centuries of Italian Art. nd? Remaindered 2003. (Written to accompany a major exhibition of Italian art in Australia)
Christopher Bray. Michael Caine: A Class Act.: Faber, 2006, 358pp.
Andrew Breitbart and Mark Ebner, Hollywood Interrupted. John Wiley, 2004, 416pp. (Reviewer says, gossip, sleaze, grubbiness and standard US right-wing moralising.)
Frederick Brown. Flaubert: A Life.: Heinemann, 2006, 640pp.
Noeline Brown, Noeline. Allen and Unwin, 2005. (The veteran Australian performer on her years in showbiz)
Kevin Brownlow, The War, the West, and the Wilderness. nd?
Kevin Brownlow, Behind the Mask of Innocence. Sex, Violence, Prejudice, Crime: Films of Social Conscience in the Silent Era. Alfred A. Knopf, 1990 (reissued in paperback, 1994).
Kevin Brownlow, Napoleon. Faber & Faber, 1990.
Kevin Brownlow, The Parade's Gone By... Alfred A. Knopf, 1968 (reissued in paperback, 1992.
Paul Brunton, (Ed.), The Diaries of Miles Franklin. Allen and Unwin, 2004, 929pp. (On works of an Australian writer of note)
Mario Bussagli, Bosch: The Life and Work of the Artist Illustrated with 80 Colour Plates. London, Thames and Hudson, 1967.
Paula Byrne, Perdita: The Life of Mary Robinson. HarperCollins, 2005, 477pp. ("Pulsating biography" of a semi-courtesan and an early feminist in England, a friend of poet Coleridge)
Maria Callas: opera singer:
Anne Edwards, Callas:
Her Life, Her Loves, Her Music. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2001,
Caravaggio: artist:
Peter Robb, The Life and Death
of Caravaggio (1573-1610). Publisher? nd?
Simon Callow, Shakespear on Love: A Personal Selection. New Holland, 2000.
John Canaday, Mainstreams of Modern Art. New York, Simon & Schuster, 1959.
Frank Capra et al, The Name Above the Title: An Autobiography. Macmillan, 1971; reissued in paperback by Da Capo Press, 1997.
John Carey, What Good Are The Arts? Faber and Faber, 2005.
Emmanuel Carrere, (translated by Timothy Bent), I Am Alive and You Are Dead: A Journey into the mind of Philip K. Dick. Bloomsbury, 2005, 336pp. (On a noted American sci-fi writer)
Robert L. Carringer, The Magnificent Ambersons: A Reconstruction. University of California Press, 1993.
William C. Carter, Proust in Love. Yale University Press, 2006, 280pp.
Judy Cassab, Judy Cassab Diaries. Random House, 1996, 518pp.
David Castronovo, Beyond The Gray Flannel Suit: Books From The 1950s that made American Culture. Continuum, 2005, 207pp.
Chris Challis, Quest for Kerouac. Faber, 1985.
David Cesarani, Arthur Koestler: The Homeless Mind. Random House, 1999, 496pp.
Rudolph Chelminski, The Perfectionist: Life and Death in Haute Cuisine. Penguin, 2005.
Agatha Christie, writer - Charlotte Trumpler, Agatha Christie and Archaeology. British Museum Press, 2002, 472pp.
Judith Clark, The Illustrated History of Art. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (Sumptuous, in large format.
Charmian Clift, Australian writer - Nadia Wheatley, The Life and Myth of Charmian Clift. Flamingo, 2001, 768pp.
Yvonne Cloetta, In Search of a Beginning: My Life with Graham Greene. Bloomsbury, 2004, 416pp. (As told by Marie-Francoise, translated by Euan Cameron)
Kurt Cobain, Journals.
Viking, 2002.
See also, Charles R. Cross, Heavier than Heaven.
2001. (Biography of Kurt Cobain).
Nik Cohn, Awopbopaloobop Alopbamboom: Pop from the Beginning. London, Granada/Paladin, 1969/1970.
Peter Coleman, The Heart of James Macauley: Life and Work of the Australian Poet. Connor Court
Publishing, 2007, 133pp.
Maryanne Confoy, Morris West: A Literary Maverick. Wiley, 2005, 372pp.
Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman, (Eds.), Ian Fleming and James Bond: The Cultural Politics of 007. Indiana University Press, 2005, 281pp.
Charles Condor, artist - Ann Galbally, Charles Condor: The Last Bohemian. Melbourne University Press, 2003, 312pp.
Nancy Condor, (Ed.), Soviet Hieroglyphics: Visual Culture in Late Twentieth-Century Russia. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Richard Conniff, The Natural History of the Rich: A Field Guide. Random House, 2003, 320pp.
Peter Conrad, Modern Times, Modern Places: Life and Art in the Twentieth Century. 1998. 752pp.
Peter Cook, UK comedian - William Cook, (Ed.), Tragically, I was an Only Twin: The Complete Peter Cook. Century, 2002.
Alastair Cooke, (Edited by Colin Webb), Letter from America, 1946-2004. Allen Lane, 2005, 504pp.
Francis G. Couvares, (Ed.), Movie Censorship and American Culture. Smithsonian Institute Press, 1996.
Barbara Creed, Phallic Panic: Film, Horror and the Primal Uncanny. Melbourne University Press, 2005, 232pp. (What role do monsters fulfill in modern society?)
Isobel Crombie, Body Culture: Max Dupain, Photography and Australian Culture 1919-1939. Peleus Press/National Gallery of Victoria, 2004.
Deborah Davis, Party of the Century: The Fabulous Story of Truman Capote and His Black and White Ball. John Wiley and Sons, 2006, 288pp.
David Howard Day, A Treasure Hard to Attain: Images of Archaeology in Popular Film with a Filmography. 1997.
Leonardo da Vinci, painter - Donald Sassoon, Mona Lisa: The
History of the World's Most Famous Painting. Harper/Collins,
Cor Van Den Heuvel, The Haiku Anthology: Haiku and Senryu in English. (Revised Edition). New York, Touchstone/Simon and Schuster, 1986.
Aubrey Dillon-Malone, Hemingway: The Grace and The Pressure. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (Illustrated b/w)
Thomas Doherty, Pre-Code Hollywood: Sex, Immorality, and Insurrection in American Cinema, 1930-1934. Columbia University Press, 1999.
Conan Doyle, writer - Michael Coren, Conan Doyle. Bloomsbury, 1997, 213pp.
Conan Doyle - Audrey Peterson, Victorian Masters of Mystery: From Wilkie Collins to Conan Doyle. New York, Ungar, 1984., 235 pp.
Marie Dressler - Betty Lee, Marie Dressler: The Unlikeliest Star. University Press of Kentucky, 1997.
William M. Drew, Speaking of Silents: First Ladies of the Screen. Vestal Press, 1989.
Dvorak, composer - Michael B. Beckerman, New Worlds of Dvorak. Wiley, 2003, 272pp.
Umberto Eco, (Ed.), On Beauty. Secker and Warburg, 2005, 438pp.
David L. Edwards, John Donne: Man of Flesh and Spirit. Continuum, 2001, 368pp. (Donne the English poet)
Michael Edwards, Perfume Legends. nd? (A 100-year history of French fragrance and perfume-making, by a professional fragrance analyst)
Helen Ennis, Margaret Michaelis: love, loss and photography. National Gallery of Australia, 2005, 250pp.
Meredith Etherington-Smith, Dali. Sinclair-Stevenson, 1993.
Elaine Feinstein, Ted Hughes: The Life of a Poet. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2001, 290pp.
Sir Banister Fletcher, A History of Architecture. New York, Scribner, 1958.
Victoria Finlay, Colour: Travels Through The Paintbox. Sceptre, 2002. (On the art of painting)
Kate Fitzpatrick, Name Dropping: An Incomplete Memoir. HarperCollins, 2004, 390pp. (Biography from a noted Australian actress)
Jane Fonda, My Life So Far. Ebury, 2005, 600pp.
Sara Gay Forden, The House of Gucci. HarperCollins, 2001. (Behind-the-scenes look).
Lizzie Francke, Script Girls: Women Screenwriters in Hollywood. Indiana University Press, 1994.
Otto Friedrich, City of Nets: A Portrait of Hollywood in the 1940s. University of California Press, reprinted 1997.
Gavin Fry, Albert Tucker. Beagle Press, 2006, 252pp. (On the famous Australian artist, Albert Tucker, 1914-1999)
Neal Gabler, An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood. Anchor, 1989.
Max Gallo, The Poster in History. Norton, 2001.
Ray Galton and Alan Simpson with Robert Ross, Steptoe and Son. BBC, 2002, 288pp.
Greta Garbo, actress - Karen Swenson, Greta Garbo: A Life Apart. C. Scribner's, 1997.
Patrick Garland, The Last of the High Comedians: The Incomparable Rex: A Memoir of Rex Harrison in the 1980s. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Margaret Geddes, Remembering Bradman. Viking, 2003, 481pp. (Don Bradman, Australian cricketer)
A. M. Gibbs, Bernard Shaw: A Life: University of NSW Press, nd? 556pp. (Reviewer says, "The problem with Shaw was that he was too sensible. Great writers require an element of stupidity.)
Emily Gibson with Barbara Firth, The Original Million Dollar Mermaid. Allen and Unwin, 2005, 230pp. (On Hollywood star Annette Kellerman, the world's first "superstar")
Gary Giddins, Bing Crosby: A Pocketful of Dreams, The Early Years 1903-1940. Little Brown, 2001, 736pp.
Anton Gill, Peggy Guggenheim, The Life of an Art Addict. HarperCollins, 2001, 506pp.
Charlie Gillett, The Sound of the City. London, Sphere, 1973. (A classic on history of rock 'n' roll)
Victoria Glendinning, Leonard Woolf: A Life. Simon and Schuster, 2006, 530p.
Victoria Glendinning, Trollope. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (The famed Victorian novelist)
William Goldman, Which Lie Did I Tell?: More Adventures In The Screen Trade. Bloomsbury, 2001, 485pp.
Lois Gordon, The World of Samuel Beckett 1906-1946. Yale University Press, 1996, 250pp.
Lois Davidson Gottlieb, A Way of Life: An Apprenticeship with Frank Lloyd Wright. nd? Remaindered 2003.
James Grauerholz, (Ed.), Last Words: The Final Journals of William Burroughs. Flamingo, 2000, 273pp.
Dulcie Gray, J. B. Priestley. Sutton Pocket Biographies. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Michael Gray, Song and Dance Man: The Art of Bob Dylan. Abacus, 1972.
Stephen Greenblatt, Will In The World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare. Jonathan Cape, 2005, 430pp.
George Greenfield, Enid Blyton. Sutton Pocket Biographies. nd? Remaindered 2003. (Writer of 600 books!)
David Gritten, Fame: Stripping Celebrity Bare. Allen lane, 2002, 172pp.
Barbara Groseclose, Oxford History of Art: Nineteenth-Century American Art. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Daniel Grotta, J. R. R. Tolkein: Architect of Middle Earth. Running Press, 2003, 197pp.
Mardy Grothe, Oxymoronica. Harper Resources, USA, 2004. (On wordplay poste Oscar Wilde and his paradoxical wit and wisdom)
Mel Gussow, A Life In Acting. Nick Hern Books, 2004, 224pp. (By drama critic for New York Times)
Pat Hackett, (Ed.), The Andy Warhol Diaries. Warner Books, 1989.
David Hajdu, Positively 4th Street: The Lives and Times of Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Mimi Baez Farina and Richard Farina. Bloomsbury, 2001, 328pp.
Werner Haftmann, Marc Chagall. nd? Remainderd, 2003.
Susan Hall, (Ed.), Les Sauvages de la Mer Pacifique: Manufactured by Joseph Dufour et Cie 1804-1805 after a Design by Jean-Gabriel Charvet. nd? Remaindered 2003. (Catalog of an exhibition 2000 at Art Gallery of New South Wales)
A. M. Hammacher, Rene Magritte. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (Illustrated, large format)
Robert Harris, Selling Hitler. Arrow, 2001, 402pp. (Reissue of the book first published in 1986 on the since-famous Hitler diaries hoax, subject also of an engrossing movie)
George Harrison, I: Me: Mine. London, WH Allen/Ganga Publishing, 1980. (Reissued in 2002 after Harrison's death)
Goldie Hawn, A Lotus Grows in the Mud. Bantam, 2005.
Christopher Heathcote, A Quiet Revolution: The Rise of Australian Art 1946-1968. Text Publishing, 1996, 267pp.
Joseph Heller, Now and Then: From Coney Island to Here. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (Heller writes on his own lifetime)
Katharine Hepburn, (1907-2003), Me. 1991. (Autobiography)
A. Scott Berg, Kate Remembered. USA, 2003. (On actress
Katharine Hepburn)
Jan Herman, A Talent for Trouble: The Life of Hollywood's Most Acclaimed Director, William Wyler. Da Capo Press, reprinted 1997.
Helen Verity Hewitt, Patrick White, Painter Manque. Melbourne, The Miengunyah Press, 181pp.
David Hickey, (Ed.), Andy Warhol: "Giant" Size. Phaidon, 2006, 625pp.
Bevis Hillier, Betjeman: The Bonus of Laughter. John Murray, 2004. (On the famous British poet, John Betjeman)
Jim Hillier and Peter Wollen. Howard Hawks: American Artist. British Film Institute, 1997.
Vanity Fair Staff, (Compilation), Vanity Fair's
Hollywood. Thames and Hudson, 2001.
Susan Hopkins, Girl Heroes: The New Force in Popular Culture. Pluto Press (Australia), 2002.
Michael Houellebecq, H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life. Wiedenfeld and Nicolson, 2006, 248pp. (Life of the noted horror writer)
David Hughes, Comic Book Movies. 2003, 296pp. (On Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, X-Men, Dick Tracy etc.)
Robert Hughes, American Visions: The Epic History of Art in America. HarperCollins, 1997, 635pp.
Robert Hughes: art critic:
Andrew Reimer, Hughes.
Duffy and Snellgrove, 2001, 180pp. (Biography of Australian-American
art critic, Robert Hughes)
Robert Hughes, American Visions: The Epic History of Art in America. Harper/Collins, 1997.
Barry Humphries, Australian comedian - Barry Humphries, My Life As Me: A Memoir. Viking, 2002, 374pp.
Reynold Humphries, The American Horror Film: An Introduction. 2003, 216pp.
Brett Hutchins, Challenging the Myth. Cambridge University Press, 2002. (On famed Australian cricketer, Sir Donald Bradman).
Garrie Hutchinson, True Blue: From Anzac to Zinc Cream. Penguin, 2002. (On Australian sense of identity)
Jennifer Isaacs, Spirit Country: Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art. Hardie Grant, 240pp., 1999.
Re James Joyce, books on, Richard Ellmann, James Joyce. Oxford University Press. Nd? // Frank Budgen, James Joyce and the Making of Ulysses. Oxford University Press. Nd? // Hugh Kenner, Joyce's Voices. University of California Press. Nd? (On language and wordplay) //
Lea Jacobs, The Wages of Sin: Censorship and the Fallen Woman Film, 1928-1942. University of California Press, reprinted 1997.
Hans L. C. Jaffe, Pablo Picasso. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
G. William Jones and Ossie Davis, Black Cinema Treasures: Lost
and Found. University of North Texas Press, 1997.
(A reviewer
says: This book describes a number of films made for black audiences
during the 1920s to the 1950s, and tells about the effect that their
discovery in a warehouse in Tyler, Texas, had on African-American
J. D. F Jones, Storyteller: The Many Lives of Laurens Van der Post. John Murray, 2002, 505pp.
James Joyce, Ulysses: The Corrected Text. Penguin, 1986.
Harriet Devine Jump, Mary Wollstonecraft, Writer. London, Harvester Wheatshead, 1994.
Franz Kafka: writer:
Jeremy Adler, Franz Kafka.
Penguin, 2002, 164pp.
Fred Kaplan, Henry James: The Imagination of a Genius. Hodder, 1993.
Frank Kermode, The Age of Shakespeare. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2004, 194pp.
Alex Kershaw, Blood and Champagne. Pan, 2003, 298pp. (On the unusual life of Robert Capa, a promoter in France of the photography of Cartier-Bresson and others)
Walter Kerr, The Silent Clowns. Da Capo Press, 1990
(originally published 1979).
(A reviewer says: A marvelously
informative, evocative, beautifully written survey of the work of
such silent comedians as Chaplin, Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Mack Sennett,
Laurel and Hardy, Harry Langdon, and others. Ask a bunch of silent
film fans which books they recommend and this one is invariably at
the top of the list. Wonderful.)
Brad King and John Borland, Dungeons and Dreamers. (On the inventors of the popular role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons which was invented on a dining room table in Wisconsin in 1972)
Rosemary Kingsland, Hold Back The Night: Memoirs of a Lost Childhood, a Warring Family and a Secret Affair with Richard Burton. Century, 2003, 320pp.
Garry Kinnane, George Johnston: A Biography. Nelson,. 1986. (On an Australian writer)
Harrison Kinney and Rosemary A. Thurber, The Thurber Letters: The Wit, Wisdom and Surprising Life of James Thurber. Simon and Schuster, 2004, 798pp.
Bill Kirchner, The Oxford Companion to Jazz. Oxford University Press, 2000-2001, 852pp.
Yehuda Koren and Eilat Negev, A Lover of Unreason: The Life and Tragic Death of Assia Wevill. Robson Books, 2006. (On a lover of poet Ted Hughes)
Richard Koszarski, An Evening's Entertainment: The Age of the Silent Feature Picture, 1915-1928. Volume 3 of History of American Cinema. Charles Scribner and Sons, 1991 (hardcover); University of California Press, 1994 (paperback).
James Knowlson and and Elizabeth Knowlson. Beckett Rembering Beckett.: Bloomsbury, 2006, 336pp. (Tribute to the wit and humour of playwright, Samuel Beckett)
James Knowlson and John Haynes, Images of Beckett. Cambridge University Press, 2004, 174pp. (On playwright Samuel Beckett)
Rosalind E. Krauss, The Picasso Papers. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
On Stanley Kubrick, film director: Frederic Raphael, Eyes Wide
Open: A Memoir of Stanley Kubrick. nd?
Christiane Kubrick,
(widow), Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures. 2002
Amitava Kumar, (Ed.), Away: The Indian Writer As An Expatriate. Routledge, 2004, 395pp. (From the time of Rabindranath Tagore to now)
Peter Kurth, Isadora: A Sensational Life. Abacus, 2003, 752pp. (Life of dancer Isadora Duncan)
Peter Kurth, Isadora: The Sensational Life of Isadora Duncan. Little, Brown, 2002, 355pp.
Gavin Lambert, Natalie Wood: A Life. Faber, 2004, 346pp.
Lionel Lambourne, Japonisme: Cultural Crossings Between Japan and the West. Phaidon, 2005, 240pp.
David Larkin, (Ed.), Fantastic Art. London, Pan/Ballantine, 1973.
Christopher Lawrence, Swooning: A Classical Music Guide to Life, Love, Lust and Other Follies. Knopf, 2001. ("Strange facts and delightful digressions")
Stan Lee and George Mair, The Amazing Life of Stan Lee. 203, 245pp. (The genius behind the Marvel comic books, Spider-Man and The Incredible Hulk, etc).
David Leeming, Stephen Spender: A Life in Modernism. (Life of a friend/associate of Yeats, Woolf, Auden, Isherwood, Frieda Lawrence, Allan Ginsberg and others) nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Gene Lees, Leader of the Band: The Life of Woody Herman. Remaindered 2003.
Leonard J. Leff and and Jerold L. Simmons, The Dame in the Kimono: Hollywood, Censorship and the Production Code from the 1920s to the 1960s. Anchor Books, 1991.
Peter J. Levinson, Trumpet Blues: The Life of Harry James. (Based on almost 20 interviews) nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Jeremy Lewis, Penguin Special: The Life and Times of Allen Lane. Viking, 2005, 484pp.
Roger Lewis, Anthony Burgess. Faber, 2002, 418pp. ("Deplorably enjoyable", says reviewer)
Primo Levi, writer - Carole Angier, The Double Bond: Primo Levi, A Biography. Penguin, 2003, 902pp.
Art Linson, Just What Happened? Bitter Hollywood Tales from the Front Line. Bloomsbury, 2002, 181pp.
Graham Lord, Niv: The Authorised Biography of David Niven. Orion, 2004, 356pp.
Simon Louvish, Mae West: It Ain't No Sin. Faber, 2006, 491pp.
Andrew Lycett, Dylan Thomas: A New Life. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2004.
Gordon Lyndall, A Private Life of Henry James: Two Women and His Art. nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Herman Melville: writer:
Hershel Parker, Herman
Melville: A Biography. Vol. 2, 1851-1891. Johns Hopkins
University Press, 2002.
Marilyn Monroe, actress:
Gloria Steinhem, Marilyn: Norma
Jeane. Orion, 2001, 220pp.
Donald H. Wolfe, The
Assassination of Marilyn Monroe. Little-Brown, 1998.
Bob McCabe, Life of Graham: The Authorised Biography of Graham Chapman. Orion, 2006, 288pp.
Robert McCrum, Wodehouse: A Life. Viking, November 2004, 506pp.
Susan McCulloch Alan McCulloch, Emily McCulloch, The New Mcculloch's Encyclopedia of Australian Art. Aus Art Editions in association with the Miegunyah Press, 2006, 1200pp.
Ann McCulloch, Dance of the Nomads: A Study of the Selected Notebooks of A. D. Hope. Pandanus Books, 2005, 350pp. (On the noted Australian poet)
Ross McMullin, Will Dyson. Angus and Robertson, 1986(?). (On a cartoonist who depicted realism of war)
Todd McCarthy, Howard Hawks: The Grey Fox of Hollywood. Grove/Atlantic, 1997.
Pat McGilligan, (Ed.) Backstory: Interviews With Screenwriters of Hollywood's Golden Age. University of California Press, reprinted 1989.
Susan McCulloch, Contemporary Aboriginal Art: A Guide to the Rebirth of an Ancient Culture. Allen and Unwin, 2002, 247pp.
Frederica Sagor Maas, The Shocking Miss Pilgrim: A Writer in Early Hollywood. University Press of Kentucky, 1999.
Norman Mailer, The Spooky Art: Some Thoughts on Writing. Little, Brown, 2003, 330pp.
David Zane Mairowitz and Robert Crumb, Introducing Kafka. Remaindered, 2003. nd? (b/w illustrations by Crumb, the noted US underground comic-strip artist)
Janet Malcolm, In The Freud Archives. Jonathan Cape, 1984. (The humour of squabbles between the early psychoanalysts)
Richard Mangan, (Ed.), Gielgud's Letters. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2004, 564pp.
Jo Marceau et al, (Eds.), Art: A World History. Dorling Kindersley, 2001.
Frances Marion, Off With Their Heads! A Serio-Comic Tale of Hollywood. Macmillan, 1972.
Christopher Mason, The Art of the Steal: Inside the Sotheby's-Christie's Auction House Scandal. Putnam, 2004, 406pp.
Hugh Massingberd, (Ed.), The Daily Telegraph Third Book of Obituaries: Entertainers. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (On Twentieth Century People. "Divinely witty" says one reviewer)
Dame Nellie Melba, singer - Joseph Wechsberg, Red Plush and Black Velvet. nd? (On life of singer Dame Nellie Melba)
James R. Mellow, Invented Lives: F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda Fitzgerald. Souvenir Press, 1985.
Frank Miller, Censored Hollywood: Sex, Sin, and Violence on Screen. Turner, 1994. (Out of print?)
John Miller, Peter Ustinov: The Gift of Laughter. Orion, 2003/2004, 298pp.
Glenn Mitchell, A-Z of Silent Film Comedy: An Illustrated Companion. Brasseys, Inc., 1999.
Steven Mithen, The Prehistory of the Mind: The Cognitive Origins of Art, Religion and Science. 1996.
Vijay Mishra, Bollywood Cinema: Temples of Desire. Routledge, 2002, 296pp. (On the Indian film industry)
Sheridan Morley, John G: The Authorised Biography of John Gielgud. Hodder and Stoughton, 2001, 510pp.
Brian Moynahan with Sarah Jackson and Annabel Merullo, The British Century: A Photographic History of the Last Hundred Years. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, nd?, 304pp.
Charles Musser, The Emergence of Cinema: The American Screen to 1907. Volume 1 of History of the American Cinema. Charles Scribner and Sons, 1991 (hardcover); University of California Press, 1994 (paperback).
Fred R. Myers, Painting Culture: The Making Of An Aboriginal High Art. Duke University Press, 2003, 389pp.
Jeremy Novick, Life of Michael: An Illustrated Biography of Michael Palin. 2001.
George Orwell - Gordon Bowker, George Orwell. Little, Brown, 2003, 512pp.
George Orwell - D. J. Taylor, Orwell: The Life. Chatto, 2003, 466pp.
Dennis Overbye, Einstein in Love: A Scientific Romance. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (On Einstein and Mileva Maric, a Serb mathematician)
Olivier Widmaier Picasso, Picasso: The Real Family Story. Presetel Publishing, 2005, 320pp.
Pablo Picasso: artist:
Marilyn McCully, Loving
Picasso: The Private Journal of Fernande Olivier. Thames and
Hudson, 2001, 296pp.
Picasso, in Sebastian Smee, Side by Side: Picasso v Mastisse. Duffy and Snellgrove, 2002.
Pablo Picasso, artist - Marilyn McCully, Loving Picasso: The Private Journal of Fernande Olivier. Thames and Hudson, 2001, 296pp.
Michael Palin, Diaries 1969-1979: The Python Years. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2006, 650pp.
Peter Parker, Isherwood: A Life. Picador, 2004, 928pp. (Life of English writer Christopher Isherwood)
Matthew Parris, (Ed.), Scorn: With Added Vitriol. Penguin, nd?, 273pp. (Scorn for famous people from other famous people)
Nicholas Parsons, The Book of Literary Lists. Sidgwick and Jackson, 1986.
Dale Peck, Hatchet Jobs. New Press, 2004. (Work by a US literary critic and reviewer who is widely regarded as vicious)
Peck: actor:
Gary Fishgall, Gregory Peck: A Biography.
Scribner, 2002, 384pp.
Gregory Peck, An Actor's Life.
1978. (Autobiography - Peck died 13 June, 2003 aged 87)
Roland Perry, Bradman's Best. Randon House, 2003, 340pp. (On famed Australian cricketer, Don Bradman)
Mary Pickford: actress:
Eileen Whitfield,
Pickford: The Woman Who Made Hollywood. University Press of
Kentucky, 1997.
Mary Pickford, actress, Keven Brownlow, Mary Pickford Rediscovered: Rare Pictures of a Hollywood Legend. Harry N. Abrams, 1999.
Ralph Pite, Thomas Hardy: The Guarded Life. Picador, 2006, 522pp.
Joan Plowright, And That's Not All: The Memoirs of Joan Plowright. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2001. (By the English actress wife of famed actor Laurence Olivier)
Cathy Porter, (translator), The Diaries of Sofia Tolstoy. Jonathan Cape, 1986.
Ann-Marie Priest, Great Writers, Great Loves: The Reinvention of Love in the Twentieth Century. Black Inc., 2006, 288pp. (On views of eight great writers, including poet Frank O'Hara, Charmian Clift, Slyvia Plath, Dylan Thomas)
Proust, writer - Edmund White, Proust . Phoenix, 2000, 146pp.
Puccini - Mary Jane Phillips-Matz, Puccini: A Biography. Northeastern University Press, 2002, 343pp.
Ralph Richardson, actor:
Richard Rogers: composer:
Meryle Secrest, Somewhere
for Me: A Biography of Richard Rogers. Bloomsbury, 2002, 458pp.
Rodgers - Geoffrey Block, (Editor), The Richard Rodgers Reader. Oxford University Press, 2002, 356pp.
Hazel Rowley, Tete-a-Tete: The Lives and Loves of Simone De Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre. Chatto and Windus, 2005, 416pp.More to come
Piers Paul Read, Alec Guiness: The Authorised Biography. Simon and Schuster, 2004, 640pp.
David Robinson and Martin Scorsese, From Peep Show to Palace: The Birth of American Film. Columbia University Press, 1996.
Michael Rogin, Blackface, White Noise: Jewish Immigrants in the Hollywood Melting Pot. University of California Press, reprinted 1998.
Steven J. Ross, Working-Class Hollywood: Silent Film and the Shaping of Class in America. Princeton University Press, 1998.
William Shakespeare: English playwright:
Duncan-Jones, Ungentle Shakespeare: Scenes from his life.
Arden Shakespeare, 2001, 322pp.
Jean Wilson, The Archaeology
of Shakespeare: The Material Legacy of Shakespeare's Theatre.
David Sacks, The Alphabet. Hutchinson, 2004, 410pp.
Andrew Sarris, You Ain't Heard Nothin' Yet! The American Talking Film: History and Memory, 1927-1949. Oxford University Press, 1998.
Tomoko Sato and Risnel Lambourne, (Eds.), The Wilde Years: Oscar Wilde and The Art of His Time. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (Oscar Wilde as art critic, etc.)
Michael Scholz-Hansel, Jusepe de Ribera: 1591-1652. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (On an important C17th Spanish painter, with 120 illustrations)
Stephen Jay Schneider, 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. ABC, 2004.
Meryle Secrest, Salvador Dali: The Surrealist Jester. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1986.
George Seddon, The Old Country: Australian Landscapes, Plants and People. Cambridge University Press, 2005, 270pp.
Miranda Seymour, The Bugatti Queen. Simon and Schuster, 2004, 301pp. (On life of racing car driver Helene Delangle)
Shakespeare - Stephanie Nolen, Shakespeare's Face. Text Publishing, 2002, 364pp.
Shakespeare - Katherine Duncan-Jones, Ungentle Shakespeare: Scenes From His Life. Arden Shakespeare, 2001, 322pp.
James Shapiro, 1599: A Year In The Life Of Shakespear. Faber, 2005, 352pp.
Jim Smith, George Lucas. 2003, 296pp. (On one of the greatest innovators in film the cinema has seen)
Carolyn Soutar, Dave Allen: The Biography. Orion, 2005, 247pp. (Life of the Irish comedian)
Alexander Speltz, Styles of Ornament: From Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century. nd? nd? Remaindered, 2003.
Hilary Spurling, Matisse the Master - A Life of Henri Matisse: The Conquest of Colour, 1909-1954. (Vol..2). Hamish Hamilton, 2005, 533pp.
Francis Steegmuller, The Letters of Gustave Flaubert, 1857-1880. Faber, 1985.
Pamela Stephenson, Billy. HarperColins, 2002-2002, (Biography of comedian Billy Connolly by his wife).
Pamela Stephenson, Bravemouth. Headline, 2004. (On Scottish comedian Billy Connolly, by his wife)
Stevenson - Frank McLynn, Robert Louis Stevenson: A Biography. New York, Random House, 1993.
S. Stack and J. H. Gundlach, 'The effect of country music on suicide,' Social Forces, 71, 1992., pp. 211.218.
James Stewart: actor:
Jonathan Coe, Jimmy Stewart: A
Wonderful Life. Arcade Publishing, 1995.
Rebecca Stone-Miller, The Art of the Andes: From Chavin to Inca. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (On art of the Chavin, Paracas, Moche, Chimu and Inca cultures. nd?
Tom Stoppard, playwright - Ira Nade, Double Act: A Life of Tom Stoppard. Methuen, 2002, 621pp.
Richard M. Sudhalter, Lost Chords: White Musicians and their Contributions to Jazz, 1915-1945. Oxford University Press. Remaindered 2003.
Christopher Sylvester, The Penguin Book of Interviews. Viking, 1994, 632pp.
J. Randy Taraborrelli, Once Upon A Time: The Story of Princess Grace, Prince Rainier and their Family. Sidgwick and Jackson, 2003, 498pp.
Alan Taylor and Irene Taylor, (Eds.), An Anthology of the World's Greatest Diarists. Penguin, 2001, paperback.
Charles "Bud" Tingwell with Peter Wilmoth, Bud: A Life. Macmillan, 2004, 356pp. (Autobiography of a noted Australian actor.
Peter Timms, What's Wrong with Contemporary Art? University of NSW Press, 2004, 184pp.
Caitlin Thomas and George Tremlett, Caitlin: A Warring Absence. Secker and Warburg, 1987. (On the wife of poet, Dylan Thomas).
Nicholas Thomas, Anna Cole and Bronwen Douglas, (Eds.), Tattoo: Bodies, Art and Exchange in the Pacific and in the West. Reaktion, 2005.
David Thomson, The New Biographical Dictionary of Film. Little, Brown, 2003, 963pp.
Frank Thompson, Lost Films: Important Films that Disappeared. Citadel Press, 1996.
Olivier Todd, Malraux: A Life. (trans. by Joseph West), Alfred A. Knopf, 2006, 541pp.
Tolkein, writer - Michael White, Tolkein. Little, Brown, 2001-2002, 290pp.
Claire Tomalin, Thomas Hardy: The Tim-Tom Man. Viking, 2006, 512pp. ("Thomas Hardy was a genial old buffer and serene poet whose heart nursed a splinter of ice.")
Toscanini - Harvey Sachs (Ed., translator), The Letters of Arturo Toscanini. Faber, 2002, 469pp.
Kenneth Turan, Sundance to Sarajevo: Film Festivals and the World They Made. University of California Press, 2002, 180pp.
Kenneth Tynan, UK theatre personality - John Lahr, (Ed.), The Diaries of Kenneth Tynan. Bloomsbury, 2001.
John Updike, Still Looking: Essays on American Art. Hamish Hamilton, 2006.
Paolo Cherchi Usai, Burning Passions: An Introduction to the Study of Silent Cinema. British Film Institute, 1994.
Ustinov - John Miller, The Gift of Laughter. 2002. (Biography of Peter Ustinov)
Peter Ustinov, Dear Me. Penguin, 1977.
Jeffrey Vance, Chaplin, Genius of the Cinema. Thames and Hudson, 2004, 400pp.
Ruth Vasey, The World According to Hollywood, 1918-1932. University of Wisconsin Press, 1997.
Alden Vaughan and Virginia Vaughan, Shakespeare's Caliban: A Cultural History. Cambridge University Press, 1992, 290pp.
Annette and Luc Vezin, The 20th-Century Muse. Harry N. Abrams, 2003, 320pp.
Andy Warhol: artist:
Wayne Koesenbaum, Andy Warhol.
Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2002.
Mae West: actress:
Marybeth Hamilton, When I'm Bad,
I'm Better: Mae West, Sex, and American Entertainment. University
of California Press, reprinted 1997.
Edward Wagenknecht, The Movies in the Age of Innocence. Limelight Editions, 1998 (originally published in the early 1960s).
Richard Wagner, composer - Nike Wagner, The Dramas of a Musical Dynasty. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2001, 327pp.
John Walker (Ed.), Halliwell's Who's Who in the Movies. 2003, 632pp.
Gregory Waller, Main Street Amusements: Movies and Commercial Entertainment in a Southern City, 1896-1930. Smithsonian Institute Press, 1995.
Julie Andrews, Home: A Memoir of My Early Years. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2008, 344pp. (From the star of Sound of Music and Mary Poppins) Anne de Courcy, Snowdon: The Biography. Orion, 2008, 456pp. (Life of the husband of Princess Margaret) David Sedaris, When You Are Engulfed In Flames. Little Brown, 2008, 310pp. (Essays by a noted US humourist) E. H. Carr, The Romantic Exiles: A 19th Century Portrait Gallery. Serif, 2008, 343pp. Benjamin Genocchio, Dollar Dreaming: Inside the Aboriginal Art World. Hardie Grant, 232pp. |
Christopher Booker, Seven Basic Plots. Continuum, 2006. (On seven archetypal themes as they recur in literatue) Hilary Spurling, Matisse The Master: A Life of Henri Matisse. Penguin, 2006.Ron Powers, Mark Twain, A Life. Simon and Schuster, 2006. Ronnie Corbett, And It's Goodnight From Him .... Michael Joseph, 2006. (From Ronnie Corbett of the comedians, The Two Ronnies. |
Michael Barrier, The Animated Man: A Life of Walt Disney. University of California Press, 2007, 393pp. Gunter Grass, Peeling the Onion. (Translated by Michael Henry Helm). Harvill Secker, 2007. 425pp. (Autobiography) Diana Georgeff, Delinquent Angel. Random House, 2007. (On life of famous Melbourne poet, Shelton Lea) Wendy Leigh, True Grace: The Life and Times of an American Princess. Thomas Dunne Books, 2007, 307pp. . Richard Stirling, Julie Andrews. Portrait. 2007, 376pp. |
Simon Schama, The Power of Art. BBC Ebery, 2006. |
Peter Watson, Sotheby's: Inside Story. 1997.
Ruby Wax, How Do You Want Me? Nd? (Autobiography)
Andrea Weber, Duccio di Buoninsegna: About 1255-1319. nd? Remaindered, 2003. (He inaugurates the golden age of Sienese painting)
Gavin Weightman, Signor Marconi's Magic Box: How an Amateur Inventor Defided Scientists and Began the Radio Revolution. HarperCollins, 2003, 312pp.
Fay Weldon, Auto Da Fay. HarperCollins, 2002. (Autobiography)
Orsen Welles, actor/producer
Peter Bogdanovich and Orsen
Welles, This is Orsen Welles. nd?
Clinton Heylin, Despite The System: Orsen Welles Versus The Hollywood Studios. Canongate, 2005, 402pp.
W. J. West, (Ed.), Orwell: The War Broadcasts. Duckworth/BBC, 1985.
Neville Weston, Franz Kempf: Graphic Works 1962-1984. Wakefield Press, 1984. (An artist who has worked in Adelaide, Australia)
Mark White. Kenneth Branagh.: Faber and Faber, 2006, 323pp. (On a famed interpreter of plays by Shakespeare)
Edwin Williamson, Borges: A Life. Viking, 2005, 416pp.
Wolfe - 1979: Tom Wolfe publishes a groundbreaking form of New Journalism, The Right Stuff, a two-part story of test pilots breaking the sound barrier and the first astronauts to orbit the earth, about death-defying bravery and exploration of a new frontier.
James Woodall, The Man in the Mirror of the Book: A Life of Jorge Luis Borges. Sceptre, 1997, 333pp.
Natalie Wood, actress - Suzanne Finstead, Natasha: The Biography of Natalie Wood. Century, 2001-2002, 430pp.
Lindy Woodhead, War Paint: Miss Elizabeth Arden and Madame Helena Rubenstein: Their Lives, Their Times, Their Rivalry. Virago, 2003, 498pp.
Stephen D. Youngkin. The Lost One: A Life of Peter Lorre.: University Press of Kentucky, 2006, 613pp.
Israel Zamir, Journey To My Father, Isaac Bashevis Singer. Arcade Publishing, nd?, 240pp.
Now return to the Lost Worlds Index
Stop Press: For late entries
Bruce Beresford (Australian movie director), Josh Hartnett Definitely Wants To Do This: True Stories From A Life In The Screen Trade. Fourth Estate, 2007, 325pp.
Germaine Greer, Shakespeare's Wife. Bloomsbury, 2007, 406pp. (Unconvincing, says one reviewer)Graeme Skinner, Peter Sculthorpe: The Making of an Australian Composer. UNSW Press, 2007, 752pp.
Terri Irwin, My Steve. Simon and Schuster, 2007, 271pp. (From the widow of Australian crocodile hunter Steve Irwin, who was killed by a stingray barb)
Zdzislaw Najder, Joseph Conrad. Camden House, 2007, 808pp.
Graham Lord, Joan Collins, The Biography of an Icon. Orion, 2007, 389pp.
John Worthen, The Life and Death of Robert Schumann. Yale University Press, 2007, 384pp.
Richard Greene, (Ed.), Graham Greene: A Life In Letters. Little, Brown, 2007, 480pp.
John Stape, The Several Lives of Joseph Conrad. Heinemann, 2007, 372pp.
Barry Day, (Ed.), Letters of Noel Coward. Methuen, 2008, 782pp.
Julie Kavanagh, Rudolf Nureyev. Fig Tree, 2008, 787pp.
Nana Mouskouri: Memoirs. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2007-2008, 389pp.
Steve Martin, Born Standing Up. New York Media, 2007. (Memoirs of the American comedian)
James Robert Parish, It's Good to Be the King: The Seriously Funny Life of Mel Brooks. Wiley, 2007, 325pp.
Tony Curtis with Peter Golenbock, American Prince: My Autobiography. Virgin Books, 2008.
Caitlin Thomas, My Life with Dylan Thomas: Double Drink Story. Virago, 2008, 174pp. (Reprint of the book published in 1997)
Nancy Pearl, More Book Lust: Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment and Reason. Sasquatch Books, 2005, 286pp.
Richard Ingrams, Muggeridge: The Biography. HarperCollins, 1996, 266pp. (On British journalist Malcolm Muggeridge, who eg., greatly admired Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
Lauren Bacall, By Myself and Then Some. 2004-2005. Autobiography.`
Meredith Daneman, Margot Fonteyn. Viking, 2004, 654pp.
Jack Lynch, (Ed.), Samuel Johnson's Dictionary: Selection from the 1755 work that defined the English language. Atlantic, 2005, 646pp.
John Humphreys, Lost For Words: The Mangling and Manipulating of the English Language. Hodder and Stoughton, 334pp.
Nikolai Tolstoy, Patrick O'Brian: The Making of the Novelist. Century, 2005,511pp.
Charles Nicholl, Leonardo da Vinci: The Flights of the Mind. Allen Lane, 2005,623pp.
Jeffrey Meyers, Orwell: Wintry Conscience of a Generation. Norton-Wiley, 2000, 380pp.
Edward Douglas, Jack: The Great Seducer: The Life and Many Loves of Jack Nicholson. HarperCollins, 2004, 438pp.
Juliet Barker, Wordsworth: A Life. Viking, 2001, 971pp.
Cammy Brothers, How Michelangelo Discovered his Manner: Michelangelo, Drawing and The Invention of Architecture. Yale University Press, 2008, 259pp.
George Whaley, Leo Rumpole McKern: The Accidental Actor. New South, 2008, 304pp.
Brian J. Robb, Heath Ledger. Hardie Grant, 2008, 207pp. (Rather a cut-and-paste job, one reviewer thought)
Jill Roe, Stella Miles Franklin. Fourth Estate, 2008, 709pp.
Anna Bemrose, Robert Helpmann: A Servant of Art. University of Queensland Press, 2008, 402pp.
David Lebedoff, The Same Man: George Orwell and Evelyn Waugh in Love and War. Scribe, 2008, 264pp.
John Coldstream, (Ed.), Ever, Dirk: The Bogarde Letters. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2008, 531pp.
Norman and Jeanne Mackenzie (Eds), The Diary of Beatrice Webb: Vol. 2, 1892-1905. All The Good Things of Life. Virago, 1984.
Bill Zehme, Lost In the Funhouse: The Life and Mind of Andy Kaufman. Fourth Estate, 2000. (The short, strange life of a comedian who went beyond the joke)
Stephen King (the horror writer), On Writing. Hodder and Stoughton, 2000. (King remarks, “Most books about writing are filled with bullshit.” Reviewer happily remarks that King's book is not.)
Michael Parkinson, Parky. Hodder and Stoughton, 2008, 384pp. (Autobiography by the popular UK TV presenter)
Jackie Wulschlager, Chagall: Life, Art, Exile. Allen Lane, 2008, 582pp.
Gerald Martin, Gabriel Garcia Marquez: A Life. Bloomsbury, 2008, 644pp.
Leonie Kramer, (Ed.), Poetry Australia: 80th Issue, on David Campbell. South Head Press, 1982, 71pp. (On Australian poet David Campbell)
Richard Layman, Shadow Man: The Life of Dashiel Hammett. Junction Books, 1982, 285pp.
Erik Lee Preminger, Gypsy and Me: At home and on the road with Gypsy Rose Lee. Andre Deutsch, 1985, 277pp.
Herbert R. Lottman, The Left Bank: Writers, Artists and Politics From The Popular Front To The Cold War. Houghton Mifflin, 1982, 319pp.
Isaac Bashevis Singer, Love And Exile: The Early Years: A Memoir. Jonathan Cape, early 1980s. Christopher Sykes, Evelyn Waugh. Collins, 1975. (On ¨a man who didn´t like his fellows¨)
Annette Kuhn, Women Pictures: Feminism and Cinema. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982, 226pp.
Frederick Raphael, Byron. Thames and Hudson, 1983, 224pp.
Leslie A. Marchand, Lord Byron: Selected Letters and Journals. John Murray, 1983, 404pp.
W. B. Yeats, Memoirs. Macmillan, 1973.
Richard Perceval Graves, A. A Housman: The Scholar-Poet. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980.
William H. Pritchard, Lives Of The Modern Poets. Oxford University Press, 1892.
Ronald Hayman, Kafka. Oxford University Press, 1982.
Alan McCulloch, Encyclopedia of Australian Art. Hutchinson, 1984.
David Ellis, Death and the Author: How DH Lawrewnce Died And Was Remembered. Oxford University Press, 2008, 304pp.
Vincent O'Sullivan and Margaret Scott, (Ed.), The Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield, Volume 5, 1922-1923. Oxford University Press, 400pp.
Darleen Bungey, Arthur Boyd: A Life. Allen and Unwin, 2007, 576pp. (A life of one of Australia's greatest painters
Blake Bailey, Cheever: A Life. Picador, 2009, 770pp.
Daniel Borman et al, Film: A World History. Hardie Grant, 2009, 480pp.
Larry King, My Remarkable Journey. Murdoch Books, 2009, 294pp. (A life of one of the USA's most influential TV journalists)
Laura Thompson, Agatha Christie: An English Mystery. Headline Review, 2008, 534pp.
Christopher Reid, Letters of Ted Hughes. Faber and Faber, 2009, 800pp.
Jonathan Carr, The Wagner Clan. Faber, 2008, 409pp. (On the family of composer Richard Wagner)
Charlotte Mosley, The Mitfords: Letters Between Six Sisters. HarperCollins, 2008, 834pp.
Larry Buttrose, Dead Famous: Deaths of the Famous and Famous Deaths. New Holland, 2008, 303pp. (Morbidly fascinating)
Valerie Grove, A Voyage Around John Mortimer. Viking, 2007-2008, 542pp.
Eileen Considine-Meara, At Home With Kate: Growing Up in Katherine Hepburn's Household. Wiley, 2007, 230pp.
William J. Mann, Kate: The Woman Who Was Katherine Hepburn. Faber, 2007, 621pp.
Pierre Assouline, Henri Cartier-Bresson. Thames and Hudson, 2007, 280pp.
Michael Palin, Diaries 1969-1979: The Python Years. Phoenix, 2007, 721pp.
Alberto Manguel, Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey: A Biography. Allen and Unwin, 2007, 285pp. (On the long-term influences of Homer's poetry on literature and history)
Tim Heald, Princess Margaret. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2007, 346pp.
Jill Fields, An Intimate Affair: Women, Lingerie and Sexuality. University of California Press, 2007, 392pp.
Simon Louvish, Chaplin: The Tramp's Odyssey. Faber, 2009, 320pp. (Praised for its treatment of the great comedian as a filmaker. Chaplin himself apparently had no sense of humour.)
Kristin Williamson, David Williamson: Behind The Scenes. Viking, 2009, 546pp. (By the wife of a foremost Australian playwright)
Sean Connery and Murray Grigor, Being a Scot. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2008, 312pp. (A kind of nationalistic autobiography from the noted actor)
Edna O'Brien, Byron in Love. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2009, 248pp.
Daphne du Maurier, Golden Lads: a study of Anthony Bacon, Francis and their friends. Virago, 2007, 338pp, first pub in 1975. (From the author who believes that Francis Bacon wrote most of Shakespeare)
A. David Moody, Ezra Pound: Poet Volome One: The Young Genius 1885-1920. Oxford University Press, 2008, 507pp. (Reviewer remarks on Pound's "rebarbative" personality streak, meaning, repellent in a quite offputting way, not a good way for a poet to be, more so if later becoming a broadcaster for Mussolin's fascist Italy, whether Pound had earlier edited T. S. Eliot's The Wasteland, well, or not).
David Stratton, (well-known Australian TV film critic), I Peed on Fellini. William Heinemann, 2008. (Confessions of a film critic who knows his film onions and despite now wearing a grey beard has not yet tamed his inner film nerd)
Anna Beer, Milton: Poet, Pamphleteer and Patriot. Bloomsbury, 2008, 458pp. //
Julian Bell, Mirror of the World: A New History of Art. Thames and Hudson, 2008, 496pp. //
Charles Allen, Kipling Sahib: India and the Making of Rudyard Kipling. Little, Brown, 2008, 426pp.
Caryl Flinn, Brass Diva. University of California Press, 2008, 542pp. (Life of Broadway musical star, Ethel Merman)
Peter Biskind, Star: The Life and Wild Times of Warren Beatty. Simon and Schuster, 2010, 640pp.
Antonia Fraser, Must you Go? My Life With Harold Pinter. Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 2010, 360pp.
William J. Mann, How to be a Movie Star: Elizabth Taylor in Hollywood. Faber and Faber, 2009, 484pp.
Dennis Altman, Gore Vidal's America. Polity Press, 2006, 216pp. (Monstrous ego of a major man of American letters)
Deborah Davis, The Party of the Century: The Fabulous Story of Truman Capote and His Black and White Ball. Wiley, 2006, 293pp.
Lyndall Gordon, Virginia Woolf
. WW Norton, 2006, 342pp.Kieron Corless and Chris Darke, Cannes: Inside the World's Premier Film Festival. Faber, 2007, 336pp.
Roland Kelts, Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture Has Invaded The US. Palgrave,. 2007, 238pp.
Juliet Barker, Wordsworth: A Life. Viking, 2000. 971pp.
Below are items still uncollected
Ed Glinert, West End Chronicles: 300 Years of Glamour and Excess in the Heart of London. Penguin, no details.
Janet Malcolm, Two Lives: Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas. Melbourne University Press, 2007, 220pp.
Bill Bryson, Shakespeare: The World as Stage. Harper Press, 2007.
Bruce Beresford (Australian movie director), Josh Hartnett Definitely Wants To Do This: True Stories From A Life In The Screen Trade. Fourth Estate, 2007, 325pp. (Autobiography)
Germaine Greer, Shakespeare's Wife. Bloomsbury, 2007, 406pp. (Unconvincing, says one reviewer)
Kitty Kelley, Oprah. Allen and Unwin, 2010, 524pp.
Lyndall Gordon, Lives Like Loaded Guns: Emily Dickinson and Her Family's Feuds. Virago, 2010, 512pp.
Antonia Fraser, Must You Go? My Life With Harold Pinter. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2010, 328pp.
Oliver Hilmes, Cosima Wagner: The Lady of Bayreuth. Yale University Press, 2010, 366pp.
Steven Moore, The Novel: An Alternative History. Continuum, 2010, 698pp.
Kathie Sutherland, Bretty Whiteley: A Sensual Line 1957-1967. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 342pp.
Wendy Moffat, E. M. Forster: A New Life. Bloomsbury, 2010, 404pp.
Dwayne Raymond, Mornings with Mailer. Harper Perennial, 2010, 352pp. (Memoir from a writer who was mentored by US writer Norman Mailer)
Cesare Pavese, American Literature. Transaction Books, 2010, 219pp.
Andrew McConnell Stott, The Pantomime Life of Joseph Grimaldi. Canongate Books, 2010, 433pp. (Life of the clown who re-invented comedy in eighteenth century Britain)
Joseph Frank, Dostoevsky: A Writer In His Time. Princeton University Press, 2010, 959pp.
Patricia Anderson, Robert Hughes: The Australian Years. Pandora Press, 2010, 345pp.
Paula Byrne, Mad World: Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Brideshead. HarperCollins, 2010, 368pp.
Greil Marcus and Werner Sollors, A New Literary History of America. Harvard/Belknap, 2010, 1095pp. (One critic think this book over-values witness over performance)
Sally Morrison, After Fire. Hardie Grant, 2010, 592pp. (On artist and nature lover, Clifton Pugh)
Steven Watts, Mr. Playboy. John Wiley and Sons. 2009, 529pp. (On Hugh Hefner, publisher of the famous Playboy magazine)
Stefan Kanfer, Somebody: The Reckless Life and Remarkable Career of Marlon Brando. Alfred A. Knopf, 2009, 350pp.
Jackie Wullschalger, Chagall: Love and Exile. Allen Lane, 2009, 608pp.
Paul Morand, The Allure of Chanel. (Translated by Euan Cameron). Pushkin Press, 2009, 184pp. (On iconic fashionista Coco (Gabriella Bonheur) Chanel)
Christopher Bigsby, Arthur Miller. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2009, 739pp. (On the famed US playwright).
Simon Winchester, The Alice Behind Wonderland. Oxford University Press, 2011, 110pp. (On Revd. Charles Dodgson/Lewis Carroll, creator of Alice in Wonderland)
Suzanne Falkiner, The Imago: E. L. Grant Watson and Australia. UWA Publishing, 2011, 502pp. (On a neglected English novelist (Elliot Lovegood Grant Watson, died 1970 aged 85) who anticipated many of the Australian literary themes later outlined by Patrick White, Randolph Stow and others)
Alan Jacobs, (Ed.), The Age of Anxiety: A Baroque Eclogue. By W. H. Auden. Princeton University Press, 2011, 144pp.
Brian Walker, Doonesbury and the Art of G. B. Trudeau. Yale University Press, 2011, 261pp. (On America's "comic strip of record")
Elizabeth Donaldson, William Dobell. Exisle (sic) Publishing, 2011, 208pp.
Donald Sturrock, Storyteller: The Life of Roald Dahl. HarperPress, 2010, 655pp.
Michael Caine, The Elephant to Hollywood. Hodder and Stoughton, 2010, 406pp.
John Carey, William Golding: The Man Who Wrote Lord Of The Flies. Faber and Faber, 2009, 400pp.
Lyndall Gordon, Lives Like Loaded Guns: Emily Dickinson and her Family's Feuds. Virago, 2010, 491pp.
Ralph Steadman, The Joke's Over: Memories of Hunter S. Thompson. No details, 2006. (Life of the USA's famous gonzo journalist)
Wendy Cook, So Farewell Then: The Untold Life of Peter Cook. No details, 2006. (Lowdown on the life of the famous British comedian by his first wife)
Clive James, North Face of Soho. No details, 2006.
Gore Vidal, Point to Point Navigation. No details, 2006. (Autobiography by a man with views worth writing about)
Robert Crawford, The Bard: Robert Burns, A Biography. Jonathan Cape, 2009, 466pp. Plus, Patrick Scott Hogg, Robert Burns: A Biography. Mainstream Publishing, 2009, 368pp.
John Mullan, Anonymity: A Secret History of English Literature. Faber, 2008, 374pp.
Norma Farnes, Memories of Milligan. Fourth Estate, 2010, 259pp. (Life of the beloved comedian by his manager)
Ranjit Bolt, The Art of Translation. Oberon Books, 2011, 60pp. (A good argument for revaluing the literary translator, says a reviewer)
Kathryn Lofton, Oprah: The Gospel of an Icon. University of California Press, 2011, 288pp.
Stefan Kanfer, Tough Without A Gun: The Extraordinary Life of Humphrey Bogart. Faber, 2011, 289pp.
Rosamund Bartlett, Tolstoy: A Russian Life. Profile Books, 2011, 544pp.
these domain stats begun 18 December 2005